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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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well, i'd say yr better off than most people out of graduate school. getting funding from reputable sources such as the awf and nea is a pretty fantastic start. once you get one grant - yr very likely to get others.

curious - why did you apply to graduate school in the first place? the reason a lot of people go is to get to a place similar to where you are. you sound pretty self motivated.

as far as schools - it's very subjective. this is my second year applying and haven't fared much better this time around either. i'm 1 for 6. the decision is entirely based on who is currently in the program and the other people who have applied - they curate each year.

to the person who said you should argue your rejection - it's not very likely that'll help you any. most schools don't provide feedback, and it's a bit annoying.

Ok Here it goes:

Pratt- Accepted

Yale, RISD, Rutgers, Tulane- Reject

SAIC- recommended for Post-Baccalaureate

U Mass Amherst-nothing

VCU- nothing

Here's the thing, I have a good amount of experience as a professional artist. I'm young, but have published an artist book, received funding from Andy Worhol Foundation and National Endowment for the arts. Had Artist residencies and I have even sold all my pieces in a group show in nyc-post recession.(Im from midwest). But Ive received tons of rejects from these schools.

1)Is there anyone that knows how this admissions process works?

2)Which is better Pratt or SAIC post-bac. SAIC is a better school with a better rep, but I will still have to apply again for an MFA program. Pratts not that bad and its in NY, but its not that good either. What advice is out there?

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as far as schools - it's very subjective. this is my second year applying and haven't fared much better this time around either. i'm 1 for 6. the decision is entirely based on who is currently in the program and the other people who have applied - they curate each year.

I agree that it very subjective. One thing that I've noticed about the places that I got into, is that there is somewhat of a similarity in the aesthetic between the faculty's work and mine. Maybe it's not something that's said or even consciously noticed, but I think there's something there. And honestly, isn't that how art often works? We connect most to work that relates with whatever is rolling around in our minds at a given moment- it can be very subjective and very personal. Which is why we really shouldn't take it too personally when we don't get in somewhere. I know that not everyone is going to get my work, and that's too bad, but I'm definitely not going to let that be a deterrent, if anything it makes me work harder.

My point is, don't let it get you down- just keep working, and try to find and surround yourself with people who get your work (easier said than done, I know).

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If you're choosing between an MFA at Pratt and Post-Bac at SAIC, I would definitely say go for Pratt, or, if you're not sure, take a year and reapply. I cannot speak to all schools, but where I finished my undergrad (SFAI) and from what I hear from others, Post-Bacs seem like a way to milk you for money. True, it will give you a leg up when applying for an MFA later, but you'll still be jumping through the same hoops as everyone else, and you'll be 30-50k poorer by then. I think you'd be in just as good of a position spending another year working hard and perhaps doing a residency or two. This really goes for all post-bacs; unless you have a lot of money to blow and desperately want to be in school right now (I say that without mockery, I wholly understand that feeling), I would not accept a post-bac offer.

I don't know a lot about Pratt's grad program, but I think their student work is pretty impressive, the school has great name recognition, and any art program in New York City is going to have excellent practicing artists on their faculty. I don't think NYC is an artists mecca, but there is no denying its central position in the art world, nor the access to incredible institutions, galleries, non-profits, and other opportunities. Have you visited Pratt yet? If not, do so, and see how it feels. That will tell you more than anyone on this board.

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well i am on two waiting lists. Parsons and Rutgers for Photo. Anyone know what my chances are of actually getting an offer being on the waiting list? I have some bills id like to pay and projects id like to work on over this next year so i might just wait and go through this lovely process in another 8 months :)

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hey nathan,

Here is my estimate on the numbers for parsons photo.

If you had an interview I'd say chances are pretty good. They take 15-18 students per year, and they interviewed 30. I'm guessing they accepted around 25 figuring some decline. Each year they offer entrance to people on the waitlist. So if your in that thirty I'd have hope.

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I don't know if this will help anyone here or not, but I'll tell you anyways just in case. xD I'm an undergrad at VCU (sculpture) and a professor commented that they have been looking at the graduate portfolios this week. Sculpture only, not sure about any other departments.

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go to Pratt. Cranbrook is a far better education, but you will make better contacts at Pratt and you are in a commercial field. They are all working designers with studios, and you could land a job in NY immediately after you graduate, plus, jobs in NY pay more than anywhere else in the country.

