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Just got waitlisted at Columbia!!

Congrats! I hope at least some of your wait lists work out for you. I'll be visiting UNC at the end of the month. If I turn them down, I hope you (or someone else on here) gets the spot. I can't help with the others though. Good luck

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Thanks all!

NHM, I'm waited for Columbia's Classical Studies program.

I know that ally least two people here have the first options, so at least there's some inside information available here on them regarding potential movement of the waitlist.

RKG, I applied to the History Department, but thanks for looking out for me!

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I got into Boston University for the MA!! :) I'm doing Heritage Management. I received an unofficial acceptance early though because I had emailed them to make sure my application was actually turned in. So those of you still waiting I'm sure you will get some good news soon! :)

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The DGS at WUSTL was very clear, in addition to being very helpful and giving me extra advice about how to strengthen my credentials when I go on to apply for a PhD. Missouri just ignored me, and I haven't gotten around to asking BU. I guess it varies from department to department. There's nothing wrong with asking, though, and since the information pertains to me, I don't see why I shouldn't be able to find out.

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does harvard GSAS send aleso rejection letters by ordinary mail? I asked for infos and they told me they sent a letter to me, even if i didn't receive anything yet :(

Yes, that's right. I haven't received it yet either. And what other schools told you?

Edited by soleil
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Thanks all!!


It's via the History Dept.


UNC is, I feel, my best fit and even I had offers from Michigan and Columbia I think I'd still choose UNC, but I'm going to take everybody's advice and wait a bit before I officially accept UNC.

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So: I have a little hypothetical, and I'd be very grateful for any insights you all might be able to offer.

Q: Let's say I got an offer from a top Classics Ph.D. program, with the specified intention of working on Classical linguistics/Indo-European topics with a professor who has a dual Classics/Linguistics appointment. Let's say I had a revelation that I would be much happier/my research would be much better situated within the Linguistics department, as opposed to the Classics department (i.e. further linguistics courses would be much more useful to me than more survey and the Ph.D. reading list in general). Is there any protocol for such situations? Am I stuck? Would I have to turn down my Classics offer and reapply to Linguistics next year to work with the same professor?

I have a feeling that responses may tend towards "talk to the department," but I wanted to hear a little feedback from you before I do anything like that. Thank you!

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Why not two birds with one stone? I'd do the classical survey and attend linguistic classes. Because I'm not sure if the complete resignation wouldn't affect your future chances of working with the same professor. Good luck with the decision! :)

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Is there any protocol for such situations? Am I stuck? Would I have to turn down my Classics offer and reapply to Linguistics next year to work with the same professor?

There’s no real reason why they can’t arrange for your coursework to benefit your research interests. Protocol will vary from university to university, but if you can make a good case to your supervisor I shouldn’t worry overmuch about it. Bureaucratic rules may exist and look forbidding, but in my experience, that’s because universities have to have rules in place. What senior faculty (i.e. the tenured people who would be supervising you) want, senior faculty generally get. If you want a formalized arrangement, I’d suggest approaching your primary supervisor in Classics about arranging for joint supervision with the faculty member in Linguistics.

Edited by Westcott
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Hi all,

I was just wondering what everyone's opinion of the following might be?

Oxford (MPhil Ancient History) vs. US Ph.D. programs (Columbia Classical Studies; Princeton PAW)

Princeton PAW vs. Columbia CLST

I've received several offers (full 5-year fellowships in the US; amazing scholarship for Oxford) and I think I know which one I want to accept, but it is still a hard choice. I am also unfamiliar with both systems, and I have found the pressure each program puts on you to accept their offer quite unnerving (emails every week!)!

Anyone in a similar situation?

I have also been wait listed for Harvard (not my first choice in any case--it's too philologically centred). I have also withdrawn my name from Johns Hopkins (who were going to make me an offer this week, but sounded me out first; they've been slow in giving offers, apparently due to funding issues - FYI for anybody still waiting to hear back).

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I have also been wait listed for Harvard (not my first choice in any case--it's too philologically centred). I have also withdrawn my name from Johns Hopkins (who were going to make me an offer this week, but sounded me out first; they've been slow in giving offers, apparently due to funding issues - FYI for anybody still waiting to hear back).

Congrats to you on having so many options. Unfortunately, they're all programs that weren't terribly interesting to me, so I don't have anything to offer there. Interesting about Johns Hopkins. I guess that explains why nobody has heard anything from them. Here's hoping for some good news from them soon.

Also, looks like Joukowsky is releasing their mass rejections. Got my email to check the website this morning. Meh.

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Congrats to you on having so many options. Unfortunately, they're all programs that weren't terribly interesting to me, so I don't have anything to offer there. Interesting about Johns Hopkins. I guess that explains why nobody has heard anything from them. Here's hoping for some good news from them soon.

Also, looks like Joukowsky is releasing their mass rejections. Got my email to check the website this morning. Meh.

Thanks for pointing that out! I didn't even receive an email from Brown mentioning that the decision was available... I find it a bit rude that they didn't even bother emailing everyone, but I guess they did receive several hundred applications.

That's too bad, I really, really liked that program!

Congratulations to everyone who got in, the Joukowsky Institute does look amazing!

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First off, congrats at such an amazing application season!!

Where are all your choices, if you don't mind me asking?

Not too sure what your particular focus is, but off the top of my head I'd say go for Princeton. It was my top choice (I do imperial Roman history), and they have the trifecta of Roman historians there; Edward Champlin, Harriet Flower, and Brent Shaw. Plus you can take courses at UPenn, Columbia, NYU, CUNY, and Rutgers. I also think that Princeton has one of the best placement records of US programs in Classics.

Edited by Veilside1
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Thanks for pointing that out! I didn't even receive an email from Brown mentioning that the decision was available... I find it a bit rude that they didn't even bother emailing everyone, but I guess they did receive several hundred applications.

That's too bad, I really, really liked that program!

Congratulations to everyone who got in, the Joukowsky Institute does look amazing!

That's terrible. They should definitely take the time to make sure emails actually go out. I mean, we spend how much on these apps? Oh well.

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