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Notifications, anyone?


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I didn't post that on the results board but I got a rejection by Syracuse too. Kinda sux but I really wasn't looking forward to living New York

Oh, ouch. I'm sorry. Did you get yours Saturday too?

I'm trying to think positive but really not looking forward to checking my mail or email tomorrow.

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Oh, ouch. I'm sorry. Did you get yours Saturday too?

I'm trying to think positive but really not looking forward to checking my mail or email tomorrow.

Yeah it came on saturday. It was a really long letter I got which said I made it to the final round and had the test scores, grades, and everything. Pretty much it implied I lost in a coin flip is how I took the letter. But then again I wasn't to confident since my interest only marginal matched with one professor there. It was actually the ninth and last school I decided to Apply to. I am still holding out hope for one program in particular that fits me perfectly and I heard something very positive a couple days ago, but again nothing official by any means. But then again Ive only heard from two of my nine and got into one and rejected by one. I dont even know if I could of even afforded living in New York.

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Hmm... I'm really hungry, & I was just considering making some eggs & toast. Perhaps I should have turkey instead?! I could do with some good juju right about now. In addition to the waiting, which is horrific enough, my (MA thesis) advisor is leaving for nearly a month, and will only return a mere 2 weeks before the theses are due in to the grad school office. :evil: I was hoping the suckiness would be over now that last week ended.... Hopefully Monday will bring good news, or at least less suck! :roll:

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Hmm... I'm really hungry, & I was just considering making some eggs & toast. Perhaps I should have turkey instead?! I could do with some good juju right about now. In addition to the waiting, which is horrific enough, my (MA thesis) advisor is leaving for nearly a month, and will only return a mere 2 weeks before the theses are due in to the grad school office. :evil: I was hoping the suckiness would be over now that last week ended.... Hopefully Monday will bring good news, or at least less suck! :roll:

I was in the same boat (regarding my thesis advisor), but luckily I later got invited to come along...so I probably won't be able to get that much work done, but at least I can share the misery with my advisor!

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[...](I try and extract a tiny measure of comfort from the fact that the admit wasn't in my subfield, but it's not really very soothing.)

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if the different Stanford subfields notify separately. My impression is that the split is not really healed yet, so though they may have to make decisions together, they might well notify on different schedules.

I'm waiting for them too. You're not alone.

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Furthermore, I would give my right arm for a turkey sandwich and any kind of contact from a school right now. Even a rejection maybe. :roll: Because I have heard absolutely nothing from any school, even though 4 of my 9 have some kind of result posted on the search. It's like I'm slowly ceasing to exist.

Off to get oatmeal, cause it's what's for breakfast... Ugh.

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anthcat, I am in the same boat as you- I counted 4 of my outstanding schools up on the results search. I have decided to believe that we haven't heard because they're holding onto our applications while they finalize our financial offers / figure them out. Or at least, that we're waitlisted.

Oh well, it's Monday morning. Sigh.

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Someone posted that a program I applied to should be notifying this week (as they have in past years), so now I'm on edge. I don't even expect to get into that program, so I'm getting all anxious for an anticipated rejection...? I wish I knew nothing! NOTHING!

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People have posted results for three of my schools, one so far back as February 4th. *squirms*

Sometimes, it seems like it's really more stressful because we're seeing other people get results, but really I think I still feel better knowing than if I only had the blank void of my mind and the horrible pretend scenarios within.

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anthcat, I am in the same boat as you- I counted 4 of my outstanding schools up on the results search. I have decided to believe that we haven't heard because they're holding onto our applications while they finalize our financial offers / figure them out. Or at least, that we're waitlisted.

Oh well, it's Monday morning. Sigh.

I, too, hope that we were obvious choices for admittance and it'll just take a little longer to scare up the funding. But that's plenty scary in itself. All of my applications were to...well, expensive programs. And I qualify for a Pell grant and then some, so no way in hell can I afford any of them without some pretty substantial financial aid. Also no way in hell will I take out a loan. I got through undergrad debt free, and I am not about to mortgage myself now. Work, yes, starve, no.

So, big-name grad schools, which of you would like to pay a little extra for a loving and devoted grad student? Anthcat is a bit scruffy, but cleans up well. She has been very friendly with other cats here in the shelter and will do her forever home proud. :lol: /self-pity

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I hate this powerless feeling.

Amen. It is rather sobering to know that our life's accomplishments are being judged as we speak. And I can't help but feel that mine are rather trifling.

I would take out loans for one of the MA programs I applied to, but not the other. I don't like the one I was already accepted to enough to pay for it out of pocket, and the acceptance letter was basically like "GET A JOB!" so let's hope the other department comes through. I don't think I'd want to do loans for any of the PhD programs.... that just makes me think I'll be in debt until I die.

I too am hopeful that having heard nothing, it simply means that either funding is being scared up for us or we're on some sort of waitlist which heaven knows is better than just being rejected outright.

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powerless is exactly the word that describes this feeling. a good friend of mine gave me some advice that has recently helped me out a lot. he said just let it go, and let things unfold and come to you. the fact is, regardless of whether we concede (by letting go) or remain anxious, things are to unfold at their own pace in their own directions. he ended the conversation with "embrace the pain".

sounds fluffy, but i need some of that fluffy in my life right now.

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There's sense in that. One of my roommates hasn't followed any of these boards or websites, and he basically just didn't think much about acceptances until one arrived in his inbox one day. I think this increases our anxiety. (It's fun though.)

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Yup, powerless describes it quite well. I really just hate not knowing what I'll be doing in a few months, if/where I'll be moving... I hate not being able to start planning and doing research for my new home. =( I almost wish they'd all just reject me now, so I could at least know. At least then I could be sure I still exist!

And regarding loans - I'll work if they pay me enough to live on, no problem. But I'm NOT taking any more loans - I'm going to be repaying until I retire as it is....

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I would take out loans for one of the MA programs I applied to, but not the other. I don't like the one I was already accepted to enough to pay for it out of pocket, and the acceptance letter was basically like "GET A JOB!" so let's hope the other department comes through. I don't think I'd want to do loans for any of the PhD programs.... that just makes me think I'll be in debt until I die.

I too am hopeful that having heard nothing, it simply means that either funding is being scared up for us or we're on some sort of waitlist which heaven knows is better than just being rejected outright.

If I get a paper rejection letter I am going to be particularly cheesed. Not sure why. But I won't! I won't because this is optimistic week! I am brute forcing happy thoughts! My mind will not harbor negativity... la dee da.

My SO and I call my student debt "the mortgage".

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I have been craving a giant burrito for about a week now. I'm going to a thing with one of my roommates tomorrow night, and I'm going to try to convince him that it'd be better to get a giant burrito on the way than cook pasta at home. It's Mardi Gras tomorrow! More dancing and burritos!

Tonights, I hope you hear something today!

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Mmmm, burritos.... that reminds me, I'm going to be in the neighbourhood of a really awesome burrito place next week - I'm definitely going to have to stop by, the cravings are setting in!

There was only junk in my mailbox today. That's almost worse than having nothing, if not just for the waste of paper. :-P

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Hey all,

Burritos for everyone! Quick question - do you guys have any info on Northwestern? I saw someone on the "Results" past wrote that they just returned from interview weekend. I applied there out of a combo of laziness and commitment to my SO (we live in Chi), but it's a bad match for me and I won't be too upset/surprised if it doesn't pan out. That said, I'm still curious!

I'm also scared to go check my mail :D

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