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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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To everyone that will be reapplying next year. Please consiter The University of South Florida in Tampa.


It's a truly interdiciplinary program. The program is similar to UCLA in that way.

An amazing young faculty. They are all egar, and showing in the US and abroad. most are under 40


Lots of opportunity to teach, if thats your thing. If you decide to teach, full health insurance

You wouldnt have to teach if you didnt want to

The weather is nice. I'm from milwaukee I hate the snow, I hate the cold.

There is a conteporary art museum on campus that is not run by the university

Grafic Studio-refer to website

Some of the faculty are taking over the galleries in town

The ocean

Tampa is cheep. I lived in San Francisco for three years. not cheep

Its under the radar.We should all know that its all about the power of the work, not the "power of the the name". (sorry WU-TANG)

Ample studio, and instalation space.

Art Basel- Miami is only 4 hours away


Its Tampa.

UW Seattle-accepted-early march-turned down offer

Tyler-accepted-02/01-turned down offer

OU Athens-accepted-late Feb.-turned down offer

USF-accepted-late Feb.-waiting for rejection from UCLA

SAIC-wait list-mid Feb.-no thanks. to expensive


UCLA-nothing. I know someone there. They have contacted their top pics. If you havent heard yet you might be on the list.

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In reference to the post earlier. I couldn;t agree more. Names are somewhat important (for connections) but the work is the most important thing.

I heard from a friend that the University of Iowa has an opening for a fully funded spot in their MFA new genres/new media track. They are looking for women and candidates of diversity. So if you haven't gotten in anywhere yet for New Media, it might be a good idea to apply there ASAP because they are hungry.

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Does anyone know much about SVA's graduate student at large program? I just got postal acceptance, but am slightly miffed at being accepted into this 3 year program, so that I can "catch up"? I really can't imagine justifying 3 years at probably $30k.

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Does anyone know much about SVA's graduate student at large program? I just got postal acceptance, but am slightly miffed at being accepted into this 3 year program, so that I can "catch up"? I really can't imagine justifying 3 years at probably $30k.

i know nothing about this program, but 90K + living expenses (at least 60-80 K for the whole thing) is outrageously expensive to go to SVA. you are better off applying for that University of Iowa spot, or another program, they aren't worth it.

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i know nothing about this program, but 90K + living expenses (at least 60-80 K for the whole thing) is outrageously expensive to go to SVA. you are better off applying for that University of Iowa spot, or another program, they aren't worth it.

My thoughts exactly, brosenth1984. Here's hoping my Hunter interview went well enough that I'll be in a program, which in its entirety, would be the equivalent of 1 semester at SVA.

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I know from a friend in the SVA Administration that SVA has zero scholarships. The second-year MFA show was last weekend and the work was fantastic. Several great painters and 3D people.

This may explain my lack of responses so far. I saw the same show and thought it was absolutely dreadful. Two weeks later and I can only remember one of the artists. If that's what passes for quality work, maybe MFA programs aren't for me! :D

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Ah well, rejection letter today from RISD. I was kind of expecting it, and besides, in a way this really makes my decision easier. If I had gotten in I would've gone in a heartbeat, but then I'd also have to take on way more debt then I really think is necessary. See, I can reason away my disappointment. Ha! :|

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My thoughts exactly, brosenth1984. Here's hoping my Hunter interview went well enough that I'll be in a program, which in its entirety, would be the equivalent of 1 semester at SVA.

well if we both get in then we will be classmates for sure! I am not taking on that kind of debt from anyone.

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I only applied for four things next fall (including a Fulbright).

Does anyone know SAIC studio: FVNM's acceptance rate? I really thought it was a long shot but maybe I just overrated them. And I didn't have an interview, which seems to be the norm. No news on scholarships/financial aid yet.

Anyone heard about Calarts film/video? Getting accepted/rejected there would make all of this decision making infinitely easier.

So far:

University of Minnesota: rejected via email 2/26

SAIC: accepted without interview (weird?) 3/4

Calarts: got email that people would begin getting notified within a couple of weeks or in March 1/30, nothing since

Fulbright to Iceland: finalist via email 1/30, nothing since

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hey cd3,

Its really strange about the 3 year proposal, i've never heard anything like it. My suggestion would be to talk directly with charles traub. Definitely reject the 3 year, but impress your interest in the 2. SVA is greedy. This is probably some policy decision made by the all to rich Rhodes family to syphon some more money from us. I'd imagine you'd have luck talking directly with the chair. They wouldn't have accepted you if they didn't like your work.

