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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Ha app- not your fault- it's just driving me crazy because it hit me we might not find out this week, which would actually drive me insane since my finals are next week. Also, Battlestar was good until they made it a giant religious metaphor in the season finale. At least, in my humble opinion. Castle is also a great show to people who have already seen all the ones listed
Agreed. I think the first few seasons were incredible, but it got a little too symbolic/preachy toward the end.
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I love firefly and game of thrones! I can't wait for season 3, the third book has been my favorite so far. Also super sad that firefly was only one season. Have you seen arrested development or the new-er battlestar galactica? Both incredible shows. Also house of cards! I'm gonna start Sherlock tonight, it has been decided.

I need to read Game of Thrones! I have them on the bookshelf, and I started the first one, but I have a bad habit of starting books and never finishing them! I just started watching the second season though :)

I have not watched Arrested Development, but you are the second person who's recommended it, so I'll have to look it up! I've also been meaning to watch Battlestar. I saw a funny Portlandia skit involving watching all the episodes of BSG on youtube the other day :) I will have to watch House of Cards, too! My BF has been trying to talk me into it. Kevin Spacey is a beast, so I don't know why I haven't yet!

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whoa...you just blew my mind
But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler. Gonna go ahead and stop this right here before shit gets too recursive up in here.
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 I need to read Game of Thrones! I have them on the bookshelf, and I started the first one, but I have a bad habit of starting books and never finishing them! I just started watching the second season though :)I have not watched Arrested Development, but you are the second person who's recommended it, so I'll have to look it up! I've also been meaning to watch Battlestar. I saw a funny Portlandia skit involving watching all the episodes of BSG on youtube the other day :) I will have to watch House of Cards, too! My BF has been trying to talk me into it. Kevin Spacey is a beast, so I don't know why I haven't yet!
Yep that portlandia sketch is going to be you.
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But he also killed the guy who killed Hitler. Gonna go ahead and stop this right here before shit gets too recursive up in here.


I haven't had nearly enough coffee to get into a discussion like this right now. 





Edit* Whoops, accidentally up-voted my own comment. 

Edited by kumar1244
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  Hells yes baby! First couple are on Netflix streaming; last one is only on the regular Netflix.

First and foremost, Sherlock, by the BBC. It's a modern day take on the Sherlock Holmes stories. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch (say that 5 times fast) and Martin Freeman (of the UK office and more recently, The Hobbit). The relationship between the two is so delightfully hilarious! YOU MUST WATCH IT!! I will warn you, it's made up of two series of 3 episodes a piece, each episode being an hour and a half. So be prepared to be glued to your couch for a while.

Doctor Who....


OMG, I have to weigh in on the TV series discussion as a serious addict. This is a warning to you all...don't join us on the dark side. 


However (cue chirpy music), should you like to start down that path I would also like to provide a list of escapist joy. Below is my most current TV file list :-). This has travel implications by the way. I always have to figure out what to take with me and whether I need a flash drive or an external (calculations based on length of journey, where to etc..) 


You can look these all up on Wikipedia.



Agatha Christie (Poirot & Ms. Marple)
All Creatures Great and Small
Angels in America
Being Human, UK
Cold Feet Series 1
Cranford (2007, 2009)
Doc Martin
Downton Abbey
Dr. Who (Tom Baker & Peter Davison, the best Doctor's EVER)
Fry and Laurie
Jeeves and Wooster
Law & Order UK
Parades End
Portlandia Season 1
Rumpole of the Bailey
South Riding
Stephen Fry In America (2008)
The Avengers Complete Series (1961-1969) Season 1 to 7
The century of the self
The Kingdom (Riget) 1&2 - Lars von Trier
The Last Detective
The Last Enemy - 5 BBC Episodes
To the ends of the earth 
Touching Evil [uK] - Complete Series
Waiting for God (1990-94 BBC)
Wallander (BBC)
Wire in the Blood
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OMG, I have to weigh in on the TV series discussion as a serious addict. This is a warning to you all...don't join us on the dark side. 


However (cue chirpy music), should you like to start down that path I would also like to provide a list of escapist joy. Below is my most current TV file list :-). This has travel implications by the way. I always have to figure out what to take with me and whether I need a flash drive or an external (calculations based on length of journey, where to etc..) 


You can look these all up on Wikipedia.




Agatha Christie (Poirot & Ms. Marple)

All Creatures Great and Small

Angels in America


Being Human, UK

Cold Feet Series 1

Cranford (2007, 2009)

Doc Martin

Downton Abbey

Dr. Who (Tom Baker & Peter Davison, the best Doctor's EVER)


Fry and Laurie

Jeeves and Wooster


Law & Order UK

Parades End

Portlandia Season 1

Rumpole of the Bailey


South Riding


Stephen Fry In America (2008)

The Avengers Complete Series (1961-1969) Season 1 to 7

The century of the self

The Kingdom (Riget) 1&2 - Lars von Trier

The Last Detective

The Last Enemy - 5 BBC Episodes

To the ends of the earth 

Touching Evil [uK] - Complete Series

Waiting for God (1990-94 BBC)

Wallander (BBC)

Wire in the Blood



You have some good ones on there! I got a little confused at first, not realizing you were including music! haha. Also, I would like to add The Walking Dead to my list. If you aren't watching it already, OHMYGODWHATAREYOUDOINGWITHYOURLIFE?!

