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Fulbright 2009-2010


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Im sooo tired of waiting :( Weird thing happend. I originally applied for an ETA to Nepal. I recived a call in late fall asking if I would be interested in another South Asian country, if I was not choose for Nepal - of course I said yes. Yesterday, I realized I had the wrong address on my application so I went to my original application (online) to check it out and it was changed from Nepal to Bangledesh. I know I didnt choose that accidently because it was not even an option at the time of submission -- so looks like they are considering me for Bangledesh..

Weird huh?

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I just called Jonathan Akeley's desk regarding HK ETA results. A woman answered, and she was pretty short with me when I asked if they had any idea when we'd be receiving notification (they're probably sick of all the calls). It took me several tries to interject during her long "each country works at their own pace, we don't push them to make their decisions quickly, etc." spiel before I was able to confirm that our applications are, indeed, still in HK (or with the FSB - she seemed to be mixing up the two). Looks like we've got several more weeks of waiting to come.

I'm stressing out 'cause I'm already several weeks into the matriculation process of another program. They'll allow me to defer for Fulbright, but I still don't want to lead them on and defer at the very last minute, though it looks like I may have to if all things work out on the Fulbright end.

Well I know for a fact that Hong Kong has made a decision; they are just waiting for the FSB to approve them. I don't know if they group China and Hong Kong in the same category but my advisor said that she heard it would be sent out next week. Jonathan told me himself it would be by mid April so it'll probably be then.

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Well I know for a fact that Hong Kong has made a decision; they are just waiting for the FSB to approve them. I don't know if they group China and Hong Kong in the same category but my advisor said that she heard it would be sent out next week. Jonathan told me himself it would be by mid April so it'll probably be then.

Yeah, the next week thing was corroborated for China by someone at one of the language programs affiliated with the CLEA. She seemed to be fairly sure that we should hear next week.

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Im sooo tired of waiting :( Weird thing happend. I originally applied for an ETA to Nepal. I recived a call in late fall asking if I would be interested in another South Asian country, if I was not choose for Nepal - of course I said yes. Yesterday, I realized I had the wrong address on my application so I went to my original application (online) to check it out and it was changed from Nepal to Bangledesh. I know I didnt choose that accidently because it was not even an option at the time of submission -- so looks like they are considering me for Bangledesh..

Weird huh?

Wow..that is really weird. How you do feel about possibly going to a different country than you originally planned?

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Wow..that is really weird. How you do feel about possibly going to a different country than you originally planned?

To be honest, Bangladesh is the last contry out of South Asian countries I want to go to, but I do want to be in South Asia, so I dont think I would turn it down...but yeah, its not the original place I wanted...

i wish they would send out results already!!

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Has anyone heard anything from Italy???

Hey! I'm still waiting on Italy too. I applied for an ETA position but no word yet as far as I know. I'm living in Argentina right now, but I gave Fulbright my address in the States-- so it may be a while before I hear anything. Let me know if you do! Good Luck!!

P.S. Samma, I've been living in Buenos Aires for the last year and it's awesome. You have a lot to look forward to in Argentina!

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Hi everyone,

So I applied for an ETA to Germany and afterwards realized I made the dumbest mistake ever. After reaching finalist status, I filled out the supplemental PAD application but did not include the essays in German. I just got back a notification from Fulbright, and, not surprisingly, I've been placed on the alternate list. I feel so incredibly stupid for forgetting those essays. My scholarship advisor says it's too late to send in anything now. Basically, my questions are:

Is there any type of priority ranking in the alternate list?

How many people are on it for Germany?

Have I basically screwed up my chances for getting it?

If anyone has any answers whatsoever (or anything that just might make me feel better :( ) I'd really appreciate it!

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Im sooo tired of waiting :( Weird thing happend. I originally applied for an ETA to Nepal. I recived a call in late fall asking if I would be interested in another South Asian country, if I was not choose for Nepal - of course I said yes. Yesterday, I realized I had the wrong address on my application so I went to my original application (online) to check it out and it was changed from Nepal to Bangledesh. I know I didnt choose that accidently because it was not even an option at the time of submission -- so looks like they are considering me for Bangledesh..

Weird huh?

wow, that sucks. Nepal and Bangladesh are not alike! if you get an ETA grant in Bangladesh, i'm sure you will still have an incredible year, but it stinks that that's not where you want to be. and it's really weird that they never actually told you this! that's pretty obnoxious.

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for those of you who have to make a decision by the April 15 grad school financial aid deadline:

i talked to my major advisor today about graduation, and i mentioned that i was still waiting to hear from Fulbright. she told me that another person in my major last year applied for a Fulbright and was freaking out because he had to confirm some things for financial aid by April 15. apparently he kept calling the IIE office, and after he explained his situation multiple times, they referred him to other people. on April 14, he finally called to beg and refused to get off the phone--he was on the phone long enough and talked to enough people that they finally told him, "unofficially," the decision regarding his application. i don't necessarily recommend that you do this, but just so you know, if you're really in a bind, it's always an option to beg...

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Hi everyone,

So I applied for an ETA to Germany and afterwards realized I made the dumbest mistake ever. After reaching finalist status, I filled out the supplemental PAD application but did not include the essays in German. I just got back a notification from Fulbright, and, not surprisingly, I've been placed on the alternate list. I feel so incredibly stupid for forgetting those essays. My scholarship advisor says it's too late to send in anything now. Basically, my questions are:

Is there any type of priority ranking in the alternate list?

How many people are on it for Germany?

Have I basically screwed up my chances for getting it?

If anyone has any answers whatsoever (or anything that just might make me feel better :( ) I'd really appreciate it!

Having made many incredibly stupid and careless mistakes with grave consequences myself, I definitely feel your pain. Don't be too hard on yourself- shit happens and that's life. I feel like someone at IIE would be understanding of your mistake and may still accept your essays in German. I would call IIE and talk to as many people as possible and try to explain the situation. It is better for them to think that your forgot to include your essay rather than thinking that you didn't bother to even write it. If you can't get anyone on the phone, I would send emails to as many people as possible at IIE and at Germany's Fulbright office. It would be good to attach the German essays to the emails too. It may not help, but I don't think it will hurt either. At least someone may notice that you care enough to go through all this effort.

If all that fails, I would go to http://www.fmylife.com and make a post about this situation and read about how other people have done stupid things themselves. It always makes me feel better. What would life be without such "fmylife" moments?

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wow, that sucks. Nepal and Bangladesh are not alike! if you get an ETA grant in Bangladesh, i'm sure you will still have an incredible year, but it stinks that that's not where you want to be. and it's really weird that they never actually told you this! that's pretty obnoxious.

Talked to Charles, he said they are considering me for Bangladesh..not happy at all :( Applied to Nepal..would have been ok with India..but kidna sad about Bangladesh ( to be honest). Not that I still would not have a good time, but was looking to be in a more Hindu country, since I study sanskrit and have taken a lot of course in these areas..darn :(

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Talked to Charles, he said they are considering me for Bangladesh..not happy at all :( Applied to Nepal..would have been ok with India..but kidna sad about Bangladesh ( to be honest). Not that I still would not have a good time, but was looking to be in a more Hindu country, since I study sanskrit and have taken a lot of course in these areas..darn :(


I intially applied to Nepal for an ETA and received the same call from Charles informing me I was being considered for other countries. I just checked my online application, and it appears the country name has been changed from Nepal to India.

I am curious whether the program in Nepal will still run as expected, especially considering the political tension in the Valley.

Good luck to all, still, in this tangle of a process.

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I am curious whether the program in Nepal will still run as expected, especially considering the political tension in the Valley.

aaahhh! that better not be true!! because they definitely cannot switch around the research grantees (we made connections with people in the country; i'll be working with a professor in Kathmandu University, if i get the Fulbright). omg that would be horrible if they cancelled the Nepal Fulbrights. :( i think it's more likely that Nepal only has 2 ETA spots, more ETA positions opened up in Bangladesh and India, and there were so many qualified ETA applicants that they decided to spread them around and give them an opportunity in another country rather than in Nepal (or at least I hope so!). but that sucks A LOT for you guys to be considered for a country you didn't apply to, but i'm sure you will have an incredible year in India or Bangladesh, if you get it.

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I am absolutely DYING to here results from France.

Can anyone post if they've already heard from Western Europe (not ETA, but for research) in any fashion? Any updates on when we will know? I don't have super legitimate reasons to call up IIE, so I'm just checking my post office box every day with a pit in my stomach.

good luck everyone!

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in waiting for this notification and monitoring this forum, i believe i have finally reached peace of mind. after experiencing much anxiety and checking this site multiple times a day, my rationale for chilling out is a rhetorical question: why spend so much time worrying about something that might not even happen?

i understand this is harder for those applying for grad school and needing to meet deadlines. the results are pouring in already; it is just a matter of time.

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After 6 weeks of obsessive forum monitoring, I'm finally posting here. It's been really helpful knowing I'm not the only one in this interminable limbo.

I'm waiting to hear about Sub-Saharan Africa. applesandoranges, thanks for posting the email from Jermaine Jones. It helped a lot to read something specific, but also upped the anxiety level (hard to believe it could go any higher!). Nothing arrived in the mail today. And I live on the East Coast, so I was hopeful.

Any news for others to Africa?

And here's a question: What's the proper terminology for this thing, if you're going for a research grant? I know the shorthand is just Fulbright ("I got a Fulbright to India, woo-hoo!"). But properly, is it a Fulbright grant, a Fulbright fellowship, what? Does anyone know?

Trying to find distractions now...

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Hi everyone! I just received an acceptance for a research grant to Ghana, postmarked April 9th. I live on the East Coast, so perhaps the other Sub-Saharan Africa notifications will arrive early next week...?

Just wondering - has anyone heard back from Cambodia?

Good luck!

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