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As a harvard graduate (no matter how much I loved and enjoyed all those places around the square) I have to say that Boston winters suck; especially if you are coming from a warm place..

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I think I shall console myself by remembering that, as a diehard and incredibly obnoxious Canucks fan, my chances of surviving more than a few weeks in the vicinity of Boston is essentially negligible.

Beer+me+rival hockey fans=bar fights. Which I always lose.

I don't think Stevie G would look too kindly on me showing up to his seminars with black eyes.

Relatedly, this is one of the factors which is causing me great distress in deciding between Duke and Chicago. I think Chicago might be a better fit for me, but I don't know if I can co-habitate with Blackhawks fans.... :wacko:

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Relatedly, this is one of the factors which is causing me great distress in deciding between Duke and Chicago. I think Chicago might be a better fit for me, but I don't know if I can co-habitate with Blackhawks fans.... :wacko:

I don't blame you. I'm a Red Wings fan.

(Wait. Does this mean we're enemies now too?)

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Marginal enemies, but I can at least respect a Wings fan (who are having an even-more-than-usually phenomenal season. Someone really needs to catch them from winning the West, 'cause with their home record there is no chance anyone beats them if they get the top-seed). :ph34r:

Boston? Not so much. <_<

Yes. It is basically essential that we get the top seed now. Our road record is a pile of shit. BTW, I've heard the Wings are trying to get RICK NASH at the trade deadline. WTF???

Edited by TripWillis
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My phone just rang.

Blocked number.

I suffered a mild heart attack.

I answered.

It was my bank telling me to pay my damn credit card bill.


True Story.

Aaahhhh!!! I feel your pain. Also, junk mail is infinitely more obnoxious when you're waiting to hear back from schools. Every time I see a new email I get excited/nauseated and then it turns out Gap is having a sale and I really couldn't care less.

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Yes. It is basically essential that we get the top seed now. Our road record is a pile of shit. BTW, I've heard the Wings are trying to get RICK NASH at the trade deadline. WTF???

I think at this point I've heard a rumour about almost every single team and Rick Nash.

Most laughable one I've heard from my neck of the woods: Schneider plus Kesler and/or Raymond plus picks. HA! Nash has been languishing in Columbus for an eternity. He's a HUGE cap hit for not a huge amount of upside (he's got some offensive numbers, but not $7 million's worth), and is pretty untested in a real hockey market, with real linemates, or in a deep playoff run. He's been good but not great internationally......I don't get what all the hype is about. *shrug* I think it's just because things have been essentially otherwise SILENT leading up to the deadline. No one really seems to be making any big moves.

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Who's going to cave first and call/contact the department for more info? ;)

Back when I did my first round of applications years ago (and failed completely), I saw that somebody had listed an acceptance based on a phone call. It didn't match the timetable I had heard from the department, so I called the grad secretary. We had a really nice conversation with her, she said that it would be against policy for a professor to call at that point, they weren't ready for acceptances to go out, etc. I felt super relieved, decided it was a hoax, was so much happier. Then, when we were just about to hang up, she goes "of course, if a tenured prof decided to call somebody, what would we do about it, ha ha ha! I wouldn't be surprised!" And she hung up.

I seriously wanted to jump out a window.

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My phone just rang.

Blocked number.

I suffered a mild heart attack.

I answered.

It was my bank telling me to pay my damn credit card bill.


True Story.

I've done that a couple times the last few days ... I hate it when they ask "May I speak with ____" and my heart goes all aflutter, and then the bastard says "this is Mike from Charter Communications and we're calling about your internet bill"

Gonna pay it even later just for vengeance

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When I got my voicemail about Amherst, it said "Missed Call: ###-###-#### MA, USA." So there I am thinking, "Okay... this could be Amherst, Harvard, or Tufts and I will FREAK OUT AND SCREAM IF IT IS ANY OF THEM BUT ESPECIALLY IF IT'S HARVARD." It was Amherst, which is still awesome.

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My phone just rang.

Blocked number.

I suffered a mild heart attack.

I answered.

It was my bank telling me to pay my damn credit card bill.


True Story.

Yeah I had more calls yesterday than I get in a week. One was an 800 number. I was a little excited but they just wanted me to donate blood. Then my boss kept calling me because of problems. Every time that phone rang . . . so many feelings.

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So with one dubious and non-specific post later on a Friday, I assume we can still call this pretty wide open, eh? Funny that we're already at 3 pages over one little post. Oh, Harvard... but if I can't get into Rutgers, Davis, or Maryland, I'm not relishing my chances here.

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So with one dubious and non-specific post later on a Friday, I assume we can still call this pretty wide open, eh? Funny that we're already at 3 pages over one little post. Oh, Harvard... but if I can't get into Rutgers, Davis, or Maryland, I'm not relishing my chances here.

Keep the faith Trip! You never know what might happen! :D

*starts crying in soup*

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I have to say, one of the most endearing, but also tragic, aspects of these boards is the way every member here is infinitely capable of supporting and encouraging others, but can't seem to extend the same kindness to themselves. (See posts above for excellent examples of this ;) )

Perhaps that's why I feel like I fit in so well here. :D

Hooray for the generous and self-doubting, for we shall inherit the earth!

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I have to say, one of the most endearing, but also tragic, aspects of these boards is the way every member here is infinitely capable of supporting and encouraging others, but can't seem to extend the same kindness to themselves. (See posts above for excellent examples of this ;) )

Perhaps that's why I feel like I fit in so well here. :D

Hooray for the generous and self-doubting, for we shall inherit the earth!

I think you're going to get into Harvard. Duke and Chicago love you, so I bet Harvard will too. B)

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