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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Ugh. It's rough. I feel bad for my boyfriend. Not only will he have to deal with me being gone for a year ( we did four and a half years of long distance in college..so.. I can't blame him for not wanting that again.) but I would not be contributing to things like rent, utilities, and cable. I know I am putting a large burden on him and I feel pretty crappy about that. I hate him having his life being put on hold as well. I feel pretty selfish.
Depending on how far out of school you two are and what his job/career path is, can he not find something interesting to do in Germany?
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Congratulations Peru, Brazil, Indonesia and UK, now can we please have something on India!!!! The stress is a killer. And with all the talk of possible 'minor cuts to participant numbers' by Fulbright I am losing sleep for sure!!!

UK didn't find out yet- only those going to the US from the UK did T___T


Baksdhfklasdjfkj I just got this from my FPA this morning:


"You may have heard that the Fulbright news has begun to come out.  It is true! However, the timing is extremely early, thus we cannot say with assurance whether all announcements will shift forward or whether this one announcement (Indonesia) is an outlier.  In either case, we urge you to be patient.  Previously announcements emerged from mid-March until mid-May with the biggest number in April.  We cannot predict when the various countries will announce.  Each year it plays out differently."


I just want to know already!

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I am doing the same thing to my fiancee. The question is, would you regret it later that you didnt go? That is why I applied and plan to go if accepted. I am sure he understands. My fiancee isnt too happy about it, but gets it. I am also willing to stay permanently near his family and parents when I come back. 

I think he gets it, but is a little hurt. I agree though, I don't want to resent him later for not trying it. He said, since I had spent a semester over there in college, he thought I would have "gotten it out of my system", so I explained to him how the three months was kind of like being given a tiny bite of the most sumptious cake ever and then having it taken away.  I know it will be hard for him while I'm gone though.

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Not to add to the FPA hearsay confusion, but my FPA's email from a couple weeks ago (prior to Indonesia notifications) seemed to imply that there'd be a general shift toward earlier notifications (with the disclaimer that some countries may still take a while). I pasted her message a while back but here it is again, verbatim:



Dear Recommended Applicants,

We have just heard from IIE and it appears that results may come in a bit earlier this year, beginning early March.  Do not despair if you do not hear from IIE early.  They are at the mercy of the host country which has until June to make their decision.  

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Any idea or guess when the UK will find out? How long does it take to discuss interviews?

They told me "you should hear from IIE in a couple weeks" at the end of my interview on the 25th and I know the last interviews were on the 28th, so maybe next week? Idk I don't know how I'm functioning right now, to be honest.

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They told me "you should hear from IIE in a couple weeks" at the end of my interview on the 25th and I know the last interviews were on the 28th, so maybe next week? Idk I don't know how I'm functioning right now, to be honest.

If only margarita's weren't frowned upon in the workplace..

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They told me "you should hear from IIE in a couple weeks" at the end of my interview on the 25th and I know the last interviews were on the 28th, so maybe next week? Idk I don't know how I'm functioning right now, to be honest.

A couple?! That's totally not helpful on their part

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They told me "you should hear from IIE in a couple weeks" at the end of my interview on the 25th and I know the last interviews were on the 28th, so maybe next week? Idk I don't know how I'm functioning right now, to be honest.


My UK interviewers told me explicity, "You should hear from us in two weeks," and my interview was on the 26th. So I'm assuming that means early next week....last year they found out on March 13th so it should be around then!

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Just to join the 'leaving partners/lovers/bf/gf/fiance(e)s/wives/husbands' (did I miss any?) behind discussion:


I have left my lover behind for 8 out of the 10 years we have been together for anything from one to six months at a time, usually during the summer. It might be easier for us than some others because we have developed strong individual lives, he has his own business and I have my research and its just easier for us to pursue these things separately. Perhaps drawing up some personal goals which will be easier for you to do apart will help make the time go faster? Like a major clean out of stuff, hosting Couchsurfers, taking some trips...any other ideas?


As to money, while the Fulbright is not lucrative, especially if you are going to Europe, maybe budgeting out $100 per month to go back home is doable? Even a little helps. I have also had to put the burden of rent on my bf but knowing that we chose an apartment which was affordable for one. Even so I try to live cheap and send back a $100 every month when I am on a fellowship/scholarship. When I have paid out of pocket for trips I can't send anything home but warm, fuzzy feelings and its hard to not feel like an ass.


Again on the money thing, I have taken out a CSA subscription for my bf in the summer before because I could pay it in installments during the winter, when I had work income, and then he had fresh food delivery every week throughout the summer. That shaves money of his food spending and it's a nice, healthy gift. There are some winter CSA's as well, check in your area


And of course they can come visit you during the Fulbright. Not only do you get actual time off for vacation but you are allowed to return home if you want to take a quick break. From the Fulbright 2012-13 handbook:


"Out of Country Leave

During recesses or normal vacation periods, the grantee may leave the host country for a grand total of 14 days, including weekends and travel days, without deduction in grant benefits. Such leave must be approved in advance by the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in the host country and the grantee's host institution. Grantees may not leave the host country for other periods without prior approval. Grantees may not leave the host country for other periods, without prior approval of the Cultural Affairs Officer/ Fulbright Commission."


I had a Fulbrighter housemate and she and her fiance kept an eye on flights to various convenient places. They ended up spending a week in Spain for super cheap. I hear it is not an onerous deal to get authorization to leave. The Commission just needs to know where you are and that you are not spending oodles of time jaunting about rather than being a diligent Fulbrighter.


