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Why is it that anyone who works in academia is worthless? Why post on the website who to contact if you have questions when they do not respond to emails or ever answer their phone? This has me waiting for a response still.... Will the torture ever end?

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I got an official acceptance from Stanford recently (I'm the "evil" :-P unofficial results poster from earlier... all I had until this week was unofficial). I know some other people have been at least unofficially notified, but I'm not sure if the different branches are synched up (e.g., couldn't say anything about cultural). If this can be considered bad news, I apologise for being the bearer :(.

Would you mind telling me the date you submitted your application? I'm attempting to find loop holes for reasons that I have no heard from Stanford yet (before I fully accept the rejection possibility) and was just wondering what you submission date was.... take care

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to all stanford people: i finally managed to get through and was told that applications have not been finalized and are still under review. She did not know when notifications will be sent out. If you would like to ask for yourself, call (650) 727-4641 (shelley), she's sort of friendly

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Would the person who posted an acceptance to Duke (or anyone who has a reasonable guess) care to post and say how official decisions will be sent? Did they tell you in the email you got?

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Rejected from Yale today - got an email with a link to the website.

So now who wants to help me pick between Michigan and Leipzig? I'm so on the fence about these two, it's going to be a really tough decision...

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510bones - same boat here, so confused... the way I figure it, each day that it doesn't say "Denied" is a good one. I'm also hoping that the prof I corresponded with prior to applying might come through with an update soon, even if it's not official enough to put on the website. Fingers crossed!

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What's up with ASU? One person says acceptances starting to go out while another says they are waiting on a new budget...any clues? My application status still says "In Review"


I spoke with a professor at a conference this weekend that said they were holding off on offers until they got their new budget straightened out. Then I missed a call yesterday from my prospective advisor saying that he had good news for me that he'd rather not leave on voicemail, so apparently either they got the budget straigthened out very recently, or there are varying degrees of being clued in amongst the professors. My status still hasn't changed and I called that faculty member back and left a message, but he hasn't called me back yet. I'll update when he does.

EDIT: I'm in. No word on funding, though.

In other news. OSU = WTF? One of my friends got invited to an interview weekend this week and assumed since I wasn't a part of this it meant I was either out or waitlisted. Then I checked the status site and it said I'm in. No correspondence yet though.

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I got my rejection email from Penn today. Not the most impressive rejection I've ever seen - like they can't give me more than three lines of text?? - but I suppose it was short and sweet. I'm not too upset, since it was definitely one of the schools I added for the sake of adding a few more to my list; it terms of match, it was iffy. Also, it was ridiculously difficult to get in - over 200 apps fr 6 spots!

My hope is that acceptances/rejections will reflect fit more than anything. Sure, I've had friends get into (and go to) schools that weren't the best fit, but were the best rank. I'm hoping this will be a bit like when I applied to college (10 years ago...) and, ultimately, I got into the places that I felt were a good match for my needs and interests at the time - that is, into places were I would "succeed". So far, I've been rejected by two schools where that wasn't necessarily the case and waitlisted by one that is an excellent fit. Thinking out loud here, sorry...

Anyway, these are my thoughts for this morning. Scintillating, no? Hope everyone's well or, at lease, persevering!

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OSU confused me too! :?

I saw that a couple of you had seen the website's status change so I figured I should check mine, and it said accept/decline the offer. Not the most exciting way to find out you're in, but hey, I still did a dance in my cubicle.

Weird that we haven't received an email or some kind of contact from the department about admission. Maybe they are sending it snail mail style?

Each day feels so slow now, I can't help but keep refreshing my emails and the damn results page!!

It's the last two now that are slowly consuming me...

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So far, I've been rejected by two schools where that wasn't necessarily the case and waitlisted by one that is an excellent fit. Thinking out loud here, sorry...

Wow...I'm in the same EXACT boat. Waitlisted at my top choice/best fit and rejected by two programs I just kinda applied to for the sake of applying. I hope this week brings good news for both of us!

