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Missing GRE Score


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I took my GRE on 1st Dec and my first application deadline is today - I thought this would be fine as the reporting should now be running on the 10-15 day schedule but I haven't heard anything yet and online it says my scores are absent or not available. When I submit my application what should I fill in under the GRE scores? I got unofficial scores at the end but nothing for AWA obviously - should I just leave that box blank and fill in the unofficial scores for Q and V? So incredibly annoying...when I took my GMAT I got the official scores in under a week.

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Well... you shouldn't be annoyed. You did take the GRE awfully late for this application season and there is probably still an extra delay because of scoring under the new format. You should just enter in the unofficial scores you got and then send the official ASAP. Most administrators I have talked to say they give their applicants a couple of weeks to rectify any missing supplemental materials as long as their actual applications is in. So it probably won't hurt you, but it could delay the processing of your application. Hope this helps.

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Well it's definitely been 15 days now and still not showing on my online page, lucky I didn't listen to the lady I spoke to yesterday who said to hold out - would've missed the app deadline! What I find so bizarre is that the scores are available on the $12 phone service but not on the internet page, which you would think would be more up to date than a phone line...seems like a pretty sneaky way to make money...

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