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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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Hi all,

I don't think anyone on this board is even close to my specialization, but many applied to the same schools and I figured I would reveal myself (after being an anonymous lurker). I can offer some information I gathered from my pre-application "interviews" with faculty.

UCLA - only taking fully funded students this year, which means less acceptances, and an end to the stabbing your entire cohort in the back method of education (hopefully), decisions coming very soon

Pton - taking somewhere around 23 students

Toronto - only accepts a handful of international students, which includes American students... currently expecting to take aprox. 5

1. Isn't 23 around their usual #?

2. Any sort of timeline?

3. How are US students int'l students?

4. Is canada declaring war on us?

5. I hope these questions haven't been asked & answered elsewhere

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guys, i got an email from a POI at UCLA that i'm obsessing over. not getting too excited yet but, ohh, i hope you're right about it being soon, Roxelana!

meanwhile, have any of you guys been in touch with your POIs in recent weeks? for me it feels weird that in november i was talking to POIs fairly often in person, on the phone, or over email, but since then it's mostly been silent. it freaks me out even though it makes sense. i just keep thinking "hey guys, remember me!?! over here! yeah!"

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have any of you guys been in touch with your POIs in recent weeks?

For decisions like this one, I follow the "what good can come from it?" analysis. I just feel (purely instinctively) that the annoyance, harrassment, and faux paux factor significantly outweighs any hope for a "radar-reminder" factor...

Also, the sages in this forum are stressing patience and restraint...

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I have no intentions of actually initiating conversations with any of them. I know that that would be purely annoying from their perspectives. It's that kind of feeling in the pit of my stomach that whispers, "Someones talking about you!" Eep!

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Hey, congrats to whoever got in at Illinois-UC!!!

Another school I'm applying to that has sent out some kind of response (I don't care if it is rejection or acceptance). Not my sub-field, but still...my inbox remains woefully empty. :(

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Another school I'm applying to that has sent out some kind of response (I don't care if it is rejection or acceptance). Not my sub-field, but still...my inbox remains woefully empty. :(

This is my sub-field, though its the first school I've applied to with word of an actual decision (I guess, the results board does show one acceptance for UNC-CH from 2 weeks ago)...my inbox is woefully empty...is my email like fire-walled from accepting emails from other .edus??


woefully empty...let me re-fresh one more time...nope, nothing!?!

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Congrats to everyone who's already received good news and good luck to those who are still waiting (like me)! For those of you applying to Ohio State I figured I'd put this out there. It's a link to a huge PDF that describes their fellowship criteria, GRE and GPA requirements, number of nominations allowed, etc. On page 33 of the document there is a nomination calender with dates!


Also, I've lurked here a lot and occasionally chimed in, but I've never properly introduced myself. So hello! Btw, my field is medieval Central Asian History so I'm applying to some Middle East/Islamic programs and some World History programs as well.

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This is my sub-field, though its the first school I've applied to with word of an actual decision (I guess, the results board does show one acceptance for UNC-CH from 2 weeks ago)...my inbox is woefully empty...is my email like fire-walled from accepting emails from other .edus??


woefully empty...let me re-fresh one more time...nope, nothing!?!

That's what I was thinking- is my email not working? Just like when you wait by the phone for a call and you pick up the receiver (okay, I'm dating myself here I realize) to check to see that there is a dial tone. :/

I try to console myself and say, hey, Stanford sent out a rejection (sorry to whomever that went to), so at least you didn't get the first rejection letter! <_<

*sigh* Is it too early to drink? :P:unsure:

Edited by A Finicky Bean
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Also, I just overheard the dept. chair at my MA school (I'm adjuncting this semester) nearly blow her top when the dept. secretary asked her about the status of a LOR for student trying to get into law school...after announcing in a very curt (yet polite) way that she did not have the time to deal with this stuff right now, she closed her office door...first time I've seen it closed in two years...

Moral of the story: Caveat emptor to all those who are calling to inquire/follow up with prospective departments...I suppose we are not the only group under pressure at the moment (as SL mentioned yesterday)...


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Wow, you are one heck of a sleuth.

Anyone feeling little giddy that the History department is the top humanities department at OSU? :D (scroll down a few more pages)

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Congrats Kelkel! So excited for you!!!

So, I just talked with Hopkins. Apparently they've emailed people who made specific inquiries (don't know what that means) and the rest of us have to wait for snail mail, which should be arriving within the next 5-7 business days.

Specific Inquiries? I'm with you- what does that even mean?!! It is a tad confusing. So I guess they didn't only e-mail those who got accepted yesterday? That was my foremost concern. Is there still hope for the rest of us nerds who haven't heard yet?! :P

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Congrats Kelkel and others.

Tigalily - Thanks for the info. Interesting stuff, though the way I read it, I don't quite meet the criteria for a University Fellowship (my quant GRE is 10 percentile points too low, I think). Also looks like we may not be hearing from OSU for quite a while, though that was expected to be honest.

My quant is low too but one section explained that out of 21 nominations they are allowed to propose 11 waivers of the GRE or GPA requirement if the rest of the application is strong. I'm not sure how often they actually give waivers but it's keeping hope alive for me at this point.

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Yeah, you could call and try to find out, but I didn't want to press on it. I got the impression, at least, that they hadn't just sent out all the acceptances via email and that not only disappointment waited in envelopes. I also called the history department at Harvard, and was told that they're in the process of finishing up decisions and that we should know within the next couple weeks.

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