Does anybody else have ideas for keeping the peace in the family during a long separation? 


(I am sooo looking for things to keep my mind off not getting an email yet.)


Confidential to there'sanappforthat:

I love your new profile pic. So can't wait for Season 3!

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I think he gets it, but is a little hurt. I agree though, I don't want to resent him later for not trying it. He said, since I had spent a semester over there in college, he thought I would have "gotten it out of my system", so I explained to him how the three months was kind of like being given a tiny bite of the most sumptious cake ever and then having it taken away.  I know it will be hard for him while I'm gone though.


I was able to sell it as a chance to go on a trip together. He will come with me to the Netherlands the first two weeks while I find a place to live, etc. There is Skype and emails. 

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Am I the only one that's had the malevolent desire to pretend to have received notice from one of the countries that gives a lot of grants? I can't be the only sadist in the forum that would derive at least a little pleasure from causing such mayhem... O;) (Note: I posted this message in large part to stop myself from doing the above--I think this is actually a step in the right direction toward self control...heh...)

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Just to join the 'leaving partners/lovers/bf/gf/fiance(e)s/wives/husbands' (did I miss any?) behind discussion:


I have left my lover behind for 8 out of the 10 years we have been together for anything from one to six months at a time, usually during the summer. It might be easier for us than some others because we have developed strong individual lives, he has his own business and I have my research and its just easier for us to pursue these things separately. Perhaps drawing up some personal goals which will be easier for you to do apart will help make the time go faster? Like a major clean out of stuff, hosting Couchsurfers, taking some trips...any other ideas?


As to money, while the Fulbright is not lucrative, especially if you are going to Europe, maybe budgeting out $100 per month to go back home is doable? Even a little helps. I have also had to put the burden of rent on my bf but knowing that we chose an apartment which was affordable for one. Even so I try to live cheap and send back a $100 every month when I am on a fellowship/scholarship. When I have paid out of pocket for trips I can't send anything home but warm, fuzzy feelings and its hard to not feel like an ass.


Again on the money thing, I have taken out a CSA subscription for my bf in the summer before because I could pay it in installments during the winter, when I had work income, and then he had fresh food delivery every week throughout the summer. That shaves money of his food spending and it's a nice, healthy gift. There are some winter CSA's as well, check in your area


And of course they can come visit you during the Fulbright. Not only do you get actual time off for vacation but you are allowed to return home if you want to take a quick break. From the Fulbright 2012-13 handbook:


"Out of Country Leave

During recesses or normal vacation periods, the grantee may leave the host country for a grand total of 14 days, including weekends and travel days, without deduction in grant benefits. Such leave must be approved in advance by the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in the host country and the grantee's host institution. Grantees may not leave the host country for other periods without prior approval. Grantees may not leave the host country for other periods, without prior approval of the Cultural Affairs Officer/ Fulbright Commission."


I had a Fulbrighter housemate and she and her fiance kept an eye on flights to various convenient places. They ended up spending a week in Spain for super cheap. I hear it is not an onerous deal to get authorization to leave. The Commission just needs to know where you are and that you are not spending oodles of time jaunting about rather than being a diligent Fulbrighter.


Does anybody else have ideas for keeping the peace in the family during a long separation? 


(I am sooo looking for things to keep my mind off not getting an email yet.)


Confidential to there'sanappforthat:

I love your new profile pic. So can't wait for Season 3!

Wow, you are amazing! Thanks for all the advice those are definitely some good things to think about. I think I would feel kinda bad about trying to be like, "Hey, hon, why don't we find a project for you while I'm gone?" I am so lacking in tact that that is probably exactly how it would come out. Must. be. tactful.


I really wonder if I would be able to afford to still contribute. It's hard to gage what my liviing expenses would be. If I could send back money, that would definitely be helpful. I will have to think about that.


As to the vacation days, are you saying that any time you want to leave the country, even if I was just going to say, Austria, for a weekend, I would have to notify Fulbright, and I would only have 14 days total to spend outside the country? That is definitely something to think about. Since I am applying for an ETA, I was hoping that I might be able to do a bit more country hopping than full grantees might be able to. Not that it's really a problem, but it will definitely mean that I will really have to prioritize where I want to go. Or, stay and travel a bit after the fellowship is over.


And yesohmygod when are they going to air the next season of Sherlock? I know they've only JUST started filming the third season and it .





How am I supposed to use Sherlock to distract me from my anxiety about Fulbright if there aren't any new episodes?!

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I was able to sell it as a chance to go on a trip together. He will come with me to the Netherlands the first two weeks while I find a place to live, etc. There is Skype and emails. 

Unfortuantely my beau does not think he will have the time or money to make a trip to see me. I am hoping otherwise. We will definitely be making great use of Skype, either way.

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Am I the only one that's had the malevolent desire to pretend to have received notice from one of the countries that gives a lot of grants? I can't be the only sadist in the forum that would derive at least a little pleasure from causing such mayhem... O;)(Note: I posted this message in large part to stop myself from doing the above--I think this is actually a step in the right direction toward self control...heh...)

I hope you are the only one, because I would probably actually start crying if I thought I didn't get it but they didn't actually release results, and then I'd get my hopes up only to have them brutally crushed when the actual results came out.

I think most of us are just a wee but stressed.... =p

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