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NSERC 2012-2013


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Guys, for PGS/CGS, there is some mistake. The real process is :

1) 2 revievers read you application, one as first reader, and the other as second reader. Each one put a mark over 100.

2) The applications that are discussed in Ottawa (in February) are only those where the 2 marks are very different

3) In this case, the first reader expose the application the other member of the comittee and the second reader approve or not. The final mark is then decided by all the members of the comitte.

PS : If one of the commitee member knows the applicant, he must leave the room during the discussion.

Edited by eliasg
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If anybody does, it'll be Ottawa.

Do you thinkd they send letter today ? I doubt.

I do not understant why grad department do not communicate results with candidate. NSERC can reduce costs of mail ...... Come on we are in 2012 !

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Thursday or next tuesday ? 99% sure that we will not receive anything tomorrow !

I expect NSERC to have sent the results of NSERC yesterday to our departments

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Well I believe concordia received them yesterday, because they decided about the internal awards competition yesterday

I dont think this 2 things are related .... Polytechnique have decide about the internal award on March 29th

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and by NSERC I mean my graduate department

Sorry to hear that, I've never won an NSERC award myself. What university and departement are you from?

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For NSERC, there is 3 categories : Accepted, rejected and waiting list . Are you on a waiting list ?

Oh so I haven't heard back from them this year yet, here's hoping!

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I have to wait for snail mail. My university didn't inform me of my CGS-M last year...so I doubt they will this year.

Maybe this year is an exception since all results were late.

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I dont think this 2 things are related .... Polytechnique have decide about the internal award on March 29th

They wouldn't assign internal awards to someone who's won NSERC

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