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hey, count me in the waiting club!

and for those of you who got in, congrats!!!

for thos of you who got waitlisted.... I'm truly sorry to hear that.... but at least you can get your priorities straight.

keep the heads up!

rejected but among less than 5% encouraged to reapply after gaining work experience :\

I got that letter from Tufts two years ago. Since then, I've spent six months on language studies abroad and a year and a half working. I didn't retake the GRE (and didn't pick up any formal certificate or grades from the language school), kept one recommender - and this year I got accepted there (and at SIPA, where I didn't apply in the previous round). When schools send those letters, they mean it, so don't lose hope.


I'm not totally gutted - everything happens for a reason and I'm sure something else on the work front will work out. I just wish I wasn't so invested in a career in development/non-profit, because the type of work I want to do is severely low-paid. And apparently I'm only qualified to work for free... haha

Also rejected at GPPI, but at least I was waitlisted at UChicago... :P


Who's still waiting? My guess is that they will make decisions today and let us know tomorrow.


I'm still waiting too, Jeppe... I hope you're right and that this waiting game will be over tomorrow.


SIPA has made the rest of the decisions. They just need to wrap everything up and sent out the responses. I know this because I got past the student phone drones on Friday. Oh and a few more students will get fellowships so hold tight!


The worst of it is, I'm like 10 hours ahead of NY. So I actually have the pleasure of waiting the entire DAY for SIPA to wake and start making decisions... Don't ask me for logic, but it seems almost like I wait TWO days for one to pass :(

"97% of admission decisions have been sent out and for those of you who have yet to hear, we appreciate your patience as we wrap up the final few details."

Taken from the SIPA admissions blog (http://rtl.lamp.columbia.edu/sites/sipa/).

I'm in that lucky 3%. FML.

I would rather be in the lucky 3% who get good funding ...


WishinnHoping, same for me... it's 3AM... I should be going to bed already, but I know I can't sleep... I thought I'm over this (I'm in SAIS), but everyone around me keeps bugging me about SIPA...

and thanks for the 3% info. I keep jumping up every time I get their blog entry e-mail. How lucky we are to be the last 3%!!!


Oh maaaan. It's tuesday already. When oh when are they going to send the results OUT? See how the two day wait works? I now have to wait till night (and try to concentrate on work till then) for SIPA to wake up and start things. Then, their tuesday runs into my wednesday :(

Whoever invented time zones did not see this coming.

Couldn't they just have rolled everything out together? Like given us a later date (like say for example the 15)? Then there would have been so much lesser torture.

Ok rant over. I woke up with knots in my tummy and checked the website and my mail early morning. So now I'm grouchy and on edge cos theres nothing. Ugh. There had better be good news at the end of this tunnel. Like really good news. :evil:


Yeah, I agree. It must be some 20 some odd people.

Did anyone in this 3% group have a problem submitting their application? Mine was listed as incomplete up until early February, despite having submitted everything on time (I had to re-submit my essay for some reason). I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the reason that I'm still waiting.

Yeah, I agree. It must be some 20 some odd people.

Did anyone in this 3% group have a problem submitting their application? Mine was listed as incomplete up until early February, despite having submitted everything on time (I had to re-submit my essay for some reason). I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the reason that I'm still waiting.

I had the same issue for a number of months, so I called beginning of March to see what was up -they changed it to 'complete' and said that it was all fine since my materials were all listed as having arrived from January onwards.

Ugh, hope that such didn't hold everything up! But a valid point...

Yeah, I agree. It must be some 20 some odd people.

Did anyone in this 3% group have a problem submitting their application? Mine was listed as incomplete up until early February, despite having submitted everything on time (I had to re-submit my essay for some reason). I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the reason that I'm still waiting.

My application took longer than the usual "2 - 3 weeks" to be listed as complete, but that was about it. I wonder if the whole song and dance about "some applications take longer to review" is really true, or if they're just buying time. How confusing DID we make our apps? Are we that good? That fence-sitting? Do they want to load us with fellowships but can't decide where to find all the money?

Although, come to think of it, it's not really an outflow... it's revenue foregone. Bah. I'm going back to designing my SPV.


Mine application has been complete since late January, and I'm among the 3% group.

I actually called the office today, and asked about notifications. The person I spoke too said I should have heard something, then put me on hold, and told me that things are still being finalized, and that I should keep on checking for the email, and that hopefully it should come in the next few days.

So I guess FSIA is right that the decisions have been made, they just have to do whatever it is they do before releasing them.

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