kolja00 Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 Congrats, Ironheel!, on the Oregon acceptance! So, how's everyone feeling about where they're headed? Anyone else upset by the prospect of turning down a school that admitted you? It'd be one thing if I got to just reject all those that rejected me...but I'm not sure that's how it works... I have no clue where I want to go yet, especially given my potential waitlist options. It is going to be a long 2 months of pro/con lists and research. I was pretty sad turning down Madison the other day because I absolutely love their program and the town itself.
Snow Fox Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 Well, the idea is that doing a master's program is supposed to improve one's competitiveness and therefore lead to more success in reapplication. I am an international student applying straight from undergrad, so doing master's would give me an opportunity to get LORs from poli sci professors who actually publish in English, enroll in research methods courses, produce a better writing sample and possibly a more focused SOP. Some of the programs that rejected me were a great fit with my interests, so I feel like I should try to get into them if I can. I am afraid, however, that (seeing how random the process can be) I may not have better luck reapplying after master's. I think I am just very confused about the whole thing at the moment. Speaking as someone who is only a few weeks away from finishing their M.A., having one in my arsenal certainly gave me more confidence to apply for several tip-top programs. That being said, as we can see in my rejection scorecard, I haven't been accepted to any PhD programs yet either XD While there are certainly a bunch of things that we have control over that can be tweaked/improved to help with application competitiveness (M.A.'s, high GRE's/GPA, research experience, publications, etc), there's also a bunch of things we have zero power over. This includes who will be on the ad-com (and what application aspects they will value over other components), what advisers are free to take on more students, available funding for taking on new crops of PhD students that could change from year to year (There was a History program, I think at Madison, that so many accepted students actually took their offers on that they just couldn't take any new PhD students the next cycle), as well as numerous other situations. I didn't apply to Cornell myself (not a good fit for me), but it's certainly a very strong program to get into during a very competitive season - and there's no way to tell if next season won't be even more competitive XD
iwouldpreferanonymity Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 Congrats, Ironheel!, on the Oregon acceptance! So, how's everyone feeling about where they're headed? Anyone else upset by the prospect of turning down a school that admitted you? It'd be one thing if I got to just reject all those that rejected me...but I'm not sure that's how it works... I too am upset about turning schools down, and I do worry about regretting my choice. My decision likely pends on the result of a fellowship. If I am awarded it, the choice will be simple. If not, then not. Since I have no idea when I will hear the results, I could be undecided for some time.
saltlakecity2012 Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 I'm hoping they're still trying to decide... just got my rejection from caltech. berkeley is the only one i have left outstanding and my cycle is complete Sorry about caltech. The Berkeley situation is very weird - if they're really trying to decide on all three of us still, there are presumably a few others out there - but the three of us are in very different fields, so either they have remaining spots in each of our subfields, or they've scrapped the subfield quota approach and the members of the admissions committee are trying to decide if any of us would make "good Berkeley students". Very weird. Perhaps they've resorted to coin tosses or dart-throwing... but no, then they would have been done already... Sigh. WorldMan and AuldReekie 1 1
Max Power Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Well, the idea is that doing a master's program is supposed to improve one's competitiveness and therefore lead to more success in reapplication. I am an international student applying straight from undergrad, so doing master's would give me an opportunity to get LORs from poli sci professors who actually publish in English, enroll in research methods courses, produce a better writing sample and possibly a more focused SOP. Some of the programs that rejected me were a great fit with my interests, so I feel like I should try to get into them if I can. I am afraid, however, that (seeing how random the process can be) I may not have better luck reapplying after master's. I think I am just very confused about the whole thing at the moment. in your position, i would certainly take the funded offer. unfunded MA programs are expensive and you have an offer of funding at a strong department. the worst case scenario is that you get there and it turns out to be the wrong place for you. in that case, transferring is an option. the more likely scenario is that you'll like it. either way, you'll be ahead by a year and over $60k ($40k tuition plus another $20k for rent, food and other living costs) compared to doing an MA. iwouldpreferanonymity and Ironheel!! 2
amblingnymph Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 I skimmed through the vast amount of posts here (congrats on the acceptances, everyone!), and felt compelled to contribute. Thus far, I got accepted to University of Delaware (funded TA for the first year, renewable), SUNY-Binghamton, CUNY, and FIU (I expect to hear about funding next week). I also applied to Rutgers, Boston U, Boston College, American U, Brown and Columbia. Honestly, I was surprised to get the acceptances! I'm just way ecstatic at the moment. I just wish that the colleges that accepted me would hurry about telling me how much they'd fund me...I can deal with not being accepted to the rest. amblingnymph and iwouldpreferanonymity 2
RWBG Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 So, how's everyone feeling about where they're headed? Anyone else upset by the prospect of turning down a school that admitted you? It'd be one thing if I got to just reject all those that rejected me...but I'm not sure that's how it works... I'm definitely not relishing turning down three of the schools that admitted me, given that they all have serious strengths that I would miss out by not going there. I'm feeling good about the schools I might go to, but I'm also kind of intimidated by the cohorts I'd be working with!
