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School Lists 2013 (Where are you applying?)

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Okay, my for reals final list. Only took me 2 years to narrow it down. (Listed by app deadline, since that's how all my lists are organized at this point)





SUNY Buffalo

Harvard (for the LOLs, throwing in an app)

Carnegie Mellon

Penn State

I also would really like to apply to U Michigan and CU Boulder, but they are more than a day's drive from my (and my husband's) family, and since we just had a wee one, it's just not feasible right now to try to move the fam that far away. But if I don't get in this year, maybe I'll give them a go on the next round.

* I would basically sell my soul to go here

but I thought Harvard was super not-cool and stodgy and too expensive and too selective and had tough exams?

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That's something bfat specifically said in a different thread. I just don't understand why a person would list all the reasons why a program is generally terrible and specifically unsuitable for them, and then apply to it anyway.

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Just for reference:

bfat: "I was talking with some of my professors/letter-writers about the fact that some of the elite (top ranked) programs focus more on "generalist" education, which actually makes it harder to get a job. I'm pretty close with the assistant chair of the English department, who runs the search committee for new profs, and she said they're always turning people down from Harvard and Yale because their work just isn't as compelling. Those programs are more conservative and can therefore be a little outdated in terms of the job market. Of course, there are people in those places doing amazing work and moving on to do great, innovative things--I don't want to put them down--but the name itself won't necessarily get you a job. I was strongly advised against applying to HYP for these reasons (and also the exorbitant app fees, slim chances, and, in the case of Harvard, terrible comprehensive exam requirements--think Lit GRE times 500)."

I didn't think "for the LOLs" was a real reason. There must be more to it than that.

Edited by caw_caw_caw
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Isn't it ok to admit that one might want to go to Harvard? I feel like there's such a stigma against "elitism" that saying such a thing out loud is somehow forbidden. But wanting to go to Harvard is nothing to be ashamed of, that's all I'm saying.

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bfat: Nice to see another Pitt applicant (I am gunning for Film). Do you find it odd that the English department explicitly suggests 2-3 pages, single-space, for the SOP? In my communication with a professor in the film program, who has been extremely generous with his thoughts and guidance, I was given to understand that they prefer things to be less than 1,000 words, and that's pushing it.

What gives?

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Holy jeez...

I posted the "Harvard for the LOLs" before talking to my profs. They said I could go ahead and apply, that I'd have as good a shot as anyone (when the acceptance rate is below 2%), but that they didn't think I'd be happy there (for reasons I've already listed). Obviously, I would have considered going if I thought it was a good fit, and I have family in Boston so that's another reason to consider it, but when I talked to my letter writers, they said the fit probably wasn't the best and that they knew people who'd gone through the program and weren't that happy with it. I thought about applying anyway because if I was accepted, how awesome would it feel to turn down Harvard? But then I realized that it wasn't worth it to throw away $150 (app fee & scores). When I said "for the LOLs," I was referring to the slim chances and the fact that I always wanted to apply to H/Y/P just to see if I could get in... but then I realized that I honestly don't give enough of a crap about the slim possibility of feeling mildly superior for 5 seconds with an acceptance, especially in the face of overwhelming odds against that and the generally immature nature of the sentiment.

So there. Does that satisfy your inexplicably intense curiosity? Sheesh.

bfat: Nice to see another Pitt applicant (I am gunning for Film). Do you find it odd that the English department explicitly suggests 2-3 pages, single-space, for the SOP? In my communication with a professor in the film program, who has been extremely generous with his thoughts and guidance, I was given to understand that they prefer things to be less than 1,000 words, and that's pushing it.

What gives?

Hey Swagato--I couldn't find ANYTHING on Pitt's website about the SOP. Where did you see that it said single-spaced? Since it said 2-3, I assumed that meant double (since that's roughly 800-1000 words, like most of the other schools). I thought about film briefly, when I was first thinking about a PhD (my BA is in film), but I'm focusing more on theory now, and their Crit & Culture program is supposed to be pretty awesome. :) Good luck!

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bfat: see http://www.english.pitt.edu/graduate/apply.php under "Additional Materials."

It's just a tad worrisome because it's been a devilish year learning about what makes stellar SOPs and I'd like to think I have a really succinct one right now--and that's exactly what makes mine quite a bit shorter than what Pitt apparently wants. Moreover, I'm torn between this website guidance and what the POI I've been in touch with specifically told me so many times.

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I'm sorry bfat, I didn't mean to offend you. I just feel this "inexplicably intense" hatred of certain big-name schools radiating off of your comments, and I think that sentiment has just as much of an "immature nature" as the one that would make a person apply to Harvard only for its big name.

I think it's unfair and immature to love or hate any school simply based on preconceived notions and hearsay. That is absolutely ALL I am saying.

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bfat: see http://www.english.p...duate/apply.php under "Additional Materials."

Well, there it is, isn't it? Balls. I swear it didn't specify spacing when I was making my Excel spreadsheet.

I just opened mine up to see what I'd done, and I'd actually made it 1.5 spaced, because really that looks the best for SoPs, I think. So here's hoping they're not too strict about it. It came out at exactly 2.5 pages that way too...

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Blargh. Well, I'm at 934 words and it's 2.75 pages double-spaced, so I'll see what can be done about it. I still feel like I should heed what my POI said--he's an extremely well-regarded figure at Pitt, so I do not believe he'd be offering bone-headed guidance.

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I just feel this "inexplicably intense" hatred of certain big-name schools radiating off of your comments, and I think that sentiment has just as much of an "immature nature" as the one that would make a person apply to Harvard only for its big name.

Really? Because I'm pretty sure I said I would have considered it, had it been a good fit for me. And I'm also fairly certain that I've applied to some other "big-name" schools. I have no hate for Harvard or Yale (or any ivy). I was just trying to be realistic about a program's quality vs. whether or not I'd fit in or be comfortable there, same as everyone else.

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Exactly. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to not like Harvard. :)

I agree, and there are also plenty of legitimate reasons to like it. If you want to work in academia, doesn't violently resenting the entire Ivy League preclude a lot of beneficial collaborative relationships?

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Really? Because I'm pretty sure I said I would have considered it, had it been a good fit for me. And I'm also fairly certain that I've applied to some other "big-name" schools. I have no hate for Harvard or Yale (or any ivy). I was just trying to be realistic about a program's quality vs. whether or not I'd fit in or be comfortable there, same as everyone else.

Fair enough. I hope you get in where you want to go.

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I feel like we've been here before.

I am applying to Harvard and ok with it, other people are not applying to Harvard and are ok with that. Let's all be as ok with each other's decisions as we are our own, ok? Harvard or no Harvard, anyone else deciding to do something different does not invalidate my choices.


I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school.

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I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school.

I don't know what kind of middle school you went to, but those were some of the worst years of my life. Ugh, tween girls. ugh ugh ugh

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I don't know what kind of middle school you went to, but those were some of the worst years of my life. Ugh, tween girls. ugh ugh ugh

Yeah me too. I googled the middle school line, though, and girl who wears glasses may have been quoting Mean Girls.

Edited by Two Espressos
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