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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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RE: Hunter

I got called tuesday and they said I was on the wait list. So I don't know what my chances are. They said I was one of the top 5 on the waiting list, so I guess that's a good thing? Does anyone know how much time Hunter gives it's prospective students to decide on whether or not they want to go?

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RE: Hunter

I got called tuesday and they said I was on the wait list. So I don't know what my chances are. They said I was one of the top 5 on the waiting list, so I guess that's a good thing? Does anyone know how much time Hunter gives it's prospective students to decide on whether or not they want to go?

Yeah, when I got the call on Monday they said that I had until April 20th to confirm whether I would be attending or not (I was accepted for the spring, so I don't know if that date is earlier for the fall folks). I hope it works out for you!

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Yeah, when I got the call on Monday they said that I had until April 20th to confirm whether I would be attending or not (I was accepted for the spring, so I don't know if that date is earlier for the fall folks). I hope it works out for you!

April 20th is the deadline for us fall acceptances, as well.

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Did anyone get finaid packets from CCA?

Apparently, according to fafsa I'm not a US citizen. I sent a copy of my US passport but I'm getting worried they never got it, or some random cosmic mistake happened and I won't get any money! AHHHHHHH.

And, anyone else going to their graduate open studios this weekend?


Design, MFA

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I have a friend that was still waiting for his after 2 and a half weeks on Monday, not sure if he has gotten it yet, but I also have a friend that has already got his so they could be having problems with them... about your citizenship... hope that gets straightened out.

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I'm waiting for a reply from hunter. I thought I had good chances, but now i'm getting nervous. the interview went ok, but I couldn't tell. I felt I articulated myself well, even though my voice was trembling the whole time. The 3 men that interviewed me were very cold though. I couldn't tell if they liked me or my work. But I also heard that the program was accepting 80 students this year as opposed to the 40 that they usually take. Anyone hear that?

hey albinoslugs, did you by chance interview with a photography portfolio? I had three men do my interview as well, all very cold and intimidating. I walked out feeling exactly as you did! I did hear that they are accepting 80 people, I didn't know if that was their norm or not.

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I think it was 1/3 of tuition from the school. I think fafsa covered the rest of tuition, but nothing for living expenses. he is rejecting it for a full ride + stipend at WUSTL.

volumen said:
jkroman: any idea what your friend's financial package is like at CCA?
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jkroman said:
I think it was 1/3 of tuition from the school. I think fafsa covered the rest of tuition, but nothing for living expenses. he is rejecting it for a full ride + stipend at WUSTL.

Thanks. I am a bit confused about the fafsa thing. Are some schools not even looking into the fafsa data to determine funding? Does the goverment give out grants for graduate depending on your income, or is the data used by the school IF they need....?

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Yeah, not sure how it works myself... have not gotten an aid package yet....hehe. I still have 2 shots left though!!!

Oh, PS. I was told letters from SAIC painting went out on Tuesday...

Thanks. I am a bit confused about the fafsa thing. Are some schools not even looking into the fafsa data to determine funding? Does the goverment give out grants for graduate depending on your income, or is the data used by the school IF they need....?

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Thanks. I am a bit confused about the fafsa thing. Are some schools not even looking into the fafsa data to determine funding? Does the goverment give out grants for graduate depending on your income, or is the data used by the school IF they need....?

I don't think that the government offers need-based grants at the graduate level. I believe the schools use the FAFSA info to determine any need-based grant/scholarship offered from the schools themselves; and of course filling it out will make you eligible for government loans (stafford, etc.)

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I know I am getting these in sort of late, but here is my almost final count:

SFAI- I know that my app made it through the MFA decisions but STILL waiting to hear on the MA (applied to dual program)

SVA- accepted

Art Center- accepted

MICA- waitlisted

SAIC- rejected (was asked to apply to post bac, but have not heard back yet)

UCLA- rejected

Pratt- rejected

RISD- rejected

Calarts- rejected

UT- rejected

UCSD- rejected

UC Berkeley- rejected

Otis- ?

