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Vanilla Tea

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I thought I'd start a conversation for those of us who are considering UT Austin for our PhDs this fall. I've been accepted into the film studies PhD and would love to hear from others grads who are thinking of moving there, stuff about the city, housing, funding, costs of living, the entire shebang.

And if anyone else is thinking about joining the Department of Radio-Television-Film, would love to hear from you!


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Hey Vanilatea,

I also was accepted into UT Austin's RTF. I know they sent another e-mail today, but I remain confused by their funding. Am I correct to assume that as PhD students there is still tuition, it is just in-state?

Sorry for what may seem like a dumb question!

I would love to be able to visit, but I am still coordinating with my current position whether or not I can take the days off.

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Don't feel confused about the funding, i was in the exact same position as you - till I realized yesterday that the package consists of 9 months of TA stipend and a part tuition waiver. Which means most students are expected to pay around 1600 USD per semester out of pocket as tuition. :(

Most of the current grad students are on loans. I don't really know yet where this leaves me, because I was very keen to accept this offer, but I definitely have to do some serious thinking now.

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Hi All! I was also accepted to UT-Austin's RTF program. I won't be able to visit sadly, so I'm uncertain if I will be going here, and I, like Vanilatea am concerned about the details of the funding. I didn't like that I'd have to pay so much per semester....I have plenty of loans from my MA. I'm sad because I really liked the program, but without a visit I don't see what else can change my mind. Are you all visiting?

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I am also considering UT's College of Communication but the comm studies department. Just like you guys, I was confused by how funding works... However, I am dept free (coming from a country with free universities) and therefore wouldn't mind that much but first I want to visit :)

I'll be visiting pretty late (week of April 2nd - combining it with a "vacation" in the sun, Germany is still very cold...).

Anybody else already decided to go to UT Austin or considering going? If I'm going I will definitely be looking for a roommate (I'm used to living close to downton and public transportation without a car and I would like to keep it that way...)

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Hi everyone,

I'm definitely going! I'm in solid state electrical engineering. Saviya, I lived in Austin last summer, and although I don't think the public transportation is as nice as it is in Europe generally, they do have some buses and stuff. I've heard that the apartments very close to the university are more expensive and full of loud undergrads, but if you live a few blocks farther out than that, there should still be transportation things.

Their funding system is weird. They didn't tell us any details until we went to the visiting weekend and all the prospective students kept bugging them about it. I was given funding for my first year (until I find a research advisor), but I'm not sure what the deal is for other departments.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone! I'm late to this thread, but I just got my official acceptance :) I will be attending UT this fall. My stipend will be pretty small though...does anyone know anything about moderately priced housing?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that the areas a little farther from campus probably have less expensive housing than the places near Guadalupe street / downtown. But then you'd probably need a car, since the public transportation doesn't seem to be excellent.

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But then you'd probably need a car, since the public transportation doesn't seem to be excellent.

Just be thankful you have a working public transportation system. Compared to Europe or Asia, public transit in America is of course not going to be decent. But for the southern part of the United States, Austin has one of the best.

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I will be attending UT Austin this fall (Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction). I hear that Austin's free bus system is one of the best in the country for students. You can find more information on the University Apartments/graduate housing at the following link: http://www.utexas.edu/student/housing/index.php?site=0&scode=2&id=639.

All of the graduate apartments are located off campus, but have bus service (about 15-25 min commute I hear). I will have my car, but I don't intend to use it to drive to campus for class.

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Does anyone have suggestions about how to find a roommate? I'm having trouble finding other female grad students in my program (I was the only girl on my tour for visiting day...), but I feel weird about looking on craigslist or something similar.

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I'm sure there are other sources (craigslist maybe?), but the university housing website has some postings (https://www.utexas.edu/provost/housing/listing/). Personally, I've been hesitant to do the random roommate thing my first year, though I'm also not sure I want to pay for a single either...meh.

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