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Everything posted by meridionale

  1. Not that I am biased or anything , but I'd definitly say an MPA. You can work in local, county, state, or federal government, non-profits, universities, consulting for the private sector, ect.
  2. This looks great! You're amazing for getting this going again.
  3. Did they tell you that you were rejected for that reason? I guess I can kind of understand, as I couldn't apply to a biology program with a history undergrad. It's not only the fact that I don't have a good background of biology, but I haven't been taught to think in those sort of terms. I've noticed that what I have gotten more so than anything from my undergrad degree is a different way of thinking and anaylzing things. You might be on the same page of thinking as far as humanities go, but there was no proof for them. Maybe you could take a few more humanity classes non-degree seeking and apply again next year? Have you thought about maybe applying to an envionmental policy program?
  4. Well, think more upfront and personal. You don't want to sound like you're reading from your SOP, but it's more of wanting to hear it from the horses' mouth without a word limit. They also want to see how you are in person probably and how you'll fit in to the department. I think the most important thing is to know yourself. Know why you're there and what you want to do, and give them a good idea of your personality. That way if you don't get in, at least you know it was based on probably not fitting in to their department (which would be good for you as well).
  5. Be sure to ask apartments for specials!!
  6. http://thegradcafe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=662 If you were the one person who donated, tell me the email you donated from in a PM, and I will put it back up.
  7. I think you can probably expect the "big" ones - Why MPP? Career Goals? Why Here?
  8. Well, don't get me wrong. I recommend you fly out and find a place to live in May, but I recognize it's easier said than done. Most "main-stream" apartment complexes with an actual leasing office is more concerned with if you can pay rent than what you are like. What I really recommend is contacting current graduate students at the school you will be attending in the fall. Take their advice and opinions and apply it to some good internet research. I'm sure a lot of schools also have a section on their website for helping international students get more information about moving and what not. You can't trust a leasing agent (they want your money), but you can trust the opinions of current grads and your department.
  9. meridionale


    In Mississippi, it gets 100+ and add in about 80% humidity. HOT! We go strapless... :wink:
  10. Waitlists for apartments usually begin in March or April, but it's hard to actually get a straight answer of if there is 1 or 50 people on the waitlist, or if you will get an apartment. They will say something like "Oh, or waitlist is filling up, but you can probably get into one!" Who knows what that actually means. If you can't afford to come over and apartment hunt, then check out sites like rent.com and apartmentratings.com. Also seek out current graduate students online that go to your prospective school and ask them their opinions. I did all of this and found a general consensus of good places for grad students. Also call places and ask for specials, because usually prices are over stated online. If you do enough asking around and research, you shouldn't be too misguided or suprised when you finally do move and see what you got yourself into. If you are that concerned, try to find places with a 5-6 month lease so you can get out easily when Christmas rolls around. I wouldn't wait until you get here in August to find an apartment though. You might get lucky, but you'd probably have to take what you can get.
  11. meridionale


    Hahah! This conversation reminds me of last summer in London. They had a really hot summer, and our apartment flats didn't have A/C. There wasn't a lot of spending the night with other people because it was so hot (and in a group of 200, 20-22 year olds, that is very strange).
  12. Gah tell me about it!! When I was an undergrad at the beginning of my senior year, I had to wake up at 5:15am to go work out. I had panhellenic meetings, sorority meetings, senate meetings, exec meetings, class, office hours for greek life, order of omega work, and philanthropy work. If I didn't get up that early, I couldn't fit in a work out. And if I didn't work out, I would feel guilty about eating. I hate being a woman (well...sometimes ).
  13. You must have such a great body! I work out 5 days a week, but I love sweats, so I don't know how much good working out does.
  14. meridionale


    Do any of you enjoy cooking? I've started to get into it as I feel like I should as a woman raised in the south. I made a banana nut cake with sweet cream cheese icing from a recipe my grandmother passed on to me yesterday. Dang that thing was great! I was suprised at how well it turned out, but I am a pretty good baker. I want to learn how to grill and cook meat correctly.
  15. Where is everyone going? In celebration of April 15th, I have a new survey coming soon. UNC - Chapel Hill, Master of Public Administration - Local Gov.
  16. That's fantastic! We'll have to meet for lunch this summer. I went up again last week to meet potential roommates and find a place to live, and I had good luck. The guy I am living with is in the public health grad school. I'm so excited! Here's hoping I get lucky in the parking lottery though.
  17. meridionale


    We're all pretty silly. The boy who made the comment meant no harm probably, and now a bunch of graduate students are fighting over it. I love how small things like that can trigger off other things in the future. I should have studied sociology. guest - no harm, no foul. We just disagree. I hope you continue to post (and register).
  18. meridionale


    Oh please. Everyone one of us have had opinions that the majority might disgaree with. But the fact you say we're supposed to be open-minded and progressive....uh...we are. We're the ones who are saying we'd laugh about someone calling us hot without getting all serious and stern about it. You are uptight, and I will say it a hundred more times. You're saying my opinion is a shame, but it's my opinion. I was told I am seeking attention, and you accused someone else of being unprofessional. The table turns both ways. There's nothing worse than someone who wants to sit on their high horse and critize people, but when others come forward who disagree, it suddenly turns into an "everyone is attacking me" scenerio. You know why we have opinions? Because we all believe in different things, however, I am not going to respect or support an opinion that calls me unprofessional and seeking attention because I would laugh at someone calling me the HOT TA. You stated yours, I stated mine. That's how it works in the real world. I really hope you learn to lighten up a bit and not take things so seriously. I didn't see anyone call you an idiot in this thread, and no one called you ugly either. Go back and read what bianca said. If I really wanted to keep people from free ideas and posting, I would have just deleted your post to begin with since I disagree, but instead I responded with my opinion. Why is it okay for you to state yours, but I can't state mine? Talk about discouraging free thinking. That's the pot calling the kettle black there.
  19. Edit: I'm slow today. Carry on!
  20. I'm moving to the city at the end of May, and hopefully I can find a good part time job for the summer! I've already met some of the grad students, so I am looking forward to meeting more this summer.
  21. meridionale


    Exactly. It seems we get so caught up in things sometimes, that when life gives you something to laugh about, you should do it. I personally deal with enough stress, so if I ever got back a review form with someone saying I was a "Hot TA," it would give me a good laugh. If that makes me a horrible person, then so be it.
  22. meridionale


    No, it doesn't actually. I never said I wanted to be the hot TA (I am not even going to be a TA anyways). I just said that if someone accused me of being hot, I would think it was funny. So, now I guess we're saying that anyone who is told they are attractive is automatically seeking attention? Right. Well let me go grab my potato sack and rope and throw away my shampoo. I don't ever want to be considered attractive at the risk of being accused of wanting attention. That's the most absurd point of view. If you're referring to what I mean by TA discussion convo, I am referring to this thread. It's about teaching/being a TA, and someone brought it up. In other words, I am saying that I can understand why she brought it up in this thread, and I don't think there is any reason to get uppity about it with her. Do you have some sort of axe to grind? It seems like it.
  23. I edited your title to give people a better idea of the question within
  24. meridionale


    How is it unprofessional on her part? She (he) said they dressed more adult and professional to fit the idea of a teacher. If they would have wore low cut shirts and high cut skirts, that would be unprofessional. You can't control people saying if you are attractive or not. I mean honestly, what is she supposed to do? "Oh no, someone thinks I am attractive! No one sees me as an authority figure! I quit." So, are you saying that the only people who can have authority are unattractive people? I disagree. In fact, someone with authority can be attractive (ie firemen, policemen, boxers, women CEOs). If you find students flirting with you uncomfortable, then NEVER be a TA. My brother is a TA who gets hit on by female students all the time. He's over weight, so it's not like he looks like a greek god, but younger people think they can use their ultra suave and popular persona to win you over (think back to highschool). It's not my brother's fault they are doing this, and I think he has all the right in the world to get a kick out of it. I would too. In fact, if anyone made a joke that I was the "hot TA," I'd think it was funny enough to bring up in TA discussion convo. I'd even feel flattered (oh the nerve!). And to further my point, I've found some of my professors extremley attractive, but that never made me have less respect for them. If anything, it made me respect them more and enjoy their classes. I'm no Dr. Phil, but I'd say you have some extreme confidence problems to say you'd feel uncomfortable with a 19 year old saying you were hot. It's not the TA being unprofessional; it's the boy being immature. Lighten up.
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