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NSERC 2012-2013


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My letter says it recognizes my high level of academic achievement and strong leadership skills, so I guess it was my research that sucks? :P

same letter fo everyon ...

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Well I have asked two employers to postpone the date I can accept their offers to March 31th, I do have a one year postdoc offer but wont go to it if I dont get NSERC and prefer to go to my job offers. The only thing is the employer thinks I am crazy since I have told them I have no idea when I can reply to you anymore!!!

Ah, that makes sense. Hopefully the PDFs are prioritized, much bigger deal than the CGS/PGS.

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I was

Ah, I thought the last line might have varied. I wasn't even close in the rankings. I thought I would at least break top 100...lol.

I was 73rd and didn't get it; I wonder what the cut off was

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DO you think the departments are going to get results today?

Nope. From the people who have called, no one has reported an early week release. They all said late this week or early next.

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So did they mean via mail or department?

Since they said the individuals will be notified, I imagine that means by mail. Let's hope Montreal gets their letters by next Tuesday!

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I guess you can start your PDF until January 13, 2013.

This would be game-changing for me if true, but where did you get this information?

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Dear all, I've been following this thread avidly these last few weeks. I just wanted to let you know that the Banting results were sent to me from my department. Good luck to all with your respective awards and thank you for the play by plays! :)

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Yes, I am a PDF waiting for the results.

What do you mean 'how is going to work being at a foreign university'?

I am at a US univ. and I hope I can take the fellowship anywhere if I am awarded.

I did my BSc/PhD in Canada, and I am now down in the US. What I meant by getting it to all work out at a US university is that the Canadian ones are completely familiar with NSERC, and who cares if money comes in late - they'll know how to deal with the paperwork. For a US university however, as far as they know, they're supposed to be paying me out of a particular grant (and pay day isn't far around the corner). Anyway, I'm just not sure how they'll retroactively deal with the money, particularly since the US funds I get paid from the university are just that... US, whereas NSERC pays (from what I understand) the applicant directly, so that would be Canadian funds. Anyway - I'm just hoping this all gets sorted out prior to pay day cut-off. I've also heard of some PDFs running into trouble by accepting an NSERC, because some universities end up then considering them part-time (so they consequently lose their benefits). I haven't looked into this yet (since I don't even know if I got an award), but I'm sure it might take a couple days to get a clear answer on that. Anyway... hoping mail comes soon!!! :)

Edited by yellowtulip
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