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Decisions, Decisions


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Yes, my visit did make things very complicated and I knew i needed to understand why. My friends and peers gave me their time of the day for the last 2 nights to talk it all out. I truly cannot go wrong with either choice. My subfield doesn't care as my work matters more than the program name. My packages are exceptional at both places as I've learned how they came to my hands so it doesn't make the decision any easier for sure.

The resolution seems to be that I am torn between following my heart to one place or my mind/logic to the other. I will be speaking with my POI at one of the places today and if s/he cannot give me the confidence that I need within 3 days to sign on with the department, then it's to the other place. I'll also speak with my MA adviser tonight as well.

I truly did not see this coming. :wacko: At least I can try to make peace with the fact that that I cannot truly regret my decision. If it weren't for these conversations, then I would've felt real regret.

Academia stinks.

I cannot WAIT until you choose. Your story is like a good murder mystery. Every time I open a thread where you've commented I expect to find out who the killer really is. :D

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I cannot WAIT until you choose. Your story is like a good murder mystery. Every time I open a thread where you've commented I expect to find out who the killer really is. :D

But unlike a murder mystery ... you know everyone will go home happy

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Except for OSU....



TMP will make the right choice (i.e., not the buckeyes ;) ) therefore I see it as a win-win ... yes I too am not a fan of that institution not only because they let the sorry gators whoop em in 07 (thus helping stoke the horrible myth of Tebow) but they unleashed the decrepit body of 84 year old Greg Oden onto the NBA .... but seriously because whichever school TMP picks will be a WONDERFUL choice and everyone here not me if you pick OSU will be supportive and happy for you!

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Oseirus, I think I speak for Buckeye nation when I say that we're happy to pretend that 2006-2007 never happened if you are.

tmp - the good thing is that since you have a pretty even split in terms of the things that matter, you get to think about the things that we're usually told not to decide schools based on - like sports, lifestyle, city, proximity to family and friends, etc. Or you could flip a coin.

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Oseirus, I think I speak for Buckeye nation when I say that we're happy to pretend that 2006-2007 never happened if you are.

The problem is that I live in the glorious state of Florida and these annoying amphibians are here, constantly remind me of the second coming of Christ and that mountebank St Urban Cryer ... BTW nice choice for a coach ... from one Tartuffe to another ... the irony

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Well, I think I just spent like an hour on the phone with my SUPER patient, level-handed MA adviser. I didn't realize that I had been chatting for like an hour until I looked at my phone. Oh boy, she deserves a big treat or something... probably just not drop out of a PhD program.

That conversation today with my POI made the world of difference. S/he truly put a huge smile on my face. So I'll release my decision on TGC after I've spoken with both POIs. :D

Until then, I'll take bets. Who wants beer money?

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I'm supposed to be taking a break from school/grad school stress this weekend, but... Consider this hypothetical situation that may be loosely related to my own situation.

School A has an advisor whose research interests align with mine perfectly (better than any other POI), and a great group of professors in my subfield.

School B has an advisor whose research isn't as perfectly aligned with mine, but it isn't as if it would be a problem. But I'm in love with this prof's work, and s/he's probably better established and connected in my field. However, there's only one other prof there who is in my subfield (and our interests don't really align at all).

There are a million other variables at play also, including location, stipend size/years of support, cost of living, and a host of minor things as well. But I'm having trouble figuring out which school would provide a better intellectual environment for my studies.

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SToF- Intellectual fit. Go with the adviser who is asking the same intellectual questions that you are right now. That is so important- you want an adviser who is already thinking the same thing and will help you finish your dissertation quickly. If the person isn't exactly on the same wavelength, no matter how much you admire his/her work, the dissertation might take a wee bit longer.

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SToF -- I agree with TMP. There are several people off the top of my head whose work I loved once but who I now think about quite differently. You never know how your own thinking will evolve, and it would suck to suddenly be less enamored of the most significant reason you picked a program. And if not, it sounds like you've already been in touch with that POI, so they can still be a resource down the line, right?

