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Harvard interviews?


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Has anyone/everyone here been notified of the final responses yet for Harvard's Sociology/Social Policy PhD program? I haven't been invited for an interview regarding my Sociology/Social Policy application and so I guess I am not under consideration but I would like to know if they have notified any Sociology/Social Policy candidates yet. I don't see that on any other posts. Thanks!

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Has anyone/everyone here been notified of the final responses yet for Harvard's Sociology/Social Policy PhD program? I haven't been invited for an interview regarding my Sociology/Social Policy application and so I guess I am not under consideration but I would like to know if they have notified any Sociology/Social Policy candidates yet. I don't see that on any other posts. Thanks!

I'm in the same situation: still waiting, haven't been interviewed or heard anything. I haven't seen anything around here about the Social Policy program, so maybe there is still a chance...?

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Sorry, but that does sound like some sort of game. Harvard interviewed all its short-listed applicants for Soci.
You're probably right. I see that there is another entry right below that one by someone claiming to have received notification from Princeton by phone today, while all other decisions have been given by email.
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I'd e-mail your interviewer or the grad coordinator. They've already made their decisions, so it won't affect your chances. Plus you need to start thinking about visits, decisions, and all of that. Most schools' visit days are during the few two weeks of March (at least from what I've seen).

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Where is the Harvard Results page? Is it listed on the online application page?


Harvard claim to send decisions only by mail, which is probably why those who were accepted received phone calls. I'm not very optimistic at this point...

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They also have a strange admission process. Did anyone else find it weird that they don't bother to send an email confirming that they have received the supporting material, that they don't post the materials' arrival on the application site and that the admissions office rarely answers emails? (at least in my experience)

They were nice and helpful once I managed to get them on the phone (an international call, mind you). However, answering the phone only between 2 and 5 when there are thousands of anxious applicants isn't very efficient.

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So, I got sick of waiting around for them to get back to me and just wrote to my interviewer - who was sweet enough to write me back instantly with a reasoned rejection letter (no ed soc. at harvard, much fewer admits than before, only the ones with the right fits, etc). I think Harvard has made all its decisions and he seemed surprised that I had not heard a beep.

Anyway, point is, you should write to your interviewer. The grad comm. almost never responds to general admission questions as quickly.

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I apologize for my ignorance, but does this discussion include Harvard Social Policy/Government program? I saw on the results page that one person said they were accepted to this, however I have not heard anything else (about interviews, etc.). Good luck to those of you still waiting . . .

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