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Things have changed dramatically over the last month or so from being 'content' with my only admit from NYU-SCPS to 'greed of sorts' with a string of admits coming my way.

I am an international student, 22 year old and just found out that I have been admitted to GWU ELLIOT for their International Affairs program.

Havent heard about funding from any of the universities mentioned, but purely based on the reputation, alumni network, location, post program opportunities please rank the schools below.

1. NYU-SCPS: MS in Global Affairs


Location, NYU's ranking, Faculty, NYC is the best city to live for an international student.


Program's reputation, SCPS's reputation of being an adult school.

2. UCSD: Master of Pacific in International affairs. (MPIA)


Natl Ranking: 23, siblings in SF and LA.


More of an academic program.

3. GWU-ELLIOT: MA in International affairs.


Program ranking: 7th (Source: Foreign Policy magazine), strong alumni network


Program size, Location factor (I know kinda surprising but i aint too sure about how helpful would it really be for an international student considering most of the jobs in the DC area are federal)

4. FSU: MA in International affairs.

Out of reckoning.

My career goals in the future would be working in the field of Intl. Affairs. Learning on the job and then narrowing it down on my interest as per that. As of now I am open to working in an NGO, International or Governmental Organizations. I understand I might receive much flak for being a little aimless and not being specific with regards to my goals. But thats how it is honestly and also because I dont want to be stuck doing the same thing all my life. :)

Please help me decide!

Thank you!


I'm sure you know SF is far from LA (hell San Diego is quite a ways away from LA); I can count on my hand missing a few fingers how often I get to Southern California.

However you can't beat the weather (though the cost of living will beat you about the head).


Hi Decaf, I applied to NYU SCPS for the Master's in Global Affairs as well. They have just requested a phone interview with me. Did you also have an interview or you were acceptec right away? I am wondering when you found out and a little about your background if you wouldn't mind offering the information.



First off, I must say that I know absolutely nothing about international affairs programs. That said, I can't imagine anywhere better than NYC or DC for an international affairs program. These cities are international hotspots (I can't speak too much for DC because I have never been there). Since DC is the capital of the USA, the opportunities you will have there will be endless regardless of your nationality. In my personal opinion, because I don't know anything about you or this subject, NYU or GWU would be great options. It does seem like you are leaning towards one of these two. If I was pursuing a career in international affairs, I would probably go to GWU. However, it is entirely up to you as it is your life.


Big surprise! I also got the admition from NYU and GW, while waiting the notification from UCSD. Moreover, I just have the future goal the same as you! BTW, about the cons in GW, do you really think DC is not available for international students? Think tanks may be in favor of intl. students with varied bachground, I suppose.

Hope to be classmate soon after.


I heard that GWU is great for international students, but I would check with someone who would know for sure -- perhaps ask an adviser?


From what I've researched/read/discussed with others, I would say NYU & GWU are on somewhat even footing. Both are in great locations, have amazing alumni networks, and are well known for academic strength. I would say that this particular program at NYU isn't as well known as, say, Wagner. However, the NYU name still gets you far. In terms of jobs in D.C., don't write off the countless NPOs that have headquarters in the area. A lot of the job opps there will be federal, yes, but I wouldn't count it as a con. I didn't look into UCSD so I can't comment on that. And FSU, as you said, is not even in the same game as these other schools.

probably a moot point but - do you have any ability to visit the schools?

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