shibalover Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Anyone claiming the Rutgers admits? It's me. Email from Eric Davis with admission and funding info.
McCarthy Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 I skimmed through the vast amount of posts here (congrats on the acceptances, everyone!), and felt compelled to contribute. Thus far, I got accepted to University of Delaware (funded TA for the first year, renewable), SUNY-Binghamton, CUNY, and FIU (I expect to hear about funding next week). I also applied to Rutgers, Boston U, Boston College, American U, Brown and Columbia. Honestly, I was surprised to get the acceptances! I'm just way ecstatic at the moment. I just wish that the colleges that accepted me would hurry about telling me how much they'd fund me...I can deal with not being accepted to the rest. Did Delaware email you or call? I applied as well, and haven't heard anything.
amblingnymph Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Did Delaware email you or call? I applied as well, and haven't heard anything. I got an email from the Director first, then an email saying my profile was updated on the application website.
McCarthy Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 I got an email from the Director first, then an email saying my profile was updated on the application website. Thanks, Congrats on getting in by the way!
amblingnymph Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Thanks, Congrats on getting in by the way! Thank you!
bctheory Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Well that ends my cycle, very nice rejection letters by both Princeton and Caltech. But I'm happy about the options I do have and I sincerely wish the best of luck to everyone
Jwnich1 Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Congrats, Ironheel!, on the Oregon acceptance! So, how's everyone feeling about where they're headed? Anyone else upset by the prospect of turning down a school that admitted you? It'd be one thing if I got to just reject all those that rejected me...but I'm not sure that's how it works... I want to add my congrats as well to Ironheel!! - It's far too long in coming! @ Whirlibird - I am pretty upset at having to turn down one of the two schools that tied for "dream school" status when I was applying. I never once imagined I would need to choose between the two. (I could just barely imagine being accepted by one, let alone both) Just when I think I've pretty much made up my mind, a little niggling thought blows the choice wide open again. I am going to have to visit and keep my mind open and decide on merits, but ultimately turning one of them down will give me fits. Don't get me wrong, I see myself as truly blessed to be in this situation, and I will forever be thankful for all of the support I've received, especially here! Justin
Ironheel!! Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 I want to add my congrats as well to Ironheel!! - It's far too long in coming! @ Whirlibird - I am pretty upset at having to turn down one of the two schools that tied for "dream school" status when I was applying. I never once imagined I would need to choose between the two. (I could just barely imagine being accepted by one, let alone both) Just when I think I've pretty much made up my mind, a little niggling thought blows the choice wide open again. I am going to have to visit and keep my mind open and decide on merits, but ultimately turning one of them down will give me fits. Don't get me wrong, I see myself as truly blessed to be in this situation, and I will forever be thankful for all of the support I've received, especially here! Justin Thanks! I'm hoping to respond to Whirli in a few weeks (I'd like to have option too!). Good luck with the final decision!
