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I'm always a bit mystified by the interview process for English Phds. I guess I don't see the point.

For schools that do do interviews (Emory, Stanford), do they tend to interview everyone who they will eventually admit, or do they tend to interview people who they think need another round of vetting?

Regardless, I guess I'm now hoping for a Stanford interview!

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I do doubt that adcoms ever meet in December regardless of application dates, however. It would seem to me that interview dates would have to be fairly soon if the committee is going to use them for any kind of decision making purpose, as I just don't see them waiting until March to send out admissions offers. It is possible that the interviews are only a formality, of course, at which point I don't think there would have to be any kind of buffer period. Who knows.

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Last year the applications were due on December 7. This year they were due on January 3. Presumably the date for interviews will also be significantly later.

Ah! Thanks for pointing that out -- I didn't know that change occurred. Will mentally move Stanford to the back of the line for my "when I might have my hopes crushed" calendar. :|

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This is NOT an acceptance post, so please don't die. I'm just wondering who else on the boards interviewed, and if you asked your panel or have heard anything more about the decisions timeline. I know the original email said they would be making decisions after interviews ended on the 22nd -- I'd just love to know which day of this week or next I should plan to spend glued to my phone. (Since I spend so much time away from it as it is.)

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