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@cathaea: You're probably correct. My understanding is that SSHRC has a quota for each year of the PhD, meaning that 1st years only compete with other 1st years, while 4th years only compete against each other.

That would make sense and would explain why 4th year SSHRCs might require more evidence of conferences/pubs (bc they're competing against other 4th years who do).

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Does this imply that even at the level of the national competition, academic excellence still plays 60% of the decision making process? that, so to speak, the entire process takes place from the ground up with the A-list?

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Does this imply that even at the level of the national competition, academic excellence still plays 60% of the decision making process? that, so to speak, the entire process takes place from the ground up with the A-list?

That criteria is only used for the Masters SSHRC competition.

But yes, I believe they re-evaluate every application from scratch and then re-rank them.

I hope this answers your question :)

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Aimless....speculation. Wait for your letter. Try to relax.

Seriously. Tensions are running high, but it's out of our hands now and all we can do is wait for the letters to arrive. Trying to guess what SSHRC does or doesn't want isn't going to change what we've already put in our applications.

Let's focus on productive things. You know, like raging at SSHRC for not mailing the letters NOW NOW NOW. RAAAGH! CAPS LOCK!

Edited by Compoe
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Seriously. Tensions are running high, but it's out of our hands now and all we can do is wait for the letters to arrive. Trying to guess what SSHRC does or doesn't want isn't going to change what we've already put in our applications.

Let's focus on productive things. You know, like raging at SSHRC for not mailing the letters NOW NOW NOW.

Yes, let's all bombard SSHRC with calls and emails today :)

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Yes, let's all bombard SSHRC with calls and emails today :)

Somehow, I suspect that would only make them hold onto the letters even longer. Never give a child what they want when they're having a tantrum, you know?

"You'll get your letters when you learn to wait your turn."

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Seriously. Tensions are running high, but it's out of our hands now and all we can do is wait for the letters to arrive. Trying to guess what SSHRC does or doesn't want isn't going to change what we've already put in our applications.

Let's focus on productive things. You know, like raging at SSHRC for not mailing the letters NOW NOW NOW. RAAAGH! CAPS LOCK!

Can we also rage at them for not emailing the results instead of mailing?

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This is an interesting link for any one who wants to get inside the head of a SSHRC reviewer...


Enjoy :)...but don't let it make you ANY more nervous because it is all over with and we have no control over our results!

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This is an interesting link for any one who wants to get inside the head of a SSHRC reviewer...


Enjoy :)...but don't let it make you ANY more nervous because it is all over with and we have no control over our results!

Thank you DMMS18 for that presentation link. It will be helpful to share with my colleagues that are prepping their 2012/2013 SSHRC submissions.

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This is an interesting link for any one who wants to get inside the head of a SSHRC reviewer...


Enjoy :)...but don't let it make you ANY more nervous because it is all over with and we have no control over our results!

Thank you for posting this! I thought it was helpful to get advice "in the first person". And even if we cant change the application this time around, these things are always helpful if we have to try again (gulp).

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This is cruel. I would so much rather that SSHRC had waited until Monday to say "We mailed your results last Friday!" then having to sit through a weekend of uncertainty.

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This is cruel. I would so much rather that SSHRC had waited until Monday to say "We mailed your results last Friday!" then having to sit through a weekend of uncertainty.

And if they'd mailed them on Monday, then some people would have wished that the letters had been sent as soon as they were ready - which was apparently today.

SSHRC just can't win. :(

Well, unless they gave awards to all applicants along with complimentary boxes of chocolate.*

*: If you're reading this, SSHRC, I'm willing to negotiate on the specific number of chocolates per box. Call me.

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And if they'd mailed them on Monday, then some people would have wished that the letters had been sent as soon as they were ready - which was apparently today.

SSHRC just can't win. :(

Well, unless they gave awards to all applicants along with complimentary boxes of chocolate.*

*: If you're reading this, SSHRC, I'm willing to negotiate on the specific number of chocolates per box. Call me.

Ha, this is true. A Psych doctoral candidate could have a lot of fun with students' responses to these kinds of national scholarship competitions.

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