Edit: Wait, what? Okay, Now I'm confused. I've never heard of a TV show called Beck. SOmehow I thought you said you were including music as well. Man. This brain.

Edited by there'sanappforthat
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You have some good ones on there! I got a little confused at first, not realizing you were including music! haha. Also, I would like to add The Walking Dead to my list. If you aren't watching it already, OHMYGODWHATAREYOUDOINGWITHYOURLIFE?!

Edit: Wait, what? Okay, Now I'm confused. I've never heard of a TV show called Beck. SOmehow I thought you said you were including music as well. Man. This brain.


Beck is a Swedish cop drama. There is no music (wait, would you really classify Beck as music?).


I actually own all that sh** on that list. Thank god for giant external hardrives.

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Edit: Wait, what? Okay, Now I'm confused. I've never heard of a TV show called Beck. SOmehow I thought you said you were including music as well. Man. This brain.


ok then, best/fav songs/albums for calming frazzled fulbright nerves, Beck or otherwise?  

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Beck is a Swedish cop drama. There is no music (wait, would you really classify Beck as music?).


I actually own all that sh** on that list. Thank god for giant external hardrives.

I was thinking of this Beck: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCg-3nxT8E.

Hence the confusion. Anyway.

If I get an ETA, I'm going to have to load my external hard drive up with lots of movies and TV shows. Hopefully, at some point, I would be able to share some of them with my German students. I want them to know there is more on American TV than the Jersey Shore and Desperate Housewives!!!!

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I just discovered this, and I thought you all might find it amusing, so I'll share. I have been walking around the office with toilet paper stuck to my shoe.

Still not as bad as the time I had a long trip of it tucked into my pants. My god, I'm a dork.

Hahaaa. OMG this list is ON FIRE today.


I just discovered this morning that my University financial aid office decided I am not eligible for aid because they think I have already accumulated 285 credits for a doctorate. 


Hmmmm. I phoned them up and said "ya know, I have forgotten a lot in my life but I am pretty sure I would have remembered doing a PhD." The financial aid lady laughed, luckily, and they are adjusting the record to make me eligible for aid. What is kind of silly though is she explained to me that the University of Washington does not have a separate category for masters and PhD so this same thing must happen to every doctoral student every finaid cycle. WTF?

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ok then, best/fav songs/albums for calming frazzled fulbright nerves, Beck or otherwise?  

 I have been listening to Pearl and the Beard's album "God Bless Your Weary Soul". I discovered them at an Ani Difanco concert. One of the best opening acts I've ever seen!! Also, Ani of course. I've been listening to Miike Snow a lot lately, as well.
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Hahaaa. OMG this list is ON FIRE today.


I just discovered this morning that my University financial aid office decided I am not eligible for aid because they think I have already accumulated 285 credits for a doctorate. 


Hmmmm. I phoned them up and said "ya know, I have forgotten a lot in my life but I am pretty sure I would have remembered doing a PhD." The financial aid lady laughed, luckily, and they are adjusting the record to make me eligible for aid. What is kind of silly though is she explained to me that the University of Washington does not have a separate category for masters and PhD so this same thing must happen to every doctoral student every finaid cycle. WTF?

 O_O I don't even. That would be one hell of a black out!!

Oh yeah, I went out for drinks one night, four years later I woke up with PhD! It was crazy!! (how long does a Phd take anyway??)

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I was thinking of this Beck: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCg-3nxT8E.

Hence the confusion. Anyway.

no, i know, i was poking fun at beck the musician  :)


The Swedish crime drama however is fairly tough to come by but is part of the Scandinavian noir tradition which brings you such great things as the Millenium trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc..). If you are a Fulbrighter going to Scandinavia the books or the series are a must.

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  O_O I don't even. That would be one hell of a black out!!

Oh yeah, I went out for drinks one night, four years later I woke up with PhD! It was crazy!! (how long does a Phd take anyway??)


OMG I am cracking up...I need the laughing emoticon with tears streaming. I have to get off this list and get something done.  :D


How about a little

to make the time race by...or slow it down with a little Koko Taylor or just weird with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghb6eDopW8I?
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I have news from the campus advisor.  I asked him how our group did this year. We only had 4 recommended from our university, last year we had 8. He said one had already been notified they did not receive an award.


" Last year notices were sent over the period April to June.  Germany usually announces first and Turkey was June.  Depends on the country."

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I have news from the campus advisor.  I asked him how our group did this year. We only had 4 recommended from our university, last year we had 8. He said one had already been notified they did not receive an award.


" Last year notices were sent over the period April to June.  Germany usually announces first and Turkey was June.  Depends on the country."

 That wasn't helpful in the slightest. You should write your FPA back and say "HEY! Thanks for telling me something I already knew!!" Jk, jk.
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