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NSERC 2012-2013


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For those of you who are interested, this is the guy we are talking about who tweeted abt the NSERC CGS..


This guy is too strong. go and see his CV. I think he will also win Vanier without any difficulities

He also won a CGS D3 NSERC for award years of 2011-2014. This would be 2012-2015.

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He says he has CGS3d from 2011 to 2014!!! I think CGS3D should go from 2012 to 2015.

Yeah!! Thats the thing I have been wondering..:P First I thought he maybe considering his CGS-M as the first year but he did his Master in 2008 (dont knw whether he started or finished in 2008).. Now this gets more interesting but for sure I agree that he deserves CGS-D3!

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I think he used to have a PGS and it turned into a CGS ! Because I checked his cv before and it was mentioned that he had a PGS.

Anyway, I ain't really impressed by his CV, cuz if you check his 2007 publications for example, it feels it all turn around Punchscan ( something I don't know , but it feels the same work for all the publications :-P ).

Some people might look really strong depending on the way they sell themselves. :-)

In addition, I don't know if they take into consideration foreign students who came to Canada as international students and then turned into PR as a special case not comparable with the canadians that were born in Canada, cuz for someone who's born in Canada the environement is totally different to get involved in the society and have extra volunteering work and such things, at least that fast !!!!

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Each examinator in NSERC take approximatively 30 minutes to read your application. Do you think he has the time to go and check each article of the candidate. I don't think so.

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Each examinator in NSERC take approximatively 30 minutes to read your application. Do you think he has the time to go and check each article of the candidate. I don't think so.

Can't you guess from the titles and the number of authors , position of authors for each candidate ? I think yes they do that at least, otherwise why would we write down our publications ?

Still, that's not the single criteria !!!! I believe that one of the most critical criteria is the proposal and its impact on the science and canadian society or strategic canadian science fields.

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And look at this publication for example :


9 people for a paper of 13 pages !!! I don't know if this is normal !

A 9 people collaborative paper is not surprising to me at all. At least in the physical sciences (and somewhat in engineering), you can find more than 10 people collaborating on a single paper quite frequently. And this is increasingly the case since interdisciplinary research is encouraged nowadays.

One the famous example is the "The D0 Collaboration" which have some hundred persons listed: click "Show All Authors/Affiliations" on http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v106/i2/e022001

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A 9 people collaborative paper is not surprising to me at all. At least in the physical sciences (and somewhat in engineering), you can find more than 10 people collaborating on a single paper quite frequently. And this is increasingly the case since interdisciplinary research is encouraged nowadays.

One the famous example is the "The D0 Collaboration" which have some hundred persons listed: click "Show All Authors/Affiliations" on http://prl.aps.org/a...v106/i2/e022001

Thank you for this thoughtful information. Specially in the area of novel materials growth, optimization and characterization research groups from different part of the world work together. This not only increase the possibility of success of the research but also reduces a lot of cost associated with the research because the groups share their resources and knowledge. In such a research work and publications it does not matter how many authors are in the paper and the position of the authors in the paper. It is the matter of importance of your research.

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NSERC Top Researchers!!!


I am from UofA as well..... I didnt hear anything until noww. I have already mailed the grad awards a few day earlier and dont want to bug them more as I am afraid they will stop answering my mail and when really required will not know...Are you a PGS/CGS-D appllicant?... Can you drop a mail to them

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I am from UofA as well..... I didnt hear anything until noww. I have already mailed the grad awards a few day earlier and dont want to bug them more as I am afraid they will stop answering my mail and when really required will not know...Are you a PGS/CGS-D appllicant?... Can you drop a mail to them

ok, i'll do it.

i applied PGS.

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A 9 people collaborative paper is not surprising to me at all. At least in the physical sciences (and somewhat in engineering), you can find more than 10 people collaborating on a single paper quite frequently. And this is increasingly the case since interdisciplinary research is encouraged nowadays.

One the famous example is the "The D0 Collaboration" which have some hundred persons listed: click "Show All Authors/Affiliations" on http://prl.aps.org/a...v106/i2/e022001

A paper of 7 pages, with 100 authors is significant for a reviewer to assign an award ? Sorry dude, but I am defintely convinced it's not the case. How can you evalute the contribution of each of these people ? I can't believe such papers can be a proof of the research potentional of someday, unless with a reference letter from an important author telling about the contribution of the referee.

PS : we're not talking about nobel prizes here, we're talking about NSERC awards ;-)

Edited by vivaldi
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A paper of 7 pages, with 100 authors is significant for a reviewer to assign an award ? Sorry dude, but I am defintely convinced it's not the case. How can you evalute the contribution of each of these people ? I can't believe such papers can be a proof of the research potentional of someday, unless with a reference letter from an important author telling about the contribution of the referee.

PS : we're not talking about nobel prizes here, we're talking about NSERC awards ;-)

You bring a good point that "significance" is the key word here. Whether 1, 10 or 100 names are on a paper, each contributor should be able to describe explicitly its own contribution. And Yes! that is significant for someone's application.

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I guess we will hear from the department by this Friday and letter to follow in the next week.

I don't thonk so. Yo will have the answer before your department.

Which university are u ?

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