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Decisions, Decisions


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Hey All. Clearly going to wait til I meet with my NYU poi. I'm just trying to think somewhat ahead... I'm sort of losing a week in this process because I'm off to LA the 18-25 for work and won't have a moment to think (leading service trips is like that - it's a 24/7 job). By the time I get home back to being able to talk to these guys and consider my options, it will be the end of the month! Where did the time go?

Anyone here done with decisions yet?

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I spent the weekend at UC Davis (it was recruitment weekend but I used it to get to know the people in my field). Woke up this morning to an admission from UC Riverside and a fellowship... I thought I'd withdrawn the application.

Anyway, I LOVED Davis and I absolutely love the people in my field. I got to meet with my adviser for an hour one-on-one, and the other professors as well as current students were very welcoming. I also met a couple of GC lurkers, one of whom lives in the same town as me and has already decided to attend as well.

Good luck to everyone else still making decisions! :)

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I've had the good fortune to speak to 3 current students in this NYU dual program thanks to Jewish geography and skype! (They are all in Israel.) It's so tremendously helpful. Try to track down current students in your programs too if you can!

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I've had the good fortune to speak to 3 current students in this NYU dual program thanks to Jewish geography and skype! (They are all in Israel.) It's so tremendously helpful. Try to track down current students in your programs too if you can!

how did you stalk find them?

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Usually current students are referred by the department or the POI.

this might not be a good sign for me then that I've not been referred to a single student thus far

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this might not be a good sign for me then that I've not been referred to a single student thus far

I think that depends very much on the POI and department. I've had a mixed experience with this.

At one school which I'm wait listed at, they've had at least three current graduate students contacting waitlistees to answer questions (which is very nice but also sort of weird given that I've not even been admitted). At one I've been admitted to, my POI, who is extremely friendly and forthcoming and has probably expressed the most interest in me of any POI, has not offered to put me in contact with anyone. At the other, I brought up the idea of contacting some graduate students and my POI enthusiastically agreed it would be a good idea (and I'm glad I did it). So I wouldn't try to read the tea leaves based on that.

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I think that depends very much on the POI and department. I've had a mixed experience with this.

At one school which I'm wait listed at, they've had at least three current graduate students contacting waitlistees to answer questions (which is very nice but also sort of weird given that I've not even been admitted). At one I've been admitted to, my POI, who is extremely friendly and forthcoming and has probably expressed the most interest in me of any POI, has not offered to put me in contact with anyone. At the other, I brought up the idea of contacting some graduate students and my POI enthusiastically agreed it would be a good idea (and I'm glad I did it). So I wouldn't try to read the tea leaves based on that.


Sorry for "yelling" ... just had to get into character for a minute there

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Sorry for "yelling" ... just had to get into character for a minute there

If it makes you feel better, I have a stack of fortunes from my fortune cookies that I've been reading religiously since submitting my first application in December. And am still keeping up with my weekly ritual until my funding offers are finished.

I'm not kidding.

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If it makes you feel better, I have a stack of fortunes from my fortune cookies that I've been reading religiously since submitting my first application in December. And am still keeping up with my weekly ritual until my funding offers are finished.

I'm not kidding.

I no longer feel like a madman ... thank you .... from the depths of my soul

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There's a concept called Jewish geography that basically means that any Jew you wanna get in touch with is probably separated by less than 2 degrees with another Jew. So no surprise that with all 3 Nyu students I'm in touch with, I have at least 5 mutual friends, including in some cases my boyfriends cousin.. Jewish Studies is a small small world... So in your case, just ask your program to hook you up!

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There's a concept called Jewish geography that basically means that any Jew you wanna get in touch with is probably separated by less than 2 degrees with another Jew. So no surprise that with all 3 Nyu students I'm in touch with, I have at least 5 mutual friends, including in some cases my boyfriends cousin.. Jewish Studies is a small small world... So in your case, just ask your program to hook you up!

so you're saying IF I were to go to Columbia and wanted to start dating the lovely Jewess of the City, you're my go-to gal? Is that how this works or do I need a regular yenta for that kind of operation? ;)

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Well, my decision process is actually really easy, but after two years of straight rejections and another slew of them this year I just wanted to be able to finally post in the decisions thread. Basically, two programs accepted me without funding, but UofOregon wants to give me money to get an MA so I'll be going there!

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