Brosenth1984, I just have some question about your answer. What do you mean by in pratt you will "make better contacts"???

I am not sure if I understand it right.

Most of my friend encourage me to go to Pratt but I still feel that Cranbrook is the diamond that I can't miss....

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I feel kind of guilty this year, but then again, flat out rejections last year...i paid my dues...

brosenth1984 (or anyone else with similar experience),

What did you differently from last year to have such a dramatic difference in results. Applied to many more schools, different schools? Presented different kind of work or more of the same work? Made more contacts? Voodoo spells? Any info will help as I await financial offer from CCA and think about if I want to do this process again in a few months.

For all my fellow UCLA applicants - I just got my email from them this morning, directing me to their online system, where I finally got to see my rejection letter (like I didn't see it coming). I guess it's good to save trees by not mailing something out...

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Graphic Design

Art Center-Media Design

interview 3/6




a weird email that was supposedly a test email to accepted students. Later retracted and claimed it was a mistake and sent to everyone who applied.

I think they let everyone know on April first, based on conversations with the admissions people


no response


no response (but have heard of others getting a response and interviews)

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Brosenth1984, I just have some question about your answer. What do you mean by in pratt you will "make better contacts"???

I am not sure if I understand it right.

Most of my friend encourage me to go to Pratt but I still feel that Cranbrook is the diamond that I can't miss....

Cranbrook truly is a diamond in the rough! In my opinion their facilities are superior to any school that I've visited. I got the sense that Cranbrook grads have no problem getting employed in any market.

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I just found this site. I, too, am biting my nails. I have applied for painting, and haven't received many positive results. This process is brutal.

Here are my results:

RISD: rejected

UCLA: rejected

UT Austin : rejected

CALARTS: rejected

SFAI (applied to the dual program): accepted to the MFA but haven't heard yet about the MA

Pratt: rejected

SAIC: rejected from the MFA, interviewed today for the post-bac

CCA: interviewed 2/19, no word yet


SVA: ?

Carnegie Mellon: ?

Otis: ?

Art Center?

Has anyone in painting heard yet from CCA? I thought that my interview went very well, but I haven't heard back. Now that I see other people have received emails I am starting to worry.

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Has anyone in painting heard yet from CCA? I thought that my interview went very well, but I haven't heard back. Now that I see other people have received emails I am starting to worry.

A friend of mine got accepted to CCA painting a few weeks ago.

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I noticed in some of the earlier posts that MICA may provide notification on March 30. MICA's website says that it will provide notice on April 1. Does anyone have any further information on when MICA will provide notice?

Thanks much.

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Cranbrook truly is a diamond in the rough! In my opinion their facilities are superior to any school that I've visited. I got the sense that Cranbrook grads have no problem getting employed in any market.


I have sent you an email thru the forum system, not sure if you have received it.

I just want to ask you something about the cranbrook stuff.

My email is aimelie.aimaim@gmail.com

Please check your email if you have received mine.


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Here are my results so far:

Painting programs:

CCA - accepted

RISD- interviewed and waiting

SAIC- interviewed and waiting

Yale- rejected

Hunter- rejected

Columbia- nothing - wtf? Has anyone else had problems w/ Columbia? First they said I had to resubmit my portfolio online and then they lost my $100 check. I have heard that interviews are scheduled, but I haven't heard from them either way. I thought I would have heard from them by now... I'm not impressed w/ their admin capabilities

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Just got accepted to Mica (Hoffberger) through phone call. Letter to follow so be on the lookout. goodluck to everyone!

Mica - Accepted 3/19

Risd - Interviewed 3/17

Yale - Interview 3/26

Columbia - Nothing yet

Sfai - Accepetd 2/17

WUSTL - Accepted 2/18

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RISD - Accepted (just got the call)

MICA (Hoffberger)- Accepted (got the call last night)

Tyler- Accepted

Indiana- Accepted

Yale- Interview

Columbia - Interview

SAIC - Interviewed

UCLA - Rejected


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Hey julieopp, do you remember what kind of timeline Hunter gave for notification after Saturdays interviews? I seem to recall them saying they would all meet wednesday (yesterday), but nothing about how or when we would hear from them.

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