Clean_Tech_Student Posted February 25, 2012 Posted February 25, 2012 Have there been any notifications on the Public Policy PhD program at the Kennedy School?
expfcwintergreen Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 Very happy to be able to claim U. Oregon! My first acceptance, such a relief to know I'll be pursuing my phd somewhere in the fall, a nice thought indeed. Congratulations! I think I'm in as well - I checked my online status when I saw your post, and it says department recommendation - admitted, graduate school action - pending. No email or letter, though - how did they notify you?
McCarthy Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 Congratulations! I think I'm in as well - I checked my online status when I saw your post, and it says department recommendation - admitted, graduate school action - pending. No email or letter, though - how did they notify you? I apologize, I must have forgotten to reply. Congratulations to the both of you. I was rejected from Oregon, which is too bad. However, I'm sure they'll get fantastic scholars in the both of you.
whirlibird Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 DUDE what HAPPENED to this forum?! It's like we all turned into snails! I don't know if I've ever seen it this slow for so long. I know some of us are wrapping up cycles, people, but where's your HEART?! This message brought to you by a concerned bird. cunninlynguist 1
Adornopolisci2012 Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 I'm still here bird. And it looks like i'll be hanging around until April at least. Good to see you're not free-riding on the cathartic vibes promoted by this once robust community, not saying that anyone else is either, but I suspect there is a tendency to abandon this site once you've found a suitable offer and can begin other healthy obsessions. Where did you decide on by the way? I remember you posting about narrowing things down a little earlier. Adornopolisci2012 1
Ironheel!! Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 Congratulations! I think I'm in as well - I checked my online status when I saw your post, and it says department recommendation - admitted, graduate school action - pending. No email or letter, though - how did they notify you? Congrats! I found out via email, I believe letters are in the mail. Whats your subfield?? Also, congrats on Ptt and Davis, you have some nice choices!
Ironheel!! Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 I'm still here bird. And it looks like i'll be hanging around until April at least. Good to see you're not free-riding on the cathartic vibes promoted by this once robust community, not saying that anyone else is either, but I suspect there is a tendency to abandon this site once you've found a suitable offer and can begin other healthy obsessions. Where did you decide on by the way? I remember you posting about narrowing things down a little earlier. We're both getting into Umass this week! But true, I'll most likely be here until April, I feel a waitlist or two in my future this week...
CafeAuLait12 Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 DUDE what HAPPENED to this forum?! It's like we all turned into snails! I don't know if I've ever seen it this slow for so long. I know some of us are wrapping up cycles, people, but where's your HEART?! This message brought to you by a concerned bird. I shall be hanging around also. My cycle is essentially done, and I am extremely pleased with the schools that I have been accepted to. But I enjoy the community and comraderie here! It's my turn to support those who supported me! Therefore, I'll be around for the long haul.
orst11 Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 I think while it's great that so many people on this forum have heard good news, I think some of the new members here may be people applying next year and if we maintained a more active discussion it may help them when deciding next year. I just say this because I was in that boat last year. For instance, what happens if you have you choice down to two programs, but you go on campus visits and you hate them both? I know location should only play a minor role in this process, but like many have noted your productivity will typically be better if you are happy where you are at. I think it would be beneficial to hear about what people like and dislike about a program after visiting. It may help out the people next year. For me, I actually visited before applying but this may not be an option for everyone, and they may have to wait until visit days. Truthfully, it's only the end of February and a lot of us have some time to look at the program's with a different perspective now. Plus, many programs are not even done with decisions. While some of them may not be top programs, some of them definitely are good programs to say the least. orst11 1
iwouldpreferanonymity Posted February 26, 2012 Posted February 26, 2012 DUDE what HAPPENED to this forum?! It's like we all turned into snails! I don't know if I've ever seen it this slow for so long. I know some of us are wrapping up cycles, people, but where's your HEART?! This message brought to you by a concerned bird. I too will still be around, birdy. I am rather interested in where everyone decides to go. The lot of you are, after all, my future colleagues in the profession.
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