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NSERC 2012-2013


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Did anyone from Ottawa get anything?

There are 70 guests lurking this forum. If one of you got your letter and doesn't make an account to let us know.....

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I'm in Ottawa -- I got nothing but an Ikea flyer in the mail today.

Thanks for letting us know. Maybe they're only sending them out today then.

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I think it's normal to not receive our letters today, for people in Montreal or Ottawa. Did you expect NSERC (the government) to be so efficient as to print and mail the letters the day after the budget was disclosed ?

Edited by tomj
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I think it's normal to not receive our letters today, for people in Montreal or Ottawa. Did you expect NSERC (the governement) to be so efficient as to print and mail the letters the day after the budget was disclosed ?

well-said, tomj!

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well-said, tomj!

I think it's normal to not receive our letters today, for people in Montreal or Ottawa. Did you expect NSERC (the government) to be so efficient as to print and mail the letters the day after the budget was disclosed ?

Well the departments should at least know?!!!!

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Well the departments should at least know?!!!!

That's the only thing I am hoping for.

But then again NSERC needs to send results to the department so that they can inform us, this is not happening either as of now.

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The reason NSERC is not answering is because they are working! Thousands of applicants, 50-100 Canadian schools and the budget was released Thrusday afternoon. I would tell my staff to ignore the phones until the letters have been sent if I were a boss.

Perhaps it is time to contact S. Harper or Elizabeth II? I check this forum for updates on the NSERC but everyday there are 5 new pages of people complaining about time and saying they are calling/emailing NSERC. Chill out, be patient, and wait. You will know ASAP. Stop bogging them down and over-posting this forum!

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The reason NSERC is not answering is because they are working! Thousands of applicants, 50-100 Canadian schools and the budget was released Thrusday afternoon. I would tell my staff to ignore the phones until the letters have been sent if I were a boss.

Perhaps it is time to contact S. Harper or Elizabeth II? I check this forum for updates on the NSERC but everyday there are 5 new pages of people complaining about time and saying they are calling/emailing NSERC. Chill out, be patient, and wait. You will know ASAP. Stop bogging them down and over-posting this forum!

I personnally never complained !! I was just talking about myself, how much am cool, special and arrogant !!!

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Vivaldi, combien de candidat Vanier vous etes a Concordia pour NSERC ? J'ai vu que le quota cette année est 6. Avez vous envoyé 6 candidature ?

Je ne suis pas sur, de toute facon je vois pas ou on va publier les resultats sur researchnet !!! y a aucune section pour ca ! peut etre qu'ils vont changer le statut de complete a rejected ou accepted ? Je sais pas la ! Mais je sais qu'une fois informe de Vanier tu dois pas publier le resultat jusqu'a ce qu'ils decident eux meme de le publier dans un genre de ceromonie a Ottawa ou un truc comme ca ! Je ne suis pas sur de toute facon !

Anyways, je sais pas combien de gens ont passe de mon universite, mais d'ou tu tires l'information de 6 ? Peux tu me donner le lien ?

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Someone in the Vanier forum that the results are now available on researchnet. I do not see anything,

Other people with vanier: Do you just have 3 headings: current activities, completed (where I see my vanier application), and inactive.

I do not see a results section anywhere...

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