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I'm supposed to be taking a break from school/grad school stress this weekend, but... Consider this hypothetical situation that may be loosely related to my own situation.

School A has an advisor whose research interests align with mine perfectly (better than any other POI), and a great group of professors in my subfield.

School B has an advisor whose research isn't as perfectly aligned with mine, but it isn't as if it would be a problem. But I'm in love with this prof's work, and s/he's probably better established and connected in my field. However, there's only one other prof there who is in my subfield (and our interests don't really align at all).

There are a million other variables at play also, including location, stipend size/years of support, cost of living, and a host of minor things as well. But I'm having trouble figuring out which school would provide a better intellectual environment for my studies.

now as a heartless corporate stooge-type, option B would SCREAM at me all day long, however since this is academia one must balance those wonderful needs (Mr. Burns forgive me) versus passion. To me personally, option A is the smarter choice in academia because, from my narrow understanding, you need a solid foundation around you when you are writing your thesis and A seems to offer that more than B.

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Wow, I wasn't expecting unanimity like that. Thanks for your responses. I've been engaging in some extensive email correspondence this weekend. I hope to have a talk with my advisor and a few other people whose opinions I trust this week, and will hopefully narrow my choices down to one (plus W&M) as soon as Wednesday.

I always say go with your gut. There is always 'The Right Way' to do things, and you'll find that more often than not, that is the direction your gut will lead you. But don't be afraid to do something that strays from conventional wisdom just because it strays from conventional wisdom.

There is no worse feeling in the world than doing something 'The Right Way', and then failing in some capacity, when right from the beginning you felt like you should go a different path.

Edited by Hogs of War
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W&M are done, so I've officially been left hanging at the very top of the wait list. Disappointing, but IU just gave me a fellowship for my 3rd year (instead of teaching) which I'm considering the spoonful of sugar to make the W&M medicine go down. So I'm headed to IU. I'll talk to my advisor tomorrow before making it official, but I'm decided, and I'm confident.

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W&M are done, so I've officially been left hanging at the very top of the wait list. Disappointing, but IU just gave me a fellowship for my 3rd year (instead of teaching) which I'm considering the spoonful of sugar to make the W&M medicine go down. So I'm headed to IU. I'll talk to my advisor tomorrow before making it official, but I'm decided, and I'm confident.

Medicine indeed! That's a fantastic program and you will do great coming from there, SToF. Congratulations! Now, if only your mascot were something that could actually be visualized (what is a Hoosier anyway?). And the 3rd year deal sounds perfect! Well done, SToF.

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Congrats Twist of Fate! It is wonderful to know where one is going and a fellowship is always 'effin sweet. It's pretty crazy when you think about how nuts we all were - myself, really - at the beginning of February.

@Nordicllama and anybody else who may be interested in such dorkitude: Our understanding of the etymology of Hoosier is complicated and uncertain. Among other theories, it is believed to have been an early 19th century derogatory nickname for the backcountry folk who moved Northwest from Appalachia into Ohio and Indiana (Walker Howe, What Hath God Wrought, 137). I have a faint memory of it being derived from some sort of German word, but the only source I could remember on this doesn't mention that. It seems like a popular synonym for Hoosier was once Butternuts but that just didn't stick. I just smirked when I typed that. Sorry

Edited by crazedandinfused
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W&M are done, so I've officially been left hanging at the very top of the wait list. Disappointing, but IU just gave me a fellowship for my 3rd year (instead of teaching) which I'm considering the spoonful of sugar to make the W&M medicine go down. So I'm headed to IU. I'll talk to my advisor tomorrow before making it official, but I'm decided, and I'm confident.

Congrats ... just don't announce "I'm here" when they yell "hoosier" ... you might get awkward stares

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Thanks everyone. I just sent off all the official acceptance/decline emails, so now all I have left to do is the hard part.

Oh, and as if someone at espn knew, look at who's atop the preseason basketball rankings: http://espn.go.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/7801992/indiana-hoosiers-lead-revised-top-25-plenty-changes-elsewhere

I think this means I will finally have to see the movie Hoosiers, though...

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