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Fulbright 2013-2014


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The topic area is Gender Studies. My proposal is to study the social and emotional impacts of gender disparity on young women living in a rural district/village in Rajasthan. This district has some of the highest rates of illiteracy, and lowest enrollment rates for girls in primary school, and especially in secondary school the enrollment rates drop. I proposed to develop focus groups using participatory action research to encourage student involvement on having a discussion about what are the causes (which there is a wide range) that limit female students from continuing on to high school, explore their perceptions of gender norms in Indian culture/society, working together to find ways to go on to higher education and reduce drop-out rates etc. There will be use of journal writing, photography and video documentation that will support my publication to an international academic journal and will expand on current literature around the issues of women's empowerment, education and international development, conflict resolution, gender equality, etc.. I have a host affiliate that is an NGO called Educate Girls where I did my graduate practicum work in Summer 2011. Why India? I fell in LOVE with this country and with the young women that I worked with. I learned so much from them (as well as the other NGO I interned at prior to EG) that when I left after three months I felt I could have stayed even longer and learn a lifetime's worth of knowledge based on the women's experience. I knew that I had to go back. That's why I applied. I wanted to continue giving back to this specific group of young women that I felt such a strong connection to. I have been studying Hindi since returning from that trip to further enhance my ability to communicate with the students. Like so many of you all, I really want this!


What's your proposal all about ?! I truly love hearing about everyone's project. There is so many diverse and unique opportunities for research and reading about everyone's passion is such a wonderful part of this process!!!


Gender studies for literacy sounds very interesting. Especially helping girls/women to stay in school. I hope you get the grant, I would be interested in reading your publication in the future.  I am also very passionate about that increasing the education level for women. Unfortunately, I dont know any language that well so I am stuck with lab research. I analyze orthopaedic implants for bone ingrowth. I am trying to determine what factors affect the amount of bone ingrowth and the amount necessary for a successful implant. My lab in the US analyzes retrieved implants. In the Netherlands, I want create  mathematical models to test the parameters that from my experimental results. My side research is trying to increase the number of women/girls in STEM careers through outreach programs and graduate student groups. 


I chose the Netherlands due to the lab but also since women tend to have better work-life balance in the Netherlands. I am hoping to incorporate what I learn in my own life. This is my second time applying, so I really want it to. 

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 I analyze orthopaedic implants for bone ingrowth. I am trying to determine what factors affect the amount of bone ingrowth and the amount necessary for a successful implant. My lab in the US analyzes retrieved implants. In the Netherlands, I want create  mathematical models to test the parameters that from my experimental results.


Very cool! What type of implant materials have you worked with/will you be working with?

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Ya, I already did right after I posted that. I was super polite ;) Where are you applying to? I'm applying for a full research grant to India.

Yeah!! Crunching numbers was one of the first things I did! When you think about it, depending on the program, your chances of getting a fulbright grant could be just as good as getting a job in your field. In Ireland last year there were 64 applicants, which is definitely a reasonable number of resumes any one job posting could attract... (That's where my husband has applied.)

Ooh so nervous! It's finally down to the wire! I expect that we'll have a lot more people checking in to this group to keep in the loop this week. Good luck to all!! Or, as the French say, "Bon courage!" which seems a little more appropriate!

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Found it! Page 17 of the file, I think. There's a big "10" at the top right of the page and it says "campus committee evaluation form."

Wow, OMG. My interview went ok. I'm not sure if I totally excited them about my research. I really hope I impressed the committee. Ugh, now I want to know my campus score. 

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i really want to email the IIE program manager for my country about the ETA on the Emailssssss. Is that a crazy/bad idea?


Also has anyone else looked at the statistics for thier country on Fulbrights website and crunched the numbers? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who's obsessive from time to time. https://us.fulbrightonline.org/statistics


Haha, yes. Those numbers have been crunched and pushed aside even before my application was submitted. 

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Wow, OMG. My interview went ok. I'm not sure if I totally excited them about my research. I really hope I impressed the committee. Ugh, now I want to know my campus score. 

I know, right? Something more to think about for you all! Applying at-large means I didn't have the benefit of a knowledgeable editor for my statements, but at least I dont have to think about that on top of everything. Hana... I looked over the campus committee form again, thinking that may have been specific to her school, but it doesn't seem that way. It looks like a fulbright-made form.

For some reason I've been thinking I didn't like my statements...I just kind of started feeling unsure about them. But I just reread mine and my husband's, and honestly I don't think there's much I would change. It made me have some peace about whatever decision comes- we did our best, and that's all we ever could have done! I have more faith that everyone is being judged equally in this competition than in any other job application, so I feel like I can take the decision standing up, so to say, without trying to find fault with the decision making process or some other type of bitter reaction. I hope my response will be honorable, at least!

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This is from my FPA:


"Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Dear James,


I wanted you to know that I submitted your entire Fulbright application earlier today and you received the highest university endorsement.  Congratulations on this first step.


I know it has not been easy, but I am glad you went through the process.  The next time you will hear from the Fulbright organization will be in late January with a simple email informing you of your status.  Whatever the outcome, I hope you took away some positive experiences nonetheless.


I can attest to the quality of the letters that your professors wrote on your behalf.  I can also attest to the positive impression you left on the campus-wide interview committee.  And, most importantly, I can attest to the quality of proposal and personal statement that you wrote."

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It made me have some peace about whatever decision comes- we did our best, and that's all we ever could have done! I have more faith that everyone is being judged equally in this competition than in any other job application, so I feel like I can take the decision standing up, so to say, without trying to find fault with the decision making process or some other type of bitter reaction. I hope my response will be honorable, at least!