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I cannot believe there was nothing in the mail again today. I am totally losing my mind. I had an email yesterday from one of my top choices "we are missing letter of rec from prof X". I was like WTF, I called 2 months ago to make sure my app was complete and was told yes (I always keep track of day/time/who I talked to). Hopefully prof X isn't out sick, etc and gets my message to email a new letter. :evil: :evil:

I still haven't heard yea or nay from UMass...seems like forever since someone posted they had been accepted. Maybe that app was lost as well. :roll:

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I still haven't heard yea or nay from UMass...seems like forever since someone posted they had been accepted. Maybe that app was lost as well. :roll:

I haven't heard either, and to be honest I suspect they are just tardy in notifying the rejects.

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In an attempt to bring a positive spin to this forum, I thought I'd mention the thoughtfulness, openness, and helpfulness of current graduate students. Seriously, if you are in the process of researching graduate programs, I would highly suggest getting in touch with some current grad students. A couple names had been mentioned to me, and I finally got around to emailing them with questions - at times, very frank and blunt questions about the reputations of their departments. And, across the board, I have received truly informative, (seemingly) unbiased, and carefully crafted long responses. These people have been in our situation before and somehow made it through this same difficult decision process. As an added extra bonus, it has me refreshing my email to see if they have emailed me back, rather than if a school has rejected me!

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I haven't heard either, and to be honest I suspect they are just tardy in notifying the rejects.

Oh, now why ya gotta go and be negative. I was thinking it was taking them a little longer to blow up all the balloons that will accompany them when they hand deliver our acceptance letters to our houses (picture the Prize Patrol) :lol: :wink:

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First acceptance! Woohoo! Email from York University today, gave me a heart attack. It came up on Thunderbird's notifier but the subject line was just "Congratulations" and the sender was "Graduate Program Director," and the message preview included "I am delighted to confirm that you have been recommended..." - but no school! It was a tense few moments waiting for the message to open to find out where I actually got in! York is not exactly "up there" on my list of preferences but I know I wouldn't be miserable there and I can expect decent funding, and besides - now I know I'm going SOMEWHERE!

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I was accepted to Boston University School of Medicine's Division of Graduate Medical Sciences for their medical anthropology MA. (Whoa, mouthful. I'd like to see that fit on the front of a sweatshirt.) They haven't got a PhD track yet for med anth. It's expensive but it's BUSM! I think the poverty may be worth it for that atmosphere.

*passes out with glee and takes a nap under her desk*

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I have new faith in the system. Although I've been rejected by everyone in town (i.e., mainly programs that weren't the best match for me), I just got into my top choice and will most like be going. Same application, same everything - just a better fit, which the professor I spoke with talked about at length. I had absolutely lost faith and thought "well, if i didn't get into this growing list of other schools, no WAY will i get into my #1." Just goes to show that negative speculations are a total waste of time.

Good luck everyone!

p.s., I should probably mention my secret tactic: I put on my lucky socks the day I was notified. Didn't know for sure they were luck, just had a hunch... :D

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Has anyone heard anything concrete from GW Hominid Paleobiology or NYU Anthropology? I know they were still meeting with students over the weekend at the NYCEP Darwin conference and were set to meet again this week.

NYCEP (at least a couple of folks) are still deciding and are set to meet soon to finalize offers.

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lizzy - congrats, you must be thrillllllled. if you don't mind me asking, where did you get in? sorry to be asking if you don't want to spill the beans. it just gives some of us an idea of which schools are still notifying.

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Congrats to everyone that got an acceptance! I just checked my email and I found a letter from Princeton... another rejection. I'd be really bummed if I didn't have anywhere to go in september and I'm still waiting to hear from Rutgers. Hopefully the following days will hold good news for everyone.

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Any suggestions about what to do if you've gotten into a school you're very interested in but they don't have any money to help pay for the cost of a visit to the school?? I can't afford to visit if I have to pay for plane tickets out of pocket with no reimbursement from the department...

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