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Waitlist experiences?


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Waitlisted by Indiana in the last 2 cycles. And I'm here in my third cycle. Odds are very long as the program does admit more students than it plans to yield. They'll go to the waitlist if it looks like it won't get their targeted yield.

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ticklemepink, it sure seems like you do a lot of extrapolating based on your own experiences. wikichic is right that it varies. you may have a good chance. from what i understand, brandeis doesn't have many slots available, so that seems like may lend itself to a viable waitlist, since only need a few accepted students to turn it down to get under desired yield. can't play the law of averages with admits alone like a larger program can.

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I mentioned somewhere else- in another waitllist thread that Brandeis did accept someone off the waitlist last year or two. It's a matter of getting one or two of the accepted students to turn down the offer. I think that person waited until just before April 15th to find out. S/he stayed in touch with the department to check on the status.

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When I applied for my MA I was wait-listed at my top choice. I was told I was the 1st on the wait list which really made me feel better because I knew the odds where that someone would turn a spot down. But still I was a nervous wreck for about two months. I found out in May I was offered a spot after refreshing my e-mail constantly for days. It just appeared in my inbox and I nearly had a heart attack of joy. I had a meeting shortly after and could barely contain my excitement.

My two cents: Something that would help would be finding out where you stand on the wait-list so you can get a realistic expectation of your chances. Also, I know it depends on the programs because some spots are usually not given up. But these are things you can ask the graduate director.

*sending you positive vibes*

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Oh good Lord, yes. I can't believe there are others in this same uncomfortable boat. At this point I've been wait listed at the highest ranked program I applied to, the lowest ranked program, and a mid range program. I was rejected by the other two mid range programs.

This is a wacky process, methinks.

Edited by Abbott
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Agreed on the wacky process part. Best of luck to you as you twiddle your thumbs and wait. I find myself logging a lot of miles (running) and reading.... sleeping and then repeat!

I tried the whole running "thing" but the whole being out of breath after putting on my shoes told me I wasn't meant to run or even trying to do that.

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Hi. I was also recently waitlisted at Brandeis. I wrote to the DGS to see where I am on the list, how big the incoming class is (3 new PhD students, maybe 4 if they can find more money), and what he thought my chances of admission were. He responded very quickly and provided a lot of helpful information. So if you haven't already, I'd say it would be very appropriate to write back to see where you stand. It's a great school with a super tiny program, so you should feel very good about making the waitlist (at least that's what I'm telling myself)!

Yeah I wrote them an email, so I'm waiting for the response (lots of waiting! Haha, I guess I'm getting used to it). I'm happy that I'm somewhat in range of a successful experience, so I feel more hopeful than I did before hearing from them. But, of course, I'd just like to get in. Good luck to you, though!

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Yeah I wrote them an email, so I'm waiting for the response (lots of waiting! Haha, I guess I'm getting used to it). I'm happy that I'm somewhat in range of a successful experience, so I feel more hopeful than I did before hearing from them. But, of course, I'd just like to get in. Good luck to you, though!

Out of curiosity how did you approach them? Did you inform your POI before hand?

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Out of curiosity how did you approach them? Did you inform your POI before hand?

No, I didn't speak to my POI. I mostly just expressed my interest in the department and asked for the information I wanted. From the information I've gathered from around the forum, most schools tend to be fairly responsive (especially with waitlisters, since they can't afford to distance them quite yet).

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Of course, the information you said there is about PRINCETON, right? I know that it is of course similar at other schools (they look for different people off the waitlists etc..) but I don't think all is doomed for us waiting at other schools, right?

Please, please, please?

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