While Hunter is cheap, SVA is a better program. The faculty is way stronger and opportunities abound. Try your luck cutting the red tape here.

What were they proposing you do in your extra year?

good luck with Hunter!

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Yeah, that offer does sound kinda odd. I wonder if it is similar to the post-bach thing they do at SAIC. It really seems like it is when they like your work, but just not enough to let you into the program. I think you would be better off take a year off and reapplying if that is really were you would like to go.

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As of today I've received all my decisions. Again, I applied to painting/drawing programs when I had to make such a choice, but I'm working mostly in animation at the moment.

FSU - Accepted

Parsons - Accepted

UMichigan - Interviewed, then rejected

UTexas - Rejected

SAIC - Rejected

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hey cd3,

Its really strange about the 3 year proposal, i've never heard anything like it. My suggestion would be to talk directly with charles traub. Definitely reject the 3 year, but impress your interest in the 2. SVA is greedy. This is probably some policy decision made by the all to rich Rhodes family to syphon some more money from us. I'd imagine you'd have luck talking directly with the chair. They wouldn't have accepted you if they didn't like your work.

While Hunter is cheap, SVA is a better program. The faculty is way stronger and opportunities abound. Try your luck cutting the red tape here.

What were they proposing you do in your extra year?

good luck with Hunter!

Thanks canfac and jkroman. I hadn't thought this would be negotiable, but I will try to get in contact with Charles directly to see if in fact it is.

The letter states, "Whereas we find you to be a promising candidate, the Committee feels that you require broader knoweldge of the history of photography in order to be able to work effectively on the graduate level." I'm sorry, but I've taken about 20-30 credits of art history work, several of which classes were in the history of photography, so I'm not going to spend an entire year re-learning this information.

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Thanks canfac and jkroman. I hadn't thought this would be negotiable, but I will try to get in contact with Charles directly to see if in fact it is.

The letter states, "Whereas we find you to be a promising candidate, the Committee feels that you require broader knoweldge of the history of photography in order to be able to work effectively on the graduate level." I'm sorry, but I've taken about 20-30 credits of art history work, several of which classes were in the history of photography, so I'm not going to spend an entire year re-learning this information.

good point. When i applied there as an undergraduate they "misplaced" my materials, and i was thus too late to be considered for the Silas S. Rhodes scholarship (how convenient). SVA is proprietary, meaning, it is not a 501 C3 nonprofit. Its goal is to make income, so funding is not one of their primary goals. That answer is such bullshit (history of photography...very few programs even offer that undergrad, they are lucky you have the background).

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just got a rejection from nyu in the mail, so that brings the current tally to:

SUNY--Stony Brook - accepted with 1/2 funding and stipend

University of Pennsylvania - accepeted with some funding

University of Minnesota--Twin Cities - accepted with full funding and stipend

University of Chicago - accepted with NO FREAKING FUNDING AT ALL

Massachusetts College of Art - accepted, no funding

Maryland Institute College of Art - dont know yet

Arizona State University - accepted

University of Massachusetts--Amherst - dont know yet (don't really care at this point)

University of California--Los Angeles - don't know yet

Ohio State University - accepted with full funding

New York University - rejected

Columbia University -rejected

California Institute of the Arts - rejected

University of Michigan - rejected

University of Illinois--Chicago - rejected

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I just looking around in the result search here. I am very disappoint because I found that people who apply to CCA, design MFA already got the accepted email since March 12.

But I still don't received such email at all.. so I guess I have to wait for reject letter T_T

This is a bit disappoint. I really put a high hope into CCA since I got the TOEFL 610 and I think I should have a better chance since not many international student reach their 600 score requirement. but apparently, I was wrong.

Here is my list of apply :

Cranbrook : interview

Pratt : accepted

CCA : don't know yet but assume to got rejection

SAIC : reject

Yale : reject

UW : reject

SVA : don't know yet

RIT : don't know yet

MICA : don't know yet

I cross my finger on SVA coz this is one of my top list. I heard that good program in design there.

Hurrrrr.... I got into the interview at Cranbrook (2D design), and got accepted at Pratt(communication design).

