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PhD applications for 2013-2014 chit chat...


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We must have all overestimated the importance of the GRE since someone who scored 80th percentile on the Verbal got into UNC and an interview at Duke.


Fail, I accidentally put my verbal score into my quant spot... I think it's the shock. 

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We must have all overestimated the importance of the GRE since someone who scored 80th percentile on the Verbal got into UNC and an interview at Duke.


I was thinking the same thing. One of the Emory interviews is also sub 160; that was a bit surprising. Perhaps it should make us all more hopeful as more results begin to come out. