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Fulbright 2009-2010


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I know they told us to go there, which is why I checked in, but I don't recall them saying that it's there for anything other than general information. I email Charles Restrepo today and he said all they're looking for from us right now is that we've sent informal emails or something accepting the grant offer and also the medical forms.

That's good to know. Did he also happen to mention when we're getting our placements? They used the word "soon" way too often in the letter from Germany! It was sent on April 1 and it's now April 28. I think it's past "soon."

I just read the first circular. It's really unfortunate that some people are getting 703 Euros this year instead of 800, like we were all supposed to get. 97 Euros makes a huge difference, especially if you're in an expensive city...

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There is hope, Alternates. I just got word that I'm off the alternate's list for Thailand. "Additional funding" became available and they're offering me a full grant. Stay optimistic, alternates! I'm rooting for your guys and gals!!

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Has anyone else who applied to the Netherlands STILL not heard? I know that a few people were rejected and placed on the alternate list, but it seems like the only acceptances have been for NAF, and not general grants.

I'm trying really hard to be patient and not call, but I need to know! I really don't want to be told over the phone that I've been rejected.

You'd be right on the other acceptances thus far being NAF grants. I'd take the fact that you haven't heard anything yet as a positive. What was your proposal about? Seriously, hang in there.

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There is hope, Alternates. I just got word that I'm off the alternate's list for Thailand. "Additional funding" became available and they're offering me a full grant. Stay optimistic, alternates! I'm rooting for your guys and gals!!

Awesome. Congrats!

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Hey everyone, I haven't had internet over the weekend to check this thread obsessively (thankfully, since I got a rejection letter).. at least I was at the beach! For those of you still playing the waiting game, it was a standard sized white envelope, mailed from new york on 21st Apr.

Best of luck to all of you!

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That's good to know. Did he also happen to mention when we're getting our placements? They used the word "soon" way too often in the letter from Germany! It was sent on April 1 and it's now April 28. I think it's past "soon."

I just read the first circular. It's really unfortunate that some people are getting 703 Euros this year instead of 800, like we were all supposed to get. 97 Euros makes a huge difference, especially if you're in an expensive city...

He didn't say when. I got "soon" as well. What he did tell me is that the placements come from Germany and really have nothing to do with him. I have a friend who had an ETA in Germany during the 2006-2007 school year, and she had received her placement by April 14th. *grumble grumble*

Anyway, I didn't have a chance to read the entire circular. Did it really say 703 Euros?? I could have sworn it said in the letter we were guaranteed at least 800. How do they decide who gets how much? Do people in say Munich and Hamburg get more than people in Berlin or something?

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He didn't say when. I got "soon" as well. What he did tell me is that the placements come from Germany and really have nothing to do with him. I have a friend who had an ETA in Germany during the 2006-2007 school year, and she had received her placement by April 14th. *grumble grumble*

Anyway, I didn't have a chance to read the entire circular. Did it really say 703 Euros?? I could have sworn it said in the letter we were guaranteed at least 800. How do they decide who gets how much? Do people in say Munich and Hamburg get more than people in Berlin or something?

It says, "These three sources normally all provide the same benefits so that all teaching assistants receive the same amount. HOWEVER, as of this program year most unfortunately not all Bundesl

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For those of you who have been accepted (especially for a research grant), how long after you received the snail mail notification did you receive an e-mail confirmation?

I know that the letters for my country were mailed out nearly 2 weeks ago, but I still haven't gotten a letter. I'm pessimistic though because I feel like if I had gotten it, there would have been some sort of follow-up e-mail since we have to accept/decline within a certain time frame.

Let me know what you think.

I (research, Sweden) ONLY received a snail-mail letter. No email.

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There is hope, Alternates. I just got word that I'm off the alternate's list for Thailand. "Additional funding" became available and they're offering me a full grant. Stay optimistic, alternates! I'm rooting for your guys and gals!!

Congrats!!! How did you find out???

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Congrats!!! How did you find out???

I received an email asking me to call in. After the sixth or seventh call, I spoke with the program director of the Asia-Pacific program who informed me that "additional funding" was now available for the region I applied to. Are you waiting on the list too, top5678? Best of luck!!!

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I'm going to Germany! I got moved up from alternate status for Germany Research by snail mail to my permanent address. It was postmarked April 22. I did not receive an email at all. I know sydneyviscous is an alternate as well, so just letting you know.

I am so siked, my god... Is there anyone else who received a Germany Research? I searched the thread and couldn't find any, just ETAs. Orientation for Research is not in K

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There is hope, Alternates. I just got word that I'm off the alternate's list for Thailand. "Additional funding" became available and they're offering me a full grant. Stay optimistic, alternates! I'm rooting for your guys and gals!!

OD09- When did you first hear you were an alternate to Thailand? I am trying to gauge the time frame of when alternates find out. Obviously, we cannot guess when more money becomes available but how long do principals have to accept/decline their grants? I found out I was an alternate in a letter dated April 16, so I am thinking if I don't hear by mid-May all hope is lost.

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I received an email asking me to call in. After the sixth or seventh call, I spoke with the program director of the Asia-Pacific program who informed me that "additional funding" was now available for the region I applied to. Are you waiting on the list too, top5678? Best of luck!!!

Yes, I am on the wait list too, but for a different country. It is for an ETA position, I found out that I am high on the alternate list. The country initally sent out letters postmarked on March 26, so I figure that if I did get moved to principal status, I will either get the envelope, and email, or a call soon since it's been about a month...hopefully... haha

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I'm going to Germany! I got moved up from alternate status for Germany Research by snail mail to my permanent address. It was postmarked April 22. I did not receive an email at all. I know sydneyviscous is an alternate as well, so just letting you know.

