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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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Glad there's so much good news coming out today! :)  Sitting back since I won't hear anything else till at least next week.  Going to try to focus on pounding out my thesis instead.

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I didn't say no one had ever gotten off, just that it would take a lot to do it.  They accepted 38 people (counting one deferrral from last year) and they'd be happy with a cohort as small as 18.  The fact of the matter is that Princeton yields better than 50%.  I wish I could give you a better answer.  I suspect that it's probably subfield dependent.  Say if they had a very bad yield in a particular subfield they'd pull someone from that subfield off the wait list.

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Very useful answer as usual, New England Nat. Thanks.


Katzen - exactly. Now instead of feeling like I'll be rejected everywhere else, I feel like I might get a couple more waitlistings and have the pleasure of waiting til April to find out they all eventually dumped me. :)

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congrats on the princeton waitlist!


i'm still waiting on any word from anywhere new over here...are there any other davis applicants on the board these days? i got word that they released acceptances/rejections but only one popped up on the results page and no one posted anything here, so i'm holding out hope...

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Congrats to the Chicago admits! It's a beautiful campus provided you don't step off campus! Very peaceful. I got a very Harvard-esque vibe when I was there. Could have been that Obama was coming to campus so it was basically shut down and there was a group of guys playing rugby on one of the lawns though...


Also, to czesc - congrats on the waitlist. If Princeton thinks you're good then imagine how golden you'll be to the right university for you! 

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Congrats to the Chicago admits! It's a beautiful campus provided you don't step off campus! Very peaceful. I got a very Harvard-esque vibe when I was there. Could have been that Obama was coming to campus so it was basically shut down and there was a group of guys playing rugby on one of the lawns though...

Granted, I've actually never been to Chicago before, but isn't Hyde Park supposed to be nice?

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Czesc, you've forced me to come out of the shadows and provide you with a few points to consider:



1. You were waitlisted at Princeton. The last time I checked it was still an Ivy League institution and considered one of the best universities of higher education in the world. The fact that you were waitlisted, and not flat out denied, means you possess the qualities necessary to be successful in the program. You should be proud of that.



2. Someone (I’m thinking at least 3 someones), other than your mother, believed in your abilities as a historian and decided to stand behind you by providing a letter of recommendation. This, too, is a sign you're on the right path. I've known professors to refuse to write recommendation letters, if they thought an applicant couldn't handle the rigor of the program. Your recommenders felt you had a shot, otherwise they probably wouldn't have written on your behalf.



3. If you were talented enough to be waitlisted at Princeton, I'm sure one of the 10 schools will have a spot for you.




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Hyde Park is nice. I guess it depends on how campus is defined? There are the main quadrangles of the UChicago campus, and then other parts (e.g. the law school, etc.) that are a little more spread out around Hyde Park.


Dawg - thanks so much for your encouraging comments! I'd upvote you a thousand times if I hadn't already used up my quota today!

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2. Someone (I’m thinking at least 3 someones), other than your mother, believed in your abilities as a historian and decided to stand behind you by providing a letter of recommendation. This, too, is a sign you're on the right path. I've known professors to refuse to write recommendation letters, if they thought an applicant couldn't handle the rigor of the program. Your recommenders felt you had a shot, otherwise they probably wouldn't have written on your behalf.


This is such an important point for all of us rejectees to remember

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Lafayette - thanks! I hope it doesn't wind up being my only choice though. I applied because I thought it sounded like it was maybe a good fit, but seven years in Ithaca? This city person shivers at the thought...

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Congratulations to the people accepted and wow at the number of Princeton dream crushing letters reported today! I hope you guys are all faring well. 

I would love the University of Oklahoma people to come out of hiding! Please! :-)

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As a Western New York native let me tell you that there are worse places in the world than Ithaca.


It's def. small so if you're used to, say, NYC-style large then it'll be a shock, but there is no lack of stuff to do and having two major colleges gives the place a nice university-town vibe.


Beautiful part of the country and Rochester (my home town!) is way, way better a city than its reputation.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm also an Upstate New York native (Buffalo) and I know Ithaca is one of the better towns up there. I'll also probably be spending my life in the library, so it probably won't really matter how much there is to do. But one thing that I don't like about Ithaca is how isolated it is -- more than a couple hours by car or bus to anywhere significant, and no real nearby airport to speak of. Also, if I had to own a car, that'd be expensive. And there's something just about the feel of the city that I prefer, regardless of how much time I have to enjoy its diversions.


Anyway, this is still a really premature discussion for someone without an acceptance to be having! I'd go to the State University of Siberia right now if they'd have me.

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Gotcha. Yeah, I totally know what you mean - the notion of moving from Denver (where I am now) to Bangor, Maine (for instance) is a little weird for me but it's the life we chose, right? Just wait until our only job offers are to University of Iowa - Podunksville (and we're thrilled to accept them!).

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I would love the University of Oklahoma people to come out of hiding! Please! :-)


Oklahoma admit here, for PhD focused on U.S.-Latin American relations. That was the first school I heard back from. And now I wait... and wait...

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Recent UNC admits, care to share any details? Did you hear from POIs or was it a department email?
Hey there! I had the unofficial notice from my POI back on January 31st and got the official departmental notice yesterday. :) Hope that helps! Best of luck to you! :D
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