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GRE score is AWOL- Suggestions...?


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One of my apps is due next Thursday and I have a dilemma. The university website is showing that it has not received my GRE score report. Yet I have an official GRE Score Report dated 10/21/11 showing that my GRE report was sent to this school (with the right department code- I double and triple checked). All other parts of the app are complete and I paid the app fee.

To make matters more interesting, I communicated with the point person for the department two weeks ago to ask whether they had received all of my supporting materials and she responded with a (deservedly) curt: "That info is available on-line." So, lets assume that any further request for info will be met with a cool reception...

Anybody have any thoughts or experiences as to how to follow up with the department- do I offer to email my score report report?

Thanks for the help and Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Were I in your position, I'd be polite and I'd be persistent with the POC, I'd communicate on the phone, I'd take a lot of notes, and I'd send a fair amount of email that acknowledged and confirmed the person's assistance at suitable intervals.

Were I especially worried about the reception or if the reception went from cool to cold, I would take a lateral (or downward) step in the line of communication. (For example, if the POC has a team mate with different responsibilities or an assistant.) In my experience, Google Fu can work wonders when it comes to getting phone numbers/contact information for those who work in the Ivory Tower.

Meanwhile, I'd double and triple check my "paperwork" with ETS. I would develop several back up plans with emailing the scores being one of the last options. (If you're wondering about the expense of ordering an additional score report, compare the cost with the value of one's peace of mind.)


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One of my apps is due next Thursday and I have a dilemma. The university website is showing that it has not received my GRE score report. Yet I have an official GRE Score Report dated 10/21/11 showing that my GRE report was sent to this school (with the right department code- I double and triple checked). All other parts of the app are complete and I paid the app fee.

To make matters more interesting, I communicated with the point person for the department two weeks ago to ask whether they had received all of my supporting materials and she responded with a (deservedly) curt: "That info is available on-line." So, lets assume that any further request for info will be met with a cool reception...

Anybody have any thoughts or experiences as to how to follow up with the department- do I offer to email my score report report?

Thanks for the help and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Uh, I'm going through the same thing. I was told to e-mail a copy of my scanned score report showing what department at the school I sent it to. If the admission's department is still unable to upload my scores from the GRE database they will accept my scanned scores as official. The person I was in contact with is out due to the holiday so I still need to confirm receipt/acceptance of my scanned score report.

My advice would be to go up the chain, e-mail all relevant departments (the department that you're applying to as well as the graduate school admissions department) explain how you sent the scores but according to the website they haven't been received and so you need guidance on how to proceed. If you don't get a response in 2 to 3 days forward your original e-mail to the directors of said departments. If you don't get a response 2 or 3 days later call said directors and refer them to the 2nd forwarded e-mail etc.

You want to make direct contact with the admissions/department staff to make sure they are looking for the right name, confirm that you have the right codes etc. There is no point in resending scores if 1) You don't have the correct code or 2) There is some school specific problem with GRE scores. You need to find out from them what alternatives they will accept in regards to submitting your GREs.

Also you'll need to find out what their absolute deadlines are for receiving test scores so that you can determine a deadline re-sending scores (if it comes to that).

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I have the same problem with my application for UW-Madison. I took the test October 12 got the scores in early Novemeber but Madison's website still says they haven't recieved them although the letter I got from ETS and their website said they were sent. The university code is correct too. I just don't know.

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