If I have to choose between this two. Where should I go?? Any one please help!

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I just looking around in the result search here. I am very disappoint because I found that people who apply to CCA, design MFA already got the accepted email since March 12.

But I still don't received such email at all.. so I guess I have to wait for reject letter T_T

This is a bit disappoint. I really put a high hope into CCA since I got the TOEFL 610 and I think I should have a better chance since not many international student reach their 600 score requirement. but apparently, I was wrong.

Here is my list of apply :

Cranbrook : interview

Pratt : accepted

CCA : don't know yet but assume to got rejection

SAIC : reject

Yale : reject

UW : reject

SVA : don't know yet

RIT : don't know yet

MICA : don't know yet

I cross my finger on SVA coz this is one of my top list. I heard that good program in design there.

Hurrrrr.... I got into the interview at Cranbrook (2D design), and got accepted at Pratt(communication design).

If I have to choose between this two. Where should I go?? Any one please help!

go to Pratt. Cranbrook is a far better education, but you will make better contacts at Pratt and you are in a commercial field. They are all working designers with studios, and you could land a job in NY immediately after you graduate, plus, jobs in NY pay more than anywhere else in the country.

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go to Pratt. Cranbrook is a far better education, but you will make better contacts at Pratt and you are in a commercial field. They are all working designers with studios, and you could land a job in NY immediately after you graduate, plus, jobs in NY pay more than anywhere else in the country.

Thanks very much for your advice brosenth1984, I am now looking forward to where teach better. But I don't have such intensive design background much so I am curious if I am match to cranbrook or not.

but I heard that Pratt is a pretty commercial place to study. I am international student, beside my toefl score 610, I have to test Pratt's exam of english before I get in and if I didn't get enough score. I have to take an english class when I study normal design class! which is too much greedy, I think.

But if you mention it is a good place to get some connection. I think Pratt give more benefit.

I am still in doubt. It is so hard to decide my future right now!

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Ok Here it goes:

Pratt- Accepted

Yale, RISD, Rutgers, Tulane- Reject

SAIC- recommended for Post-Baccalaureate

U Mass Amherst-nothing

VCU- nothing

Here's the thing, I have a good amount of experience as a professional artist. I'm young, but have published an artist book, received funding from Andy Worhol Foundation and National Endowment for the arts. Had Artist residencies and I have even sold all my pieces in a group show in nyc-post recession.(Im from midwest). But Ive received tons of rejects from these schools.

1)Is there anyone that knows how this admissions process works?

2)Which is better Pratt or SAIC post-bac. SAIC is a better school with a better rep, but I will still have to apply again for an MFA program. Pratts not that bad and its in NY, but its not that good either. What advice is out there?

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Apply for fiber/material studies and interdisciplinary programs.

SAIC (Fiber) -Accepted


MassArt (2D/Fiber)- Interview 3/23

VCU (Fiber) -Waiting List, apparently they only accept 2 MFA students per year.

MICA (Mt Royal) -I haven't heard anything from them.

Has any heard from MICA? I heard that they are mailing out letters on the 20th but who knows.

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1)Is there anyone that knows how this admissions process works?

2)Which is better Pratt or SAIC post-bac. SAIC is a better school with a better rep, but I will still have to apply again for an MFA program. Pratts not that bad and its in NY, but its not that good either. What advice is out there?

for #1 I have read some post saying that you can call to ask the school why you are rejected. and some people say that sometime they reconsider the admission. I am not sure if it is true because I don't think school can provide reason for every rejection. But it may good to try??

#2 I have heard a lot of things about Pratt. But the very good thing is its location. NY, surrounding with unlimited resource of Art and Museum. I have heard that Pratt graduate class per one program is 70. which is very very huge class to me. In Cranbrook academy of art, they only accept 8-11 graduate student per years. So I am not sure if the quantity of the class and destroy its quality.

Anyway, I am curious about my CCA's MFA design outcome since I have search in the submit result here and 2 people got the acceptance via email at March 12

and until now, I still got nothing in my email. So I wonder if this mean I don't have a single chance for CCA at all? Or miracle can happen, I just hope they may email to me a little late.... Anyone got suggestion on this?? I am dying to know the CCA result coz I put high hope on it T_T

I don't see CCA made a rejection to student much so I wonder of how bad my portfolio is...

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