I couldn't have said it better. I'm following this point of view. 

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This is from

I wanted you to know that I submitted your entire Fulbright application earlier today and you received the highest university endorsement.  Congratulations on this first step.


Awesome!!!! Well, we shall soon see how much that predicts and/or influences your final acceptance. My money is on you getting it, especially if your school is experienced with Fulbright apps!

That should be added to the spreadsheet, too, I think, as a new column.

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Very cool! What type of implant materials have you worked with/will you be working with?


I have analyzed all types of implants. Our group has been collecting retrieved implants for over 12 years, so we have probably looked at anything that has been on the US market. I have worked on different projects as well. When I go to the Netherlands it will be more about using the computer to model the implants. 

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Hi all,


PhD student here applying for research grant to India, just wanted to say good luck to everyone as we get closer to next Thursday. I know it sounds cliche, but if there's anything I learned from the last two experiences (this is my third attempt) it's that the best approach going in is to have zero expectations. If things don't work out (knock on wood) the woulda/coulda/shouldas won't haunt you so badly; as one particularly wise man once said, "if you ain't got nothin', you got nothin' to lose".

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Hi all,


PhD student here applying for research grant to India, just wanted to say good luck to everyone as we get closer to next Thursday. I know it sounds cliche, but if there's anything I learned from the last two experiences (this is my third attempt) it's that the best approach going in is to have zero expectations. If things don't work out (knock on wood) the woulda/coulda/shouldas won't haunt you so badly; as one particularly wise man once said, "if you ain't got nothin', you got nothin' to lose".


Great outlook, I totally agree with you! 

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Wishing everyone the best of luck! It is so good to be able to turn to this community and to read that other people are freaking out as much as I am! At this point I feel like and Academy Award candidate, it would just be an honor to be nominated! 

Soon we'll know!

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Anyone else have an interview in the UK?? Can't believe I actually got one, so unexpected!

Wait you heard back already?! What was the email header? Did the wording suggest that they were sending interview emails out all at once, or in staggered fashion? When is your interview scheduled for? God this wait is killing me haha

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I think the UK-USA ones must have different deadlines, I was supposed to hear back by the 14th but I guess they did it a little early.


The email header was 'Fulbright Awards 2013-14 Interview Invitation'


Really have no idea what to expect from the interview though, anyone had one or have any tips??

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I think the UK-USA ones must have different deadlines, I was supposed to hear back by the 14th but I guess they did it a little early.


The email header was 'Fulbright Awards 2013-14 Interview Invitation'


Really have no idea what to expect from the interview though, anyone had one or have any tips??

Congrats! You're short-listed! I only saw it described as "brief and informal" on the fulbright page...as long as that is the actual program you are applying to. The last time I tried looking for info on interviews, all I found was stuff on interviews for foreign applicants applying for fulbrights in the US. But I don't know exactly what I'm look for, either. Good luck on your preparations for that! Let us know how it goes!

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I think the UK-USA ones must have different deadlines, I was supposed to hear back by the 14th but I guess they did it a little early.


The email header was 'Fulbright Awards 2013-14 Interview Invitation'


Really have no idea what to expect from the interview though, anyone had one or have any tips??


My professor went to the UK on a Fulbright, and he was surprised that there would be no phone interview for Ireland. He told me that his interview basically seemed like they were just checking to make sure he wasn't crazy and would be a positive representation of Americans. He was in Northern Ireland, though, so interviews for different parts of the UK may be different. 


I think you will be fine if you just review your application and the Fulbright mission statement. And don't mention your 2nd amendment rights! 

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I have a question about alternates. Are all programs given alternates in the second round if someone who receives a Fulbright for whatever reason has to drop? Or is it like if someone who receives the grant turns it down/is disqualified/whatever in the second round then that spot just goes empty?

I'm just curious as I don't know much about this process.

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I have a question about alternates. Are all programs given alternates in the second round if someone who receives a Fulbright for whatever reason has to drop? Or is it like if someone who receives the grant turns it down/is disqualified/whatever in the second round then that spot just goes empty?

I'm just curious as I don't know much about this process.


I think all programs have alternates. I was one of them last year. What I have been told is that they usually pick more finalists than spots available. For example, my country has 16 spots, so they might choose somewhere between 24-32 people as finalists. That list with the applications heads to the country specific committee. Then they rank, definitely yes, alternate and rejection. The final list heads back to the US government and they give the final approval. If someone drops out or is disqualified, they can bump someone up. I also was told that if more funds are available, I could be promoted. 


Hope that helps.

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For anyone applying for an ETA in Germany: If interested, I believe this is the form we will be filling out for the next step.Hopefully only 5 more days to go!


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Congrats, loveyourheritage! I also applied to the UK for a partnership grant, but I haven't heard anything back-I actually thought it was the 31st we'd hear back! Maybe they're staggered or it depends by grant.

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For anyone applying for an ETA in Germany: If interested, I believe this is the form we will be filling out for the next step.Hopefully only 5 more days to go!



Karahead (and anyone else applying for the Germany ETA), if you're recommended for further consideration, you'll fill out this form (they send you a link to instructions, too, I believe) as well as either writing entirely new "Letter of Interest" and "Statement of Purpose" auf Deutsch, or--as many people last year did, which worked out fine--translating your PS with some edits and addressing it as a letter, and translating your SGP, and sending all of that in with the form. Along with an official transcript and maybe some other stuff, that's what gets sent off to the PAD for more decision-making.


Best of luck to all of you waiting, and hoping you hear good results. I was looking back at my tweets from 2012, and during this time all I was doing was complaining about the waiting...I actually completed an entire scrapbook trying to distract myself ;)

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