I am so siked, my god... Is there anyone else who received a Germany Research? I searched the thread and couldn't find any, just ETAs. Orientation for Research is not in K

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I'm going to Germany! I got moved up from alternate status for Germany Research by snail mail to my permanent address. It was postmarked April 22. I did not receive an email at all. I know sydneyviscous is an alternate as well, so just letting you know.

I am so siked, my god... Is there anyone else who received a Germany Research? I searched the thread and couldn't find any, just ETAs. Orientation for Research is not in K

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I'm going to Germany! I got moved up from alternate status for Germany Research by snail mail to my permanent address. It was postmarked April 22. I did not receive an email at all. I know sydneyviscous is an alternate as well, so just letting you know.

I am so siked, my god... Is there anyone else who received a Germany Research? I searched the thread and couldn't find any, just ETAs. Orientation for Research is not in K

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You'd be right on the other acceptances thus far being NAF grants. I'd take the fact that you haven't heard anything yet as a positive. What was your proposal about? Seriously, hang in there.

I'm trying to stay positive but it's not looking good! I called yesterday and was told that the letters were sent out two weeks ago and mine just got lost in the mail. I have a feeling that if I had gotten it, she would have just told me outright, since there's only a limited time to accept. Oh well! I'll be moving to Japan instead, which isn't too shabby. :)

My proposal was to study attitudes toward the immigration debate among high schoolers in Utrecht. What was your proposal?

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Somehipcat, I'm very sorry to hear that you got bad news with regard to Italy. I still haven't heard anything...I keep checking the mail, but no news.

Don't give up--there's always next year; for so many people on this forum, this is round two (or three) and they've had great success. I know it sucks to think about going through this process again, but I'm sure if you ask any of those folks, they'll tell you it was worth it!

Good luck with your future plans! You have a great project, don't give it up!

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For all those who are alternates and are wondering why they are alternates you could email the fulbright office abroad or the embassy and ask them. I emailed the Albanian embassy and they said that "your project was not in line with Post's priorities this year." However, me and my Fulbright advisor think that the reason why I got dinged was because my topic may be sensitive "Marital violence data via interviewing." I mean this is such an important topic, and I recieved TWO letters of affiliation from two highly regarded professors from two different universities saying that they would love to work with me and that this project is important considering marital violence rates are estimated at 30%. This project was definately feasible since I speak and write fluently. It bothers me to think that I could've really contributed something great but was rejected because of sensitivity issues. I would be angry if someone who proposed historical projects recieved the grant over me, considering this is an important contemporary issue that affects the lives of most women. Although, the public affairs officer wrote "We of course would consider you again next year should you choose to apply to Albania," I don't know how realistic that is since they rejected me for this proposal once, and I would not change it because they see it as politically incorrect.

Any ideas on what I should do. Should I have professors write letters to the embassy and fulbright asking for additional funding?

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For all those who are alternates and are wondering why they are alternates you could email the fulbright office abroad or the embassy and ask them. I emailed the Albanian embassy and they said that "your project was not in line with Post's priorities this year." However, me and my Fulbright advisor think that the reason why I got dinged was because my topic may be sensitive "Marital violence data via interviewing." I mean this is such an important topic, and I recieved TWO letters of affiliation from two highly regarded professors from two different universities saying that they would love to work with me and that this project is important considering marital violence rates are estimated at 30%. This project was definately feasible since I speak and write fluently. It bothers me to think that I could've really contributed something great but was rejected because of sensitivity issues. I would be angry if someone who proposed historical projects recieved the grant over me, considering this is an important contemporary issue that affects the lives of most women. Although, the public affairs officer wrote "We of course would consider you again next year should you choose to apply to Albania," I don't know how realistic that is since they rejected me for this proposal once, and I would not change it because they see it as politically incorrect.

Any ideas on what I should do. Should I have professors write letters to the embassy and fulbright asking for additional funding?

Mkurti, with all respect, I think pushing them on this is a bad idea. You've asked them why you were an alternate and they have told you -- while your goals and Fulbright's goals are not mutually exclusive, they are not 100% in alignment. The primary goal of the Fulbright comission is cross-cultural understanding and exchange, not only what you consider important research. (And your research does sound important; I do not mean to imply that it does not; but Fulbright is clear that it is not out to address controversial issues.)

I personally think that having professors write letters to the embassy and Fulbright asking for additional funding is a bit foolish, in that it implies disrespect for those making the decisions at Fulbright. I do applaud your desire to make this happen, one way or another -- that will serve you very, very well in conducting research in a foreign country. But blatantly questioning the decision-making of a funding agency is not going to put you on their good side, and is unlikely to result in their requisitioning additional funding for you. Just my two cents. I do wish you luck in completing your research.

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Also, mkurti, keep your chin up as an alternate -- one of my friends was recently moved from alternate to principle status, and we're reading about the same thing happening to lots of people on this board everyday. And it is possible to get a Fulbright for research that they consider potentially sensitive or controversial -- I have a friend who got a Fulbright 2 years ago to study street children in Brazil, and I have just been funded to study community activism in a red-light district in India. Obviously, they think there is something to your research, or you wouldn't be an alternate, so I don't think reapplying next year, if necessary, means you won't get it. I would suggest tempering the potentially sensitive nature of your proposal with clear statements, particularly in the personal essay, about enjoying the culture of Albania and wanting to spend time there as a respectful representative of America. Given the importance of this 'cultural ambassador' part of the Fulbright, a good way to go about this is to say "I love Albania and want to spend time there getting to know local people and sharing/comparing our cultural experiences, and while I do that I am going to conduct this very important, significant research project about domestic violence" (of course, dress up the language a bit :) ). It keeps your project intact, as you want it, while highlighting the ways in which your goals and the goals of Fulbright overlap.

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