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Comp Lit 2012

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I have a similar concern. My focus is mostly on 19th century Tagalog literature, and partly medieval Spanish lit. The medieval Spanish lit can be accommodated, but it's hard to find any profs specializing in Tagalog lit, much less Tagalog lit from the 19th century specifically. :/

This is so f'ing cool.

That is all.

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I have a similar concern. My focus is mostly on 19th century Tagalog literature, and partly medieval Spanish lit. The medieval Spanish lit can be accommodated, but it's hard to find any profs specializing in Tagalog lit, much less Tagalog lit from the 19th century specifically. :/

That is very specific! Where did you end up applying??

Also, is anyone going to claim the Chicago acceptance on the results board?? Ahh now I am worried!

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On 2/2/2012 at 10:29 PM, koolherc said:

This is so f'ing cool.

That is all.

Thanks! I think it's pretty cool, but I hope the departments I applied to think so as well! There is so much I want to work on that has had very little or no scholarly attention. I just hope I'm able to get in so I can actually do the research (in earnest).

On 2/3/2012 at 12:41 AM, aldousarendt said:

That is very specific! Where did you end up applying??

That's another concern of mine--that it's too specific. Last year, when I applied to programs, I only applied to 4, and didn't get in. When I asked a couple of the schools for feedback as to why, they told me my work was far too specific. So I started out trying to be more general this year, because I got the same feedback when asking an admin person at Chicago about the whole specificity issue, and applied to 3 English programs (Hawaii, Chicago, and Michigan) with a (hopefully) more vague research idea.

However, talking to Comp Lit departments, it seems like they are ok (and some encourage) more specificity, so for the Comp Lit programs I applied to (Cornell, WashU, Notre Dame, UPenn, and Emory), I was more specific about the time period and what genre of texts I was hoping to look at.

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yale admissions committee is gathering together on monday. for those who have applied will hear from them by the end of this month.

Thanks for this information. Do you know if this will include the cross-departmental applications for Film Studies as well (Comp Lit + Film Studies)?

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Hey guys, I wasn't checking the forum during the past week because of work. Has anyone heard from Brown yet?

I was emailed to check my status: wait listed :-/ Most ivies/privates seem to actually call aceptees

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I was emailed to check my status: wait listed :-/ Most ivies/privates seem to actually call aceptees

Thanks for the info! That is quite right but I don't think they call people who don't live in the US and I didn't receive any e-mails whatsoever. So I guess there is still hope.... or I'm overly optimistic..

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i'm a comp lit applicant, too! and also a berkeley reject...not that i expected to get in. would have been cool, though! did get an interview elsewhere, though, and i'm keeping my fingers crossed for some east coast schools.

good luck, all! nice to know there are other interdisciplinarians out there like me :P

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In at NYU, wait listed at UCLA! Hope other folks are finally hearing back as well!

Did you get an email from NYU? I'm waiting on the Comp Lit program there, sort of (interdisciplinary PhD through the Comp Lit department), and I'm eager to hear back!

Sorry, that was INCREDIBLY rude of me. Congratulations!! Quite an accomplishment :-)

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Completely understand, this is a nerve wracking process. I received a phone call from that outlined the basic decision, funding information, dept. visit, etc...I'm not going to lie, it was difficult finding anything to say back.

An interview at Yale is pretty impressive, was that through Comp Lit?

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No, I'm actually applying to Slavic PhD programs. NYU doesn't have a Slavic PhD program, though they do have one of the best scholars in my field in their department. So while I'm not Comp Lit, I decided to apply to the Interdisciplinary Specialization in Russian program. But yeah, I'm hoping Yale comes through - would love to be there!

Anyway, thanks for the information, and I hope you continue to get good news!

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