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Scrutinizing the minutiae of applications

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So for my schools that request a PDF of undergrad transcripts: I have an extra copy of my transcript from last year (when I applied for the first time) and, because it costs money to request transcripts from my university, I plan on just scanning this one and uploading it. But I've moved in the past year, so the address on the transcript is different from my current address (the one I'm listing on all applications). Could this potentially cause a problem? Or will it appear self-evident that I've moved? Am I just going insane and overanalyzing everything? When is this all over?!??

Edited by cquin
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Um, could you contact the graduate school and ask them?

I feel you, though, on overanalyzing everything. I (hopefully) will be completing my first two applications tonight (they are due on December 1st), so I imagine I will be on here later with some freak out questions.

Oh wait, freak out question 1. I know that people say not to wait until the last day to submit your application, but just in case, if the deadline is December 1st, does that mean you have until 11:59pm December 1st, or does that mean I have to have everything in by the end of November 30th? I just wasn't sure if it had to be in BY or ON. (See how much I am nitpicking).

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Oh wait, freak out question 1. I know that people say not to wait until the last day to submit your application, but just in case, if the deadline is December 1st, does that mean you have until 11:59pm December 1st, or does that mean I have to have everything in by the end of November 30th? I just wasn't sure if it had to be in BY or ON. (See how much I am nitpicking).

I know some schools specifically state when they want everything in. I remember one of mine said something about 5 pm EST on the due date, where another said by midnight that day. Others don't say anything. I'm going to try to have everything in on the 30th for my Dec. 1st deadline, though.

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I know some schools specifically state when they want everything in. I remember one of mine said something about 5 pm EST on the due date, where another said by midnight that day. Others don't say anything. I'm going to try to have everything in on the 30th for my Dec. 1st deadline, though.

Yeah, I have to work all day tomorrow, so my plan is to have everything in tonight. Too bad I'm still working on my SOP and Writing Sample. Ugh.

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@Timshel, I'm right there with you. My writing sample is in pieces, and I haven't looked at my SOP in days. How this will be ready in two days boggles my mind. At least my top choices have much later deadlines, but still... lkajs;lkjd;flkjas;lkjd;lkjf;lkajsdf

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Well, normally on Tuesdays I work from 2-7 between my office hours and the Writing Center, but I did some switching around so I would have the whole day because I have to work all day tomorrow. I am so glad I have to day because I am not done with either documents and I won't be able to work on it tomorrow.

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Too bad I'm still working on my SOP and Writing Sample. Ugh.

@Timshel, I'm right there with you. My writing sample is in pieces, and I haven't looked at my SOP in days. How this will be ready in two days boggles my mind.

Are y'all me?? Seriously. I feel like I'm in some crazy Twilight Zone place where I live off adrenaline instead of air and caffeine instead of water.

I also doubt that I'm going to have everything ready to submit tomorrow (um, hello thesis proposal defense meeting), so it's going to have to wait until Dec. 1st itself. Does that send up red flags to y'all???


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I was thinking that it might come to that for me too, since I have to work all day tomorrow, but I am nervous there is some sort of time on December 1st they have to be in by that I am not seeing.

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So for my schools that request a PDF of undergrad transcripts: I have an extra copy of my transcript from last year (when I applied for the first time) and, because it costs money to request transcripts from my university, I plan on just scanning this one and uploading it. But I've moved in the past year, so the address on the transcript is different from my current address (the one I'm listing on all applications). Could this potentially cause a problem? Or will it appear self-evident that I've moved? Am I just going insane and overanalyzing everything? When is this all over?!??

I don't think the address will matter.

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Well, thankfully now I have until Dec. 8th for my first application. God bless Texas. Hahaha.

This was the best news I've gotten since the summer, especially because I currently have 35 pages of notes and no coherent paper written...

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Well, thankfully now I have until Dec. 8th for my first application. God bless Texas. Hahaha.

Lucky you! I'm Texan-born and bred so of course I'm applying to UT Austin, but I have been reading the transcript situation all wrong this entire time and they only accept it in PDF form. It's not like I carry one around with me all the time, so I ordered one this morning, and I have to wait for it to get to my house, scan it, turn it into a PDF, and plug it into the application. There's no way it'll all get done by tomorrow, so I'm hoping for the best. I did email (last week) and repeatedly call the department (today), but neither answered.

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Okay, just in case, if the deadline is december 1st, and they do not list a time, should I assume that I can submit ANY time on December 1st?

I would assume 11:59 PM is the deadline, assuming it's not explicitly listed.

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I would assume 11:59 PM is the deadline, assuming it's not explicitly listed.

I just realized I used "assume" twice in that sentence and it's really bothering me... I need to get to bed.

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I just realized I used "assume" twice in that sentence and it's really bothering me... I need to get to bed.

I used "literally" twice in the same sentence on my Facebook today. All I can say is that Texas is looking really, really good to me right about now, if only for giving me one more week to think about these applications!

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Awesome. Just NOW realized that Minnesota ALSO requires a personal history/statement/diversity thing. Not sure how I missed that. UGH.

Those are the worst. Michigan requires one as well and last year I flubbed my way through 300 words of nonsense.

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Those are the worst. Michigan requires one as well and last year I flubbed my way through 300 words of nonsense.

I knew I had to write one for UCR, but that isn't due until the 10th. Then, today, the day Minnesota's app is due, I realize they want one, too. FML

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Those are the worst. Michigan requires one as well and last year I flubbed my way through 300 words of nonsense.

Cquin, remind me: are you applying to Michigan again this year?

I still haven't started mine for Michigan's Amer. Culture app due today. I think UCLA requires a diversity statement too, even though their application instructions don't specify that anywhere -- it just pops up as a nice surprise during the online app... Ugh.

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Cquin, remind me: are you applying to Michigan again this year?

I still haven't started mine for Michigan's Amer. Culture app due today. I think UCLA requires a diversity statement too, even though their application instructions don't specify that anywhere -- it just pops up as a nice surprise during the online app... Ugh.

That's what happened to me with Minnesota. The department's website didn't say it, but it's required on the app. Thanks for the heads up, Minnesota! :)

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Okay, so I am currently filling out the application for UC Riverside, and the page where you put in the info for the LORs says this: If you have been enrolled in a previous graduate program, it is required that one letter be from your research or program advisor in that graduate program.

My Masters thesis advisor is not one of my letters of recommendation because he is on phased retirement and my area of interest has changed since then and I decided to go with someone else that I had grad classes with and who is closer to my area. My other two LORs were on my committee, they just weren't my chair. Do you guys think this is okay? At this point, I couldn't ask my thesis chair anyway because it's too late. Plus, I made my decision for a good reason and I stand by it. Now, I also know that the same application is used for all students, and people in the sciences directly work under someone, so I could see why that person would be necessary because they did research together, so that might be more important for them. But for me, to be honest, I switched my focus mid-thesis, so my thesis chair became less relevant and I only met with him about my thesis like 3 times and I spent more time talking to the other two on my committee, which is why they are writing my letters.

What do you guys think? Do you think this will hinder me in any way? I could contact the department, but I really don't want to draw attention to it in case they don't even notice it to begin with because two of my LORs will be talking about my thesis in their letters anyway. I mean, what if my chair WAS actually retired. I wouldn't be able to get him to write it then, either. I'm just so frustrated by these minute things that seem to pop up out of nowhere. Ugh. As if I'm not stressed out enough.

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