Carnegie Mellon- rejected

CCA- interviewed, rejected

Well, I am down to SVA and Art Center (and, my fingers are crossed, MAYBE MICA). Does anyone know anything about SVA or Art Center? I have a friend who is currently attending SVA and I am having a hard time getting a feel for the program. I am not sure that it is quite as rigorous as I might like. Art Center is considerably more expensive, however. I know that CCA ranks very well for the graphic design, but despite having visited, I don't know how well they are ranked for fine arts. Suddenly, now that I have a couple of acceptances, I am questioning the quality of the schools. From the posts that I have read it seems that many of us are experiencing this. I thought that by this point in the game, I would know what I wanted to do. I didn't expect this to be so confusing. Any suggestions or thoughts would be very much appreciated.

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According to CMU's website, all notifications of status will be made by April 1....today. I am not sure about photo, but I got my painting rejection a little over a week ago.

Good luck to you, I guess I was not much help, hmmm

thanks anyway! did you have a chance to interview? they told me when i visited that it's really not a painter's school.

when i got in touch the other day, they said they pushed he finalist reviews to April 18th because thy have to hire a new faculty member. i have to let my other schools know before them. arghh.

good luck to you!

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I just got accepted to RIT (Rochester institute of technology) in Graphic design, MFA.

Anyone heard about this school? I got accepted at Pratt and RIT.

I got some bad personal opinion to Pratt from my friend.

But I really don't know how is RIT. I never heard any one saying about it.

Please help!!! I have to confirm them within next week!

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Well... SAIC painting rejection today via post. now just have to see if my wait list pans out.... So:

First year applying, right out of undergrad painting:

Yale: rejection

Columbia: rejection

Northwestern: rejection

UCLA: rejection

UIC: rejection

SAIC: interview...rejection

CMU: rejection

VCU: interview... waitlist (should know in a few weeks

Not feeling so hot, but trying not to take it too hard. My BFA piece is due in a week, so I should get back to that suppose.

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I got my rejection letter from SAIC today. I had already pretty much decided I would turn them down unless they offered me a great financial package, but it still really sucks to fly all the way out to Chicago only to end up rejected after-all. It's also kind of funny that I thought my interview there went really well, only to be rejected, while I thought my Hunter interview was disastrous, only to be accepted! In retrospect, I can see hints from the SAIC interview that may have suggested negative results, and how things I perceived as awful in my Hunter interview were actually good in that they showed I could think on my feet, even if the question is out of left field. In the end I was pretty unimpressed with the studios and atmosphere at SAIC, not to mention the fact it is in Chicago, but that only eases the burn of rejection so much.

I have now received official word from every school I applied to, and pending the one waitlist, here is my final tally:

CUNY Hunter: Accepted!

RISD: Waitlisted.

SAIC: Interviewed; Rejected.

VCU: Rejected and insulted with an "invitation" to apply to their cash-cow summer program.

MICA Hoffberger: Rejected.

MICA Mount Royal: Rejected.

Tyler: Rejected.

UPenn: Rejected.

Columbia: Rejected.

UCLA: Rejected.

Still waiting to see what comes of the RISD waiting list. I emailed them and was informed that I am in the "middle" of the list, but they did not specify how long that list is, so it is hard to say what my chances are. Honestly, my mind is pretty made up on Hunter, and in some ways it would simplify everything for RISD to reject me, too, so I don't have to play the "what-if" game.

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Yale: Accepted

Columbia: Accepted

RISD: Accepted

MICA Hoffberger: Accepted

SAIC: Accepted

Tyler: Accepted

Indiana: Accepted

UCLA: Rejected

Which discipline do you work in again? And was this your first time applying?

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i emailed kris on friday about yale decisions. she told me that the decisions have been made and that the letters would be mailed on monday. talk about a tease. anyway, i guess we should all be hearing back this week, sooner or later depending on how close you live to new haven.

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