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EPA Star Fellowship 2013


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Sorry too quick on the post button, but ktravis is correct. Make sure on that question to choose the blank option from the drop down menu and then you can submit your form.

Edited by Benthon
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If you say no to the question that asks if you have changed programs, you need to select the first blank program anyway, so that you can actually get the form to submit!



This did not work for me :(

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There are two blanks. I actually selected the second blank and submitted.


I did as well. Still won't work. I'l try again today I guess.


Can someone explain to me the difference between entering doctoral/doctoral/continuing doctoral  and +1/+2 years. What would a first year doctoral student put? 

"Doctoral" = you have been accepted into a doctoral program. "continuing doctoral" = you have completed 1 or more years as a doctoral student.  I have completed 2 years and am into my third, so I selected "continuing +2". I think that is correct. Not that it matters, I have yet to successfully submit my poll.

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I got my poll to submit. I started completely over and selected the 2nd blank. It wouldn't work until I started over. If anyone is still having issue with it, I recommend starting over as well.

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If they keep the awards at 80, everyone that is left has about a 50% chance of getting the award. I was told a few weeks ago, that there were about 160 applicants that made it to the internal review. Now, since the budget plays a huge role, I don't know what the new probability could be. It could be higher, given some individuals have matriculated out of the award or are no longer in school, or it could be lower, given the budget restricts funding. 

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Welp, another week gone by and no word. From past experience, I know that they alert you of failure via mail, but how do they go about notifying awardees? Does anyone know?

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I believe that if you are an awardee they call you and send you an email I think. This is kind of torture. I hope its over soon with good news for all of us!

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I believe that if you are an awardee they call you and send you an email I think. This is kind of torture. I hope its over soon with good news for all of us!

This is kind of what I'd suspected, but having never received a STAR fellowship, and not knowing anyone who has, I really had no idea. 

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I emailed Brandon last week in hopes of getting an update on the EPA's estimated timeline, and his response was as follows:


"No Timeline as of yet, but we are moving forward with the data collected from the poll. Forward is good!!


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