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Burritos have the best juju of all, even better than turkey sandwiches.

And the one I just ate was big enough to fill my yearly quota of beans. Oof, my stomach.

Thanks for the good wishes. I'm getting awfully cranky and antsy at my job because I want to leave, and I don't know if I can be hopeful about doing so or not.

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Somebody posted another acceptance for Amherst on the results page! Congratulations, whoever you are! :)

Thanks, Tonights, that was me. Best of luck to you!

Hey all,

Burritos for everyone! Quick question - do you guys have any info on Northwestern? I saw someone on the "Results" past wrote that they just returned from interview weekend. I applied there out of a combo of laziness and commitment to my SO (we live in Chi), but it's a bad match for me and I won't be too upset/surprised if it doesn't pan out. That said, I'm still curious!

My SO is also in Chicago (though I'm not at the moment), so I'm very much in the same boat. Not a great fit, not my first choice. So, solidarity! :)

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It's obvious we are all in and they're just waiting to tell us so the surprise will be that much sweeter (those anthro scamps!). Anthcat and avei and I will be cohortmates and bffs and all get matching tattoos. We may as well just get the tattoos now, to save time.

Why no, I'm not losing my mind? Why do you ask?

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It's obvious we are all in and they're just waiting to tell us so the surprise will be that much sweeter (those anthro scamps!). Anthcat and avei and I will be cohortmates and bffs and all get matching tattoos. We may as well just get the tattoos now, to save time.

Why no, I'm not losing my mind? Why do you ask?

Of course you aren't losing your mind. And the tattoos should be of burritos.

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Oh guys, I am so sorry :<

I am suffering today. Was just in a meeting and my head is so filled with stress I literally can't think straight. Wondering- why am I putting myself through this???? And why, despite my best efforts can't I find a way to cope with it more reasonably?????

Gdfgdfgdfgdfgdgdgdfgdgfdfgdfg monkey zort

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Maybe it wasn't your best chance...there could still be other acceptances coming in.

Whoever posted on the results search about Brown - "was told that 10 people have been shortlisted and already emailed; no email by 23 Feb should thus mean rejected." - not cool! I would like to be rejected by the school itself, not the internet first and then eventually the school. This makes me feel more like an afterthought, and thus makes the waiting process and rejection worse. Please only update when you actually have news of your own.

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Totally double-posting.

Hm, someone posted that Michigan is emailing today. I wonder if that's -everyone- or just accepted people or just a specific subfield.

*scritches head*

And this is why Results Search is not my friend.

miratrix- YES! Totally agreed!

Thats why I dont go on the results board people post everything and anything even if they dont actual have news

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Stay strong, Tonights! It's early in the game to be in said "deep pit" (although, admittedly, I sunk down pretty far last week). As hard as it is, we have to stay positive :)

Speaking of my desperate attempts to stay positive, does anyone have news on UNC-Chapel Hill? Someone posted on the bloody results page that they were waitlisted via email...Anyone here? Insights? It's another school that I applied to for reasons that are now fuzzy, but still.

Let's hope tomorrow and Wednesday yield more news than today, eh? Have a great night, everyone!

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Chin up, Tonights! It's their loss - and it just leaves you free to accept an offer from another great school, which will turn out to be an even better place for you in the long run!

As for the tattoos, I think they should include some other element... perhaps a turkey sandwich & a giant burrito battling to the death with light sabers?

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There's a replica Viking ship that sailed from Denmark to Ireland a couple years ago, and a lot of the crew got little red Viking ship tattoos on their forearms. I was SO envious of the experience and the tattoos both. I think perhaps there should be Vikings involved. Perhaps it could be a naval battle.

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Thats why I dont go on the results board people post everything and anything even if they dont actual have news

Further confirmed because there have been no other results posted...and I'm sure at least one of us who applied would have if we'd gotten something. Just because the grad director says it doesn't mean that the people actually doing the emailing will make it so.

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