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Notifications, anyone?


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Totally. Just had an advisor from my MA program say that I might as well prepare myself to go to the school I've been accepted to. I was like "hey! I haven't heard from 8 others yet!"

He seems to be of the opinion that if I haven't heard yet.... (insert funeral march here), not realizing that most haven't notified yet.

Gave me a bit of a panic attack thinking he knew something I don't though.

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Ha! One of my thesis committee members told me that it was a good thing my internship had already offered me a f/t position after graduation, 'cause it wasn't likely that I would get into most of the schools I applied to. Although I might not get automatically rejected from the "lowest" one, according to her. :evil:

I've received 0 notifications of any kind to date, FYI - acceptances, rejections, waitlistings, nada.

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Here's some recon:

-NYU can't have made all of their decisions yet. Maybe for one subfield, but they're still set to meet after the NYCEP conference.

-Each of the three schools in NYCEP will be taking 3 students, give or take.

-GWU will be meeting Tuesday to make final decisions, they'll be taking 5 or 6 students instead of the usual 3 or 4.

-ASU is waiting on their new budget before making offers, so it may be awhile before anyone hears from them.

Happy Monday! Here's hoping the mail/email/phone gods smile in your favor!

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Hey guys,

Sorry to hear about the recent wave of rejections. Stay strong!

I haven't gotten any news, so who knows what that means. I tend to assume that programs have forgotten about me...

Quick question: what's the word on UT-Austin? I haven't heard anything, but there seem to be rumblings on the forum/results.

Happy Monday, crew!

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Hey guys,

Sorry to hear about the recent wave of rejections. Stay strong!

I haven't gotten any news, so who knows what that means. I tend to assume that programs have forgotten about me...

Quick question: what's the word on UT-Austin? I haven't heard anything, but there seem to be rumblings on the forum/results.

Happy Monday, crew!

Below is the link to the application status check for UT-Austin. I don't know if the anthro decisions have been made, but the history decisions were available. I got dinged.


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Hang in there guys!

So... I am still waiting on two universities (One in particular). I received a letter from a university yesterday though telling me I had three choices 1) accept their offer and enroll by next week, 2) reject their offer, or 3) say that I am uncertain and have them hold my acceptance until April 15th. What I want to know is this: Do I e-mail the other universities and ask them about my status?? I don't want to bug my potential advisors or give them ANY reason to reject me. I don't want to make the university that actually wants me to wait forever for my decision. I'm also worried that if I delay my enrollment it may also hurt my chance for getting one of the limited funding slots. Am I being to paranoid? What would you do: e-mail my other prospective advisors OR wait and delay my decision until April? Help!

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Smo - thanks for the info. Can you believe UT just posts decisions on their web site, rather than contact students directly (letter, email, carrier pigeon, whatever)?? They haven't posted any info for my anthro application yet, but I imagine it's coming.

As to your situation, i heart fieldwork, I think these are questions best suited for actual professors. Could you contact some of your past profs, perhaps? I know from my father, who is an academic, that they have etiquette rules up the wazoo, and at the very least a prof could give you some perspective on how common your situation is, the general protocol, etc. Some of my advisors warned me that these sort of antics would be more common this year and said, essentially, take take any (reasonable) offer one might get. That's a personal call, though, and I'm not sure I agree with it (or that you should follow their advice, either).

Good luck, regardless, and congrats on having (at least) one acceptance in the bag!

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Hang in there guys!

So... I am still waiting on two universities (One in particular). I received a letter from a university yesterday though telling me I had three choices 1) accept their offer and enroll by next week, 2) reject their offer, or 3) say that I am uncertain and have them hold my acceptance until April 15th. What I want to know is this: Do I e-mail the other universities and ask them about my status?? I don't want to bug my potential advisors or give them ANY reason to reject me. I don't want to make the university that actually wants me to wait forever for my decision. I'm also worried that if I delay my enrollment it may also hurt my chance for getting one of the limited funding slots. Am I being to paranoid? What would you do: e-mail my other prospective advisors OR wait and delay my decision until April? Help!


That institution is violating the spirit (if not the letter) of the Council of Graduate Schools Resolution, http://www.cgsnet.org/portals/0/pdf/CGS ... ec2008.pdf. Note that the PDF link lists schools which are signatory to the resolution. Since that institution is playing hardball you may want to as well: accept the offer and, if you get a better one, rescind the original one in writing by April 15th. That might burn some bridges, but they started it! See: http://www.cgsnet.org/Default.aspx?tabid=206. BTW, are they making you decide on the acceptance before Apr 15th, or just funding? If acceptance, that's *way* out of line!



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Wow, next WEEK? That's insane, and if it's the way the program operates in general, possibly alarming. I think you need to call them and find out what's at stake, and do whatever you can to give the other schools time to let you know (bug them if necessary). Yikes!

sorry for the wave of rejections, guys...i guess harvard's a tough nut :/

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Someone just posted an acceptance to Harvard...I'm really curious who it is since I didn't know that Harvard Anth actually admitted people! The results search history yields nothing but rejections. I'm still expecting my rejection letter in the mail, but then again I was expecting it when I applied.

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Just checked, and "5 years of funding, 70000 a year" - this HAS to include tuition and health premium, right? I have a friend who gets a generous stipend from a Harvard humanities department, but it's nowhere NEAR that.

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...and that Harvard entry has disappeared from the results page. Iiiiiinteresting. (I didn't apply to Harvard, I'm just nosy.)

It looks like this week is already showing a huge spike in anthro notifications. Hopefully there will be more news, and more of it good.

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My Michigan rejection letter came today. *sigh* I knew it was coming though. Alas.

Now to continue twiddling my thumbs...

I got mine on Saturday, similarly expected. However, I had to laugh at the second paragraph of the letter, the gist of which was "You know that application you sent? It had a lot of parts. Allow me to list them now. [list.] Some of those were important."

On a slightly different note, if any of you are, by chance, advising the senior theses of undergraduate students applying to grad school, returning drafts of their theses in nice, big, white (but recycled!) envelopes might drive them to drink. "University College of Dublin! Wow, I didn't even apply there!"

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