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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Last year emails came at 7:30pm, I was in Philly when it happened! Was in class and didnt know this forum existed. It happened like a nice surprise. Now, I sit hear waiting, waiting and waiting.

730 est?

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Since I am an Adjunct at a local community college, I dont wear shoes in class and the students are horrified. My response...fashion is bourgeois, do your reading and lets start a revolution. It succeeded.
Not to start a debate, but I profoundly disagree with the assertion that fashion is bourgeois. Fashion can actually be a profound tool in starting a revolution... Clothing is not just pieces of fabric sewn together, it can have profound meaning and can represent much more to the wearer and those around him/her. That's just my opinion, though...
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Not to start a debate, but I profoundly disagree with the assertion that fashion is bourgeois. Fashion can actually be a profound tool in starting a revolution... Clothing is not just pieces of fabric sewn together, it can have profound meaning and can represent much more to the wearer and those around him/her. That's just my opinion, though...

i wonder if that was precisely the point of chelali's comment.

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Not to start a debate, but I profoundly disagree with the assertion that fashion is bourgeois. Fashion can actually be a profound tool in starting a revolution... Clothing is not just pieces of fabric sewn together, it can have profound meaning and can represent much more to the wearer and those around him/her. That's just my opinion, though...


Agree, I would also say him not wearing shoes is a statement in itself. In my line of research, you dont wear shoes, you might lose a toe.


Although a heated debate at this hour may cause a revolution. 

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Not to start a debate, but I profoundly disagree with the assertion that fashion is bourgeois. Fashion can actually be a profound tool in starting a revolution... Clothing is not just pieces of fabric sewn together, it can have profound meaning and can represent much more to the wearer and those around him/her. That's just my opinion, though...


I totally agree. Fashion can change society, especially from a cultural and social standpoint. Fashion is not just for show. It is a representation of who a person is... we are not always completely conscious that our fashion is a subtle depiction of us all. 

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The question is how do we interpret fashion....if we consider my anarchist friends who must buy their cherished doc martins or "punk" attire to fit in then they have commodified the identity of what it means to be an anarchist for example. But lets take Zizek's critique of Foucault who states that the idea of transforming yourself continually is a positive result of post-structuralism...is it not the case that the ideological coordinates fit perfectly within the hetero-patriarchal capitalist structure. Therefore, supposed freedom in choosing clothing and continual transformations only increase the power of capitalism and the consumer mindset. One can now consume as many different fashionable trends and identities as possible. That is the logic of late capitalism.

Edited by chelali
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Thursday, and I'd applied for a full grant if that matters. Actually this is my third try...the year before I got my rejection at 6:47pm EST, also on a Thursday.

I am an ETA applicant so I may have another day like today, tomorrow. :( Good luck, third time is a charm!

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