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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Ha I wish, but I trust my FPAs in saying that it takes a good 2 days to get approval. I'm hoping for no later than Monday.

well we can think of it like this - this will be the last weekend that we don't know what our Fulbright status is! maybe...

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well we can think of it like this - this will be the last weekend that we don't know what our Fulbright status is! maybe...

That may or may not be a good thing (I am pessimistic), but I hope I'll feel better when I know... Though my other fellowship I don't find out about until the first week of April. ARGHHH

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I am praying for all of us. Good news of the day: the lady and I who thought we were competing are NOT in fact in competition! Different schools, different programs. We will know soon!!!!!!


Woohoo! I'm that lady. Best of luck to everyone that is waiting. :)

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I am praying for all of us. Good news of the day: the lady and I who thought we were competing are NOT in fact in competition! Different schools, different programs. We will know soon!!!!!!

Yay! Hopefully all of us can get it then/no overlap. =P

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That may or may not be a good thing (I am pessimistic), but I hope I'll feel better when I know... Though my other fellowship I don't find out about until the first week of April. ARGHHH

Haha yeah I'm not feeling too optimistic either - I desperately want to know but I'm also afraid of receiving a negative answer and then just being done...


If you don't mind my asking, what is the other fellowship you applied for? The only two I knew of were Marshall and Fulbright for UK programs - is there another one or is it specific to your discipline? 

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Haha yeah I'm not feeling too optimistic either - I desperately want to know but I'm also afraid of receiving a negative answer and then just being done...


If you don't mind my asking, what is the other fellowship you applied for? The only two I knew of were Marshall and Fulbright for UK programs - is there another one or is it specific to your discipline? 

I completely agree with your first statement... But it's distracting me from studying, which is frustrating.


And not at all- I also applied to Whitaker. It's a discipline specific one, though (biomedical engineering). 

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I have been reading this thread for a while but this is my first post. Just curious if anyone else on this thread applied to Venezuela? Also does anyone know if the political climate in your country affects the grants and how they are awarded?

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I completely agree with your first statement... But it's distracting me from studying, which is frustrating.


And not at all- I also applied to Whitaker. It's a discipline specific one, though (biomedical engineering). 

Oh nice! Well good luck with that one as well! 


BTW, I also wrote to my FPA when I got the email from Eilish and she just now responded, saying she guesses I'll hear by MID-APRIL!!! I know she's thinking of the general Fulbright timeline rather than the UK timeline but man, that email offered me NO relief ha!

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I completely agree with your first statement... But it's distracting me from studying, which is frustrating.


And not at all- I also applied to Whitaker. It's a discipline specific one, though (biomedical engineering). 


Which country and what is your research focused on? I also applied for the Whitaker too!

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Oh nice! Well good luck with that one as well! 


BTW, I also wrote to my FPA when I got the email from Eilish and she just now responded, saying she guesses I'll hear by MID-APRIL!!! I know she's thinking of the general Fulbright timeline rather than the UK timeline but man, that email offered me NO relief ha!



If I find out Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, I will actually cry. All of my finals somehow are in the span of those 3 days due to crappy scheduling by the registrar. Oh gosh. Just please Monday or Tuesday. Please please please.


Even though logically I know I won't hear from them today, I'm still getting nervous again until 5 pm EST....



EDIT: I applied to the UK, same place as I applied for Fulbright/the letter of affiliation was super easy to get since I already had one. =P   My focus would be on imaging and sensing. You? And are you applying as a fellow or scholar?

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  Right on! Fellow Germany ETA applicant! High five! :)

Yay, go Germany ETA applicants!! <3 I hope we all get in so we can all meet each other and have good times, etc. I know it's competitive but on the bright side, the acceptance rate for Germany ETA is a lot higher than Germany full grants! So there's hope right? :)

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If I find out Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, I will actually cry. All of my finals somehow are in the span of those 3 days due to crappy scheduling by the registrar. Oh gosh. Just please Monday or Tuesday. Please please please.


Even though logically I know I won't hear from them today, I'm still getting nervous again until 5 pm EST....



EDIT: I applied to the UK, same place as I applied for Fulbright/the letter of affiliation was super easy to get since I already had one. =P   My focus would be on imaging and sensing. You? And are you applying as a fellow or scholar?


Netherlands, applied for the Fellows one. I am planning to use finite element modeling to determine what factors affect bone ingrowth into porous orthopaedic implants. Looking at patient factors (BMI, activity level, quality of bone), and implant factors (porosity, elastic modulus, pore size, etc) and how they affect bone ingrowth. My phd research involves analyzed retrieved human implants. Its all IRB-approved research and our group publishes a lot due to a majority of the funding coming from the NIH. 

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Sooo looks like it's gonna be Monday at the earliest!

I followed up with my FPA. She thinks it will be after or during my spring break (essentially, not next week, but the week after).



So not happy right now.

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  Definitely sarcastic :)

Ha good- always hard to tell on the Internet. Time to try to study for finals and lurk here all weekend moping that I don't know yet..... Have a good weekend all!

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Hey all, I had my Skype interview this week for a full/research to Mexico. I heard via my FPA that some interviews with Comexus will be going next week too. Has anybody heard anything about Mexico's usual timeframe for getting word out to applicants? I'm thinking mid-April... Good luck to everybody!

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It's Friday. I thought all day I might hear something because all my other good news from Fulbright has come on a Friday. I could literally see the word Fulbright in my inbox before I looked, but alas, I must wait another week.

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