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Materials Science, anyone?

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Someone was accepted to nwu but rejected from cornell?

They have the same ID number. While I was looking, I saw that the same ID number (different from the nwu/cornell person) had posted both an acceptance and rejection from Cornell, so I deleted both entries. If the person sees this, you are welcome to resubmit the honest answer.

I don't understand people's motives in lying. Really -- what does it get you? Wahoo! You lied on an internet survey. That was fun for the whole 45 seconds it took you to type it in, so what now? Oh right, you're back to doing nothing again. ;)


Anyone already decided where you're going for grad school?

Guest guest

@meridionale:both those entries are still there....and I am the guy who was infact rejected by cornell and accepted by northwestern.

@koko: why is that such a surprise to you????Iit happens all the time....you cant truest US news rankings blindly...they even take into consideration the money a dept has...so if you get rejected by a univ with a lower rank it might mean there is a shortage of funds.


Please don't put words into my mouth. I didn't even say I was surprised. I was just wondering why these people just posted their results and never posted here in the forum.


Still waiting for Caltech. Did anyone apply there?


Hi! Pretty new to this forum. :? I was accepted by Case and UCSD. Waiting for 6 more universities. :) I applied to MIT but see no hope :( they emailed me in Friday and told me that my application was incompleted :shock: and if I can't make it till Tuesday, they are not gonna read it :cry: :((

Good luck everybody :)

So tired of waiting.

Btw, is any of you know about UCSD's MSE ?? Is it good ?


Hi Capriccio

Do you get the funding from Case? I only get one admission(Case) without funding and wait for others.


Congrats on CWRU and UCSD! I'm not familiar with UCSD MSE but I have a friend who go there for grad school. I think s/he is pretty happy with his/her choice. If us news ranking means anything, here it is. I agreee with some parts of it and am skeptical with others.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Northwestern University (IL)

University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign

Stanford University (CA)

University of California–Santa Barbara

University of California–Berkeley

Cornell University (NY)

California Institute of Technology

Pennsylvania State University–University Park

University of Florida

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

Carnegie Mellon University (PA)

Georgia Institute of Technology

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)

Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN)

University of Pennsylvania

North Carolina State University

Ohio State University

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Lehigh University (Rossin) (PA)

Case Western Reserve University (OH)

Johns Hopkins University (Whiting) (MD)

University of California–Los Angeles (Samueli)

University of Minnesota–Twin Cities

University of Washington

University of California–Davis

University of Texas–Austin

University of Virginia

Virginia Tech

Brown University (RI)

Iowa State University

Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ)

University of California–San Diego (Jacobs)

University of Maryland–College Park (Clark)

Arizona State University (Fulton)

Colorado School of Mines

Drexel University (PA)

Rice University (Brown) (TX)

SUNY–Stony Brook

University of Arizona

Columbia University (Fu Foundation) (NY)

Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL)

University of Missouri–Rolla

University of Southern California (Andrew and Erna Viterbi)

Alfred Univ.–New York State Col. of Ceramics

Michigan State University

University of California–Irvine (Samueli)

University of Connecticut

University of Pittsburgh

Clemson University (SC)

Dartmouth College (Thayer) (NH)

University of Cincinnati

University of Delaware

University of Tennessee–Knoxville

University of Utah


So NWU and UIUC have scheduled the same dates for their visiting weekends.... I wonder why they do that. I've seen a few schools in the same city or state that schedule their visit dates back to back so students can attend both.

If you were to choose, which school would you rather go visit on the officially scheduled dates?


Has anyone heard from Umichigan ? If you have an offer have you/or are you planning to accept it ?

Apparently Michigan offered 3-5 students Phd offers (out of ~ 200-300 applicants). There are another 10-15 maybe who are on a so called waiting list. It is quite unnerving since you are neither rejected nor accepted.

Also, is MIT done offering PhDs ? When is it going to send reject letters since I havent seen any in the results page ?

Finally has anyone heard from UCBerkeley ?


There is one MIT reject posted so far.

MIT Materials Science And Engineering PhD Rejected 2006-03-06 (Postal Service) 2006-03-06 U

How did you find out about Michigan offering only 3-5 phd offers? That's such a small number.

Guest waitinwaitingwaiting

Why are they taking so long. A lot of people have gotten into many other good schools already at this point in the game. Hope they end up with the class they are hoping for.

I hate waiting!

Guest lost mit

i would say it will be 100% rejection. cauze if u are admitted in any form they will inform u via email.

Guest Guest

Hi, I'm an international student and have recieved offers from MIT and Caltech. I'm having a tough time deciding on which school to join. Any suggestions?

Guest aguest2

I have a question: how and when did you hear back from caltech? thanks.

Guest guest

I got a mail from caltech on Feb 18th.


first congratulations on your admits. both are fine choices in terms of research. cal tech is such a small yet extremely tough university. they make only a few phds each program annually. so the quality of the phd is very high. if u wanna do research or being a faculty. cal tech is a clear choice. if you wanna end up going to industry, mit is better. cauze u don't have to spend that much time in the lab and on course work.

Guest Guest

Any info about Washington University in St. Louis? I am an international student, got admitted to the PhD program.

btw...brista..this site rocks...i am telling all my juniors to check it next year.

Guest guest

Any1 has any idea abt Uminn MSE? actually it is offered by Dept. of Chem. engg. and Mat. Sci. it is ranked 1 in chem engg. They have made quite a good offer(for PhD) in terms of aid .

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