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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2013

Mike D.

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How is it that only brand new members are posting results? o.O I super hope results will be given out soon, and it would be great if Doc wasn't trolling, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Nerd_For_Life
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Also, I think everyone who has won an award should post their score and stats like other years (discipline, year of study, pubs, conferences, and/or anything else that might have contributed to their success). And yeah, I'm still pretty sure we have a couple trolls on our hands. LAME if so, but I hope they are genuine. I come from a discipline based on the inherent corruptibility of humanity, so please forgive me. 

Edited by sugarcoatedsour
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The letter that I received was sent to a very select few. I’m sure that different schools have different approaches to doling out sensitive info. like this. I don’t want to (and I won’t) say more about this before SSHRC makes the results widely available. Just know that some folks are already celebrating or cursing their luck.


I’ve visited this forum for several months now, but I wasn’t inclined to start an account and post until I saw the negative reactions to Dotlock’s note (congrats Dot!). I’m no troll, just a fellow procrastinator. I hope that everyone receives their results soon, that everyone is successful, and that we all live happily ever after.


Also, we’re all adults, yes? Enough of the troll talk - we don't need that here. You wouldn’t speak that way to a colleague, would you?

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No, I wouldn't speak that way to colleague, but you're not a colleague. There's very simple ways to counter this generalized skepticism. If you would simply give some tidbit of info to put this 'letter sent to a select few' in context, it would help put the argument to rest. It simply doesn't make sense why one person would know while everyone else has heard nothing. Other people who've asked their grad advisors/grad faculty have been met with the response that even the 'secure site' has no info, and that's the only possible way one might hear before receiving a letter. Are you privy to information from someone on an adjudication committee? That's the only way it would make sense, IMO. 

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I've been following this thread for a few days now. I'd like to say that given it is literally pretty much any time now that results will turn up in our mailboxes, I'm not sure why it matters whether someone may have heard something or through what means they heard it. It is entirely possible that they have now.  Further, without knowing how the SSHRC alert system or university notices work, or who knows who, there's zero grounds upon which to call someone a troll or be otherwise insulting. I mean, really, we're talking days here.

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Well, if it is a trolling escapade, it is a rather poorly chosen one! 


This is not exactly off-topic neither is this a very challenging environment for eliciting emotional responses, particularly on this topic!!!!


If it is news coming from someone on the adjudication committee:

a) why is it in a letter format (and not word of mouth)

B) it would be beyond unprofessional!!!! - as in we all want to/need to know, and we all are patiently or impatiently are waiting.


So to think that a member of the adjudication committee would let an applicant know in advance of the official release of the results would put in question the fairness of the competition itself! 


So if Dot and Raq are being honest and are indeed receiving genuine info I think there may be some cause to have their posts/accounts forwarded to someone at SSHRC who deals with questions of integrity and investigations. 


I dont know about you girls/guys but i rather not have any doubt as to whether someone got preferential treatment (received funding) as a result of having a relationship (of any kind) with a member of the committee!!!???

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I've been following this thread for a few days now. I'd like to say that given it is literally pretty much any time now that results will turn up in our mailboxes, I'm not sure why it matters whether someone may have heard something or through what means they heard it. It is entirely possible that they have now.  Further, without knowing how the SSHRC alert system or university notices work, or who knows who, there's zero grounds upon which to call someone a troll or be otherwise insulting. I mean, really, we're talking days here.


The issue of someone hearing earlier than someone else is that it starts provoking questions of fairness and bias! i suppose telling someone earlier by itself is not particularly disturbing. What is disturbing is the possibility that this is only a symptom of those people being unfairly promoted for and as a result have received funding! 


a) this is not a small amount we are talking about 

B) there isnt enough for everyone, so it is quite the zero sum game...


I guess this is in a way representative of the shroud of secrecy that surrounds the competition. Perhaps, if there was more transparency as to what is being done, how it is done, on what grounds it is being done, and when it is actually being done, we may be less apprehensive, and or anxious about the outcomes of the process!!!


But hey, maybe that's just my "lefty" views on life clouding my judgement....?

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I agree with Numbered. There is a reason that people are reacting strongly in this situation. Issues of bias, fairness, etc. are valid concerns. Also, the history of people trolling threads related to major awards and university admissions is easily observable in the majority of threads on this forum linked to major awards and admissions to major universities.


Either way, the wait goes on for the vast majority of us. I will be sure to post when I hear in hard copy that I have won an award or not won, and if I hear sooner via the university I applied through I will let you know that too (and provide details, such as: what university I've heard from, what amount the award was for, etc. etc.)

Edited by Nerd_For_Life
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It already has been a long wait and it its showing, how many of us overreact at any mention of the word sshrc. 


I bet this could not possibly be healthy for us. 


prozac here i come ... ;)


p.s. for some reason i got a hunch about this friday for a tweet from, they that shall remain unnamed...

though if i must be honest, i have been having this same hunch every friday for the past 2 weeks. lol

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No results received from the SSHRC in the university of Ottawa today. For sure they will send the results tomorrow... and then the week end will come! so nice! They could at least drop the letters for Ottawa on their way home... :)

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Hi All,


Longtime reader, first time poster.


I can confirm that there have been no SSHRC results arriving in Kingston today. My grad chair was confident that they will receive electronic communication of the results one they are mailed. 

I feel like we are all a bit like Pavlov's dogs - at the tiniest tinkling of a bell we all start salivating and freaking out. I've just tried to bury my head in my MA work but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't on my mind. I've reached the mindset where I know the decision is already made, and I know I did all I could do to make my app as attractive as possible, so I would just like to know the answer one way or another. I've already been awarded OGS so I am by no means in a situation where it wouldn't be possible for me to fund my education but my partner and I are considering our housing options next year, and he is returning to school, so we would really like to know what our budget will be (holy run on sentence batman). And by extension, if I am lucky enough to receive a SSHRC, I'd like the OGS money to land in someone else's hands sooner rather than later.


Anyway, that is my rant.


I'll be sending all the good vibes your way and hoping that everyone ends up in a situation that best suits them. 

Edited by bluestockingmuse
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My letter came in the mail yesterday. It was a rejection because they feel that my topic is too health-related. Apparently I need to apply to CIHR next year. But I wanted to post to let you guys know to check your mailboxes...


The post-mark on my envelope was March 28 though - so maybe they send out the disqualified applicant's letters first...?

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My letter came in the mail yesterday. It was a rejection because they feel that my topic is too health-related. Apparently I need to apply to CIHR next year. But I wanted to post to let you guys know to check your mailboxes...


The post-mark on my envelope was March 28 though - so maybe they send out the disqualified applicant's letters first...?


Were you a direct applicant? And I assume it's PhD? 

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Were you a direct applicant? And I assume it's PhD? 


No, I applied through my university and was sent on to the national competition. Yes, I applied for PhD funding.

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