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Best/Worst Campus Grub

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Having just sat down to look at the forum while eating Subway for the umpteenth day in a row, I am curious to know what you best and worst meals have been on your campus.

My favorite meal so far has been a grilled cheese from the little greasy diner on campus. It's not a particularly exciting choice, but there's some magic or something in the cheese they use; so yummy.

My least favorite has grown to be anything and everything from Subway. The only reason I still go there is because I can't stomach greasy food from the diner every day, and because it's still a tiny step above campus dining hall slop--seriously...all of their meat is grey. Plus, I'm on a smaller campus, so choices in general are pretty limited. Urf.

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i'm sure there is a metaphor waiting somewhere in the fact that both (some) universities and prisons contract through sodexo.

the three years of undergrad i was vegan was no fun. at least, as a vegetarian, everywhere has pizza. i don't plan to eat much on campus though...it gets pretty expensive and i eat better when i brown bag.

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All I have to say, is sometimes I feel really lucky to go to a school that has decent food. The students, naturally, complain about it, but really it's pretty amazing. @user_name, you wouldn't have any issues finding vegan food at my school. Bon Appetit is the best!

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All I have to say, is sometimes I feel really lucky to go to a school that has decent food. The students, naturally, complain about it, but really it's pretty amazing. @user_name, you wouldn't have any issues finding vegan food at my school. Bon Appetit is the best!

Seriously?! A Bon Appetit?! I love Bon Appetit!!!

Unfortunately, my car is 3,000 miles away from me, so I don't get to go to the store very often; it usually ends up being a 3-4 hour ordeal between the travel and shopping. So if it's not on/in the very near vicinity of campus, I'm pretty much SOL.

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Haha, yeah, Bon Appetit is amazing! We actually had this local food service provider my freshman year, and it was awful. And our cafeteria at the time was called "Downer Commons." Worst ever. But then my sophomore year we transitioned to a new building and the new food, and it's wonderful! I really shouldn't ever complain...Bon Appetit is committed to sustainable practices and trying to use local food whenever possible, which is really awesome!

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I haven't eaten on-campus in years, but I don't remember it being good- luckily there are tons of options here. I LOVE Wawa- for those not lucky enough to have Wawas in their parts of the country, its kind of a convenience store but jazzed up. Yummy, relatively cheap food 24/7. LOVE Wawa, don't know what I would do without it.

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My school also has pretty fantastic food. Usually I get soup, both because it is damn awesome and it's fairly 'cheap' considering (3.50). We do have a chocolate bar, although I have never tried it.

Ha - we're at the same school :) I also usually get soup, but the ramen-type bar thing is also really yummy.

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My university's food is awful. Sodexo is here too. :wacko:

I'm a vegetarian, and I sometimes have a hard time finding food, especially in the student cafeteria: 90% of the food is deep-fried. Subway is alright though, and we do have an extremely Americanized "French" restaurant on campus that is pretty good, all things considered. However the absolute derth of options means that I eat at the aforementioned French restaurant almost daily. And I order the same thing 99% of the time because most of their soups and sandwiches have meat on them. I don't even have to order; the employees just smile and ring it up for me.

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I don't live on campus, but being in Vegas - you can truly get anything right down the street, from greasy local Italian to magnificent sushi to vegan cupcakes! On campus, we have all the fast-food joints, Subway, Metro Pizza, Taco Bell, Jamba Juice, Noah's Bagels, and (two Starbucks and a Coffee Bean - sheesh). I rarely have the money to eat out, but I know I can find something on campus if in need, even being a vegetarian as well. Our problem is the people traffic - the student Union is always packed and trying to get food from 9-6pm is crazy. Easier to just drive 5 minutes off campus, or bus it. Not complaining though. Wherever I end up for my PhD will surely have less options.

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