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Post-Acceptance Stress & Misc. Banter

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Ack - I threw my back out and am now bedridden for the weekend, at least. We're going into reading period at my undergrad, so there isn't much studying or work that I have at the moment. Anyone have any recommendations for movies available on Netflix or readings I can access without having to leave my bed? ;)

Do the BBC's "Sherlock" if you have not already checked it out. AWESOME stuff.

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+1 +1 +1 +1 +1


Really? My sister recommended this too. I'll have to check it out.

I just re-watched Star Trek: First Contact for the first time a while. It is awesome. This and Star Trek II (and IV) is da best ones. Also, I am drinking right now. Yay!

Star Trek in the canon FTW. :mellow:


'Specially TNG.

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Star Wars > Star Trek

You almost made me -1 you on rep points. Especially because you didn't make some important distinctions.

Star Trek II, IV, and First Contact > Everything after The Empire Strikes Back

ANH and ESB > Star Trek on the whole

Star Trek on the whole > Jar Jar Binks prequels and Return of the Jedi

Edited by TripWillis
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Star Trek on the whole is ALWAYS better than Star Wars, even though I still quite like Star Wars (at least episodes 4-6). I'm a huge trekker, though, so my perspective may be biased. I will second (third?) the Sherlock suggestion. DO IT!

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Unfortunately I've already watched all of Sherlock, otherwise that would be the most brilliant suggestion ever.

I'll check out Star Wars and Star Trek, though! Never really seen either, so this should be fun :-) (especially egregious since I focus on sci fi...)

Thanks for the suggestions, all!

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Really? My sister recommended this too. I'll have to check it out.

I just re-watched Star Trek: First Contact for the first time a while. It is awesome. This and Star Trek II (and IV) is da best ones. Also, I am drinking right now. Yay!

Star Trek in the canon FTW. :mellow:


'Specially TNG.

I might be about to get really unpopular with the nerdier folks.


It's all about Deep Space Nine. I mean yeah, TNG is classic, and who doesn't love Captain Picard? The man made bald beautiful. BUT. Deep Space Nine is where shit gets real. No more Gene Roddenberry (sad, don't get me wrong) also means no more Star Trek utopian naivete.

I've been making it through this application process by rewatching this show.

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I just re-watched Star Trek: First Contact for the first time a while. It is awesome.

I had to re-watch First Contact for one of my seminars this year. I had forgotten how awesome it is. I don't know why learning science in junior high couldn't be this fun....

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It's all about Deep Space Nine. I mean yeah, TNG is classic, and who doesn't love Captain Picard? The man made bald beautiful. BUT. Deep Space Nine is where shit gets real. No more Gene Roddenberry (sad, don't get me wrong) also means no more Star Trek utopian naivete.

this - greatness starting with season 4

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I had to re-watch First Contact for one of my seminars this year. I had forgotten how awesome it is. I don't know why learning science in junior high couldn't be this fun....


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Ack - I threw my back out and am now bedridden for the weekend, at least. We're going into reading period at my undergrad, so there isn't much studying or work that I have at the moment. Anyone have any recommendations for movies available on Netflix or readings I can access without having to leave my bed? ;)

How I Met Your Mother AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer are both available on Netflix. (Yeah, I bared my soul. Judge me. I dare you.)

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How I Met Your Mother AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer are both available on Netflix. (Yeah, I bared my soul. Judge me. I dare you.)

Don't worry, spasticlitotes. I will never judge you for this.

Also, hi. I get to join the party again, having finally received an acceptance!

It's sad how excited I am to pick classes when I haven't even heard back from the majority of the schools I applied to, and thus have no idea what classes I'll be picking from -- YAY ANYWAY

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BLLLLEEECHHH to both. Downton Abbey on Netflix FTW.

#drunken judgmental attitude

Haha, I thought this was a safe space! *sniff* Although check plus for Downton Abbey - I'm a little wary of where it's going because of how season 2 ended...

Don't worry, spasticlitotes. I will never judge you for this.

Also, hi. I get to join the party again, having finally received an acceptance!

It's sad how excited I am to pick classes when I haven't even heard back from the majority of the schools I applied to, and thus have no idea what classes I'll be picking from -- YAY ANYWAY

CONGRATS JEliott!!!!! Where are you going?

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Season 1 of Downton Abbey was deliciously good. Season 2 was meh. It's getting all too British soap opera-y.

Sherlock is wonderful. For other British stuff, try Black Books or Black Mirror. The first is hilarious sit-com. The second is creepily plausible sci-fi.

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