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Quality "safety" schools?

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Hi everyone.

I know this is an incredibly relative question--and depends wholly on the unique portfolio of the applicant--BUT, in general, what are some high quality English/Comparative Lit "safety" schools? Programs that are perhaps less well known and have more than a 10% acceptance rate and give out decent financial aid packages? My interest is critical theory and 20th century lit if that makes a difference.

Any advice would be highly appreciated!

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First of all, the whole reason a school's acceptance rate is above 10 % is probably because they have less than great financial Aid. UMASS - Amherst comes to mind. I think their stipend is around 14k. CUNY's is around 16k. Still, both are quite good department and fairly competitive. I don't know the exact numbers. Probably many fewer applicants than Brown or NYU, but they are far from safety schools.

Edited by Grunty DaGnome
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To reiterate what has been previously said, the "safety" schools might have a 15-20% acceptance rate. Far from safety. Any Ph.D. program is going to be at a good school with good research facilities and professors. I also believe that the reason these schools have a "higher" acceptance rate is simply that they have less applicants. Maybe 150 instead of 500. Still, that is a LOT of people applying for a very small amount of spots. I don't believe that any program is a safety school. I feel like we are all a part of Willy Wonka's master plan. We are SEARCHING for the golden ticket, and when we get it we are going to be licking grapes off the wall!!!

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I'm just licking the wall, it sort of looks like ice cream :blink:

No but really. Safety schools? If you excelled at your BA/MA school, then they're probably keen to keep you. I know this is the case for my MA school, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to have at least one option :)

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Hey everyone. Thanks for the responses.

I figured I get a lot of "there are no safety schools" responses, but I figured I'd still ask.

indalomena, unfortunately my BA school doesn't have a graduate program so I can't rely on that.

Guess I will just continue the hunt...

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