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Interdisciplinary Humanties Ph.Ds Fall 2012--For the programs that don't fit anywhere else!

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Hi all,

I have a few programs I'm applying to that don't fit neatly into any other category so I made one up. They include Emory's ILA program, UC-Irvine's Visual Studies program, Berkeley's Performance Studies, and Duke's Literature Program (I know, I know, check Literature. But I think Duke's program is a little bit unique). Anyone else applying to interdisciplinary programs for Fall 2012 and waiting to hear back?

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I am applying to Emory ILA. I made a thread but no one posted, so I thought I might be the only one! What are you planning to study? Good luck to you.

On another note, just reviewing the results survey page from previous years, the ILA should be notifying us sometime this or next week it seems to invite us to interviews because typically interview weekends have been the first weekend of February. I am going to assume if I don't hear back by the end of January, I didn't make the cut. This is my #1 choice because it is my hometown, the flexibility of the program and outstanding financial support. I will be hurt if I don't interview.

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Mmmmm, I haven't actually officially "picked" or spoken a first choice because I'm really superstitious and trying not to jinx myself. :) But I have also been checking my email a lot and also the results board (cursed board). I tried to only apply to programs that I would be really happy to go to, so that kinda meant eliminating all of my "safety" schools. It's a little risky but I'm hoping that it pays off in the long term.

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Totally understand. None of my programs I applied to are the same. I am applying for education, sociology, interdisciplinary, american studies and social policy PhDs! :o I was only going to apply to two schools, because I also don't believe in safety schools and had a strong sense of what I wanted to study and live. However, I was cajoled into applying to some more and actually found a third program that I am super excited about, the other two are great as well but the most ideal? Not so much.

I am also checking that results board often and being on this forum has been cathartic at times. I will let you know about USC and Emory, looks like we are both applying there!

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hehehe, it works beautifully. I study the visuality of race. :) So my studies look like race+epistemology+ontology+media+performance. Or something like that. :)

ahhh... cool stuff. Have you studied Emory Douglas (the Black Panther Party graphic artist)? he had some great work.

also, I grew up big on graffiti. are you into anything in that vein?

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OMG. Emory Douglas is one of my faaaaaaaavorite artists. I've not done a paper on his work yet, but I'm obsessed with his pieces. This is why I want to go to graduate school!!! :) I would like to look at graffiti too, but i haven't figured out what aspects/to what end yet. Oh, the places I want to go! :)

You mentioned your interest in phenomenology, I suspect we have an admiration for philosophy in common?

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Probably not, to be honest. Not Hegel/Kant/etc, for sure. I probably shouldnt use that word among crit theory people because it gets people thinking certain things. Given my linguistic background, it would have a diff meaning, emphasizing the entities (or whatever) that we have in our consciousness and how language informs/constitutes them. How does the fact of the word "apple" make us imbue further thinghood onto certain world phenomena? And words like "blue" or "running" or "3" or "sadness," which do not seem to refer to concrete entities? At the same time, I am an epistemological skeptic, which would make most phenomenologists gasp in horror.

But yeah, Douglas is way underappreciated. lol @ your "OMG" fanboy response. :lol:

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Very interesting. I don't automatically think of Kant and Hegel when I think of philosophy, but rather about the questions philosophy engages, and yours are certainly along those lines even if it's from a linguistic lens. :) What, exactly, is an "epistemological skeptic"?

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epistemology - study of knowledge, what it is, how we can have it, etc.

epistemological skeptic = socrates "All I know is that I know nothing."

long story short

congrats on your 3 acceptances! is that 1 interview Duke Lit??

Edited by koolherc
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There's an acceptance posted for Brown's Modern Culture and Media. Any news on this?

Around 4 slots (as far as I know?). Not sure if everyone was notified at the same time or if all decisions have been made. The call came at night — for some reason I think that might be important in terms of figuring out where they are in the process and how things are going? But I'm not sure what it means.

Edited by nix
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