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Plan B Suggestions

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If this doesn't work out, I'm going to work for the Republican Party. ; )

Even from afar the impression is that they could do with some better candidates.

I'm thinking long-haul driving/couriering of some variety (or short-haul, just doubt I could get gigs like Gosling does in Drive); if I am not granted the opportunity to put my 'intelligence' to 'use', I shall elect to spurn it.

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As far as law school goes a friend recently recommended the book "Happy Hour is for Amateurs" it's a blog turned book that details someone's experiences in various stages of law. It definitely turned me off from law, and it was an enjoyable read (he reads like a tolerable Tucker Max?).

RE: driving jobs. I deliver sandwiches (how stupid is that) and you realize that if you're on delivery you're more or less free. Own space, own music, own thoughts. It can be a very meditative night if you're busy enough (30 sec of customer interaction, 10-15 minute drive, repeat with tips). Aside from that, it's miserable as it is fast food.

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Though! I am told by contacts in more than one adcom that English apps across the board were down to more normal levels this year after 2-3 years of the highest volume the PhD app market has ever seen. Hence admissions are back to normal (5-9% accepted vs. 1-5% for the last few years at the places where I have contacts).

This oddly ignites as well as extinguishes my hope. On the one hand, hooray for less apps to be pitted against, and for the higher acceptance rate in general; on the other, the drop might bespeak an absence of those who were arbitrarily attempting to continue their education because of the dire job market, thus saving AdCom boards an initial rejection round as they may have not been the strongest applicants. The competition level then remains, or might even be a tad higher if applicant pools have returned to being comprised of only those really serious about a PhD.

I'm not good at math, but if there is a smaller applicant pool, wouldn't the higher percentage rate still signify the same number of acceptances, but it just seems higher because of the smaller supply to begin with? Like accepting 10 from 600 vs. 10 from 300? Maybe? Either way, I suppose the acceptance rate has still risen considerably, and I hope to be in one of those 5-9%'s somewhere.

Edited by andsoitgoes161
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For me (personally)

plan A: doctorate (applied, no responses)

plan B: JET (applied, first interview in two weeks)

plan C: teach at community college (appying)

plan D: spend the year doing prep for a second round of applications while focusing on my Tae Kwan Do and general weight loss/health improvements. And read every book I've said I was going to but never did.

I participated on the JET Programme before starting graduate work (an MFA and now working on a PhD). It was a terrific experience, and a great way to blow off "real-life" responsibilities for 1 to 5 (!) years. Highly recommended!

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it's where you get to go teach english to bored japanese salarymen and sleep in a matchbox. but you have to be 26 or under because I guess if you're older you might be cognizant of the shitty conditions.

You team teach English classes with another Japanese teacher to elementary, junior high, or high school students (depends where they assign you. I got an unusual assignment and teach all grade levels). You need to have completed a BA at least to apply. You have to be 40 years old or under. http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/JET/

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everything but the singing

Oh, we're plugging our bands now? Okay: ANTIQUES

You can see some really great google translates I did of our album reviews there.

BTW, user name, do you ever find that also having to work on band stuff is an ENORMOUS drain on scholarly time?

Edited by TripWillis
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High school English probably...but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.

I'm there. Hope away - you'll teach what you love to people who don't love it, have no time for any of your own academic pursuits, and not make that much money.

With all those cons, though, the thing that gets me is that I'll be doing the same thing pretty much every year, over and over again. (So...how much of a pro is job security, exactly?)

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playing/writing music helps me focus, a way to take a break while still exercising my mind. all the other stuff (promoting/booking/etc.) could be time better spent.

That is true. I think the most obnoxious part of last Spring was trying to write three term papers while mixing, mastering, designing the artwork, making the website, doing a bunch of shitty promo art, making a press kit, making a few music/promo vids, handling the artwork order, and submitting CDs/sending e-mails to over 200 press contacts.

All for a GbV rip-off shit-fi album.

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If any of you are interested in learning how to fix remote control helicopters (or, but some interesting coincidence, already know how) I know of a certain Canadian seller-of-things who will be looking for a glorified CSR in about six months. Could be an interesting year abroad?

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Even from afar the impression is that they could do with some better candidates.

I'm thinking long-haul driving/couriering of some variety (or short-haul, just doubt I could get gigs like Gosling does in Drive); if I am not granted the opportunity to put my 'intelligence' to 'use', I shall elect to spurn it.

LOLOL, you just got into Columbia, didn't you? LOLOL.

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