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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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how does the internet work.


I'm not being glib, twitchy downvoters.


That seems like a dangerous question, like asking what hotdogs are made of. (sorry, smart-assery is a natural reflex).


Um, basically the computer talks, reads everything I scroll over on the screen. I run a mac, so it's got software built right in. ...if that was the info you were looking for.  Everything runs like a normal computer, there's just a vaguely creepy robotic voice that tells me what I'm clicking on.

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Okay, so I know we've talked about this before on these forums, but how concerned should I be about a grammatical mistake on my SOP?  I just noticed it today on a SOP for a school from which we haven't yet heard.  Basically, I say something like "both for" and then list three things instead of two.  <_<     I feel stupid; I thought I proofread these things to death!


What does everyone think?  Did I just fuck my chances at being accepted, or is this just a minor thing?

Edited by Two Espressos
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Long time lurker over here. This is totally anecdotal, but I know for a fact that I had at LEAST one typo (and, in some cases, probably more like two or three) in every SoP I sent out. I, too, proofread like crazy, but they just seemed to slip through anyway. I've had pretty decent luck so far (in at Austin and waitlisted at UCLA), so I certainly don't think it's always the kiss of death.

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Long time lurker over here. This is totally anecdotal, but I know for a fact that I had at LEAST one typo (and, in some cases, probably more like two or three) in every SoP I sent out. I, too, proofread like crazy, but they just seemed to slip through anyway. I've had pretty decent luck so far (in at Austin and waitlisted at UCLA), so I certainly don't think it's always the kiss of death.

Well, I spelt a major theorist's name wrong. I'm in at two top places!

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That seems like a dangerous question, like asking what hotdogs are made of. (sorry, smart-assery is a natural reflex).


Um, basically the computer talks, reads everything I scroll over on the screen. I run a mac, so it's got software built right in. ...if that was the info you were looking for.  Everything runs like a normal computer, there's just a vaguely creepy robotic voice that tells me what I'm clicking on.


but how do you, like, figure out where to click and so forth


also if I were blind I would never, ever correct a typo or misspelling.  so you're either not me or you're an impeccable typist.


I think about blindness because reading and writing are too important to me.  also my grandfather is blind.


I hate audio books so I'd probably be fucked.


how do computer voices parse misspellings, terrible grammar, etc. (i.e., the internet)?


also, for your creepy computer voice: help me, I am trapped in this computer.  I just want to be a real boy and/or girl.

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also, for your creepy computer voice: help me, I am trapped in this computer.  I just want to be a real boy and/or girl.


Damn, I'm out of upvotes, but this made me lol. Also, I'm working on a chapter/article on Galatea 2.2 right now, so it was extra funny.

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Okay, so I know we've talked about this before on these forums, but how concerned should I be about a grammatical mistake on my SOP?  I just noticed it today on a SOP for a school from which we haven't yet heard.  Basically, I say something like "both for" and then list three things instead of two.  <_<     I feel stupid; I thought I proofread these things to death!   What does everyone think?  Did I just fuck my chances at being accepted, or is this just a minor thing?
I found a couple typos on the SOP that got me into my MA program (years ago).
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but how do you, like, figure out where to click and so forth


also if I were blind I would never, ever correct a typo or misspelling.  so you're either not me or you're an impeccable typist.


I think about blindness because reading and writing are too important to me.  also my grandfather is blind.


I hate audio books so I'd probably be fucked.


how do computer voices parse misspellings, terrible grammar, etc. (i.e., the internet)?


also, for your creepy computer voice: help me, I am trapped in this computer.  I just want to be a real boy and/or girl.


I mostly use keyboard navigation commands, arrowing and tabbing and such.  And, well, the (mostly)absence of typos come from the fact that I'm... a nerd. Typos bug me. So I fix them, if I notice them.  I also worship at the alter of the spellchecker, like the rest of the computer world.  And sometimes I don't, just like the rest of the internets.


Reading and writing are very important to me too, hence the major and PHD aspirations. 90% of what you need to do for that you can do on a computer now, especially with the popularity of eBooks.  I use audio for a lot of pleasure reading, usually eFormats for school.  And I write, using the same screen software that lets me navigate the interwebs.  Homonyms are a bitch, though.


And I've gotten some...truly fascinating pronunciations from trying to read people's writing on the internet.  It's somewhat frightening.  The computer keeps up the best it can, and I'm decent at interpreting what it's trying to say.


Thanks for the creepy message...as if I wasn't already concerned enough that my computer was becoming self-aware... :)

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Hi All,

Longtime lurker here. Anyone know how Brown runs its English apps? It's definitely a reach school for me (not that any Ph.D programs are 'safeties'), but I was keeping my fingers crossed. Looks like they've sent out their acceptances, and last year all the acceptances came out in one bundle, with no one waitlisted or accepted after the first round. So in this case, no news is bad news, yes?

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Thanks for the responses, everyone.  I'm just really nervous about this last program (it's not UPenn: I'm already counting that as a rejection, and they haven't even notified!): I think I'm relatively competitive for it and have a decent shot at being accepted, but funding is always an issue.  This is kind of my last chance.  :unsure:

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Thanks for the responses, everyone.  I'm just really nervous about this last program (it's not UPenn: I'm already counting that as a rejection, and they haven't even notified!): I think I'm relatively competitive for it and have a decent shot at being accepted, but funding is always an issue.  This is kind of my last chance.  :unsure:

Sending you lots of good vibes!

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Thanks for the responses, everyone.  I'm just really nervous about this last program (it's not UPenn: I'm already counting that as a rejection, and they haven't even notified!): I think I'm relatively competitive for it and have a decent shot at being accepted, but funding is always an issue.  This is kind of my last chance.  :unsure:


We're all holding out for you! Good luck!!!

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Just to let everyone know, I e-mailed my POI at Columbia today and he tells me that they won't have their final admissions meeting until February 18, which I assume means that decisions won't go out until at least a day or so afterwards. I hope that saves everyone from obsessively thinking about Columbia like I've been for the last two weeks. 

This is tomorrow!!!!!

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Hi All,

Longtime lurker here. Anyone know how Brown runs its English apps? It's definitely a reach school for me (not that any Ph.D programs are 'safeties'), but I was keeping my fingers crossed. Looks like they've sent out their acceptances, and last year all the acceptances came out in one bundle, with no one waitlisted or accepted after the first round. So in this case, no news is bad news, yes?


No clue, but considering you got wait-listed at Princeton, I'd say it's not so much of a reach!

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Thanks for the responses, everyone.  I'm just really nervous about this last program (it's not UPenn: I'm already counting that as a rejection, and they haven't even notified!): I think I'm relatively competitive for it and have a decent shot at being accepted, but funding is always an issue.  This is kind of my last chance.  :unsure:

Good luck! I hope you hear something positive soon.

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I'm pulling for so many people on this site (including myself!)! Two Espressos, skybythelight, girl who wears glasses, Datatape, etc. 


Let's hope for good news all around from Maryland, Michigan, and Penn (and others, obviously :)



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Anyone want to guess who we'll hear from tomorrow? I'm guessing/HOPING for Michigan and Maryland.


If not tomorrow, certainly over the course of the week (he said, as if he had any more information than anyone else).


That'd be a great way to kick off the week, though.

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Well, I meant more along the lines of I'm in Florida, you're in Minnesota, so I'd almost certainly assume a rejection would reach you before me.  If you haven't heard anything by now, you're probably still in the hunt.  And thank you for the good wishes; I already have an acceptance, so I'm not wringing my hands too much over Oregon, but it would have been a good fit.  Ah, well.


Counted potential chickens too soon. Letter came in the mail yesterday, after I'd checked (must deliver later on Saturdays than I remembered)  I was loving the idea of living out west, but ah well.  Still five more places to hear from.

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Is Mass the only state that observes President's Day? I was expecting everything to be closed Monday. With the Pitt rejections being posted, I expect mine to arrive on Tuesday (no USPS delivery tomorrow).

Ah, I totally forgot about President's Day. Now that I'm not in school and work at a bakery, those sorts of holidays always slip my mind. Tomorrow might in fact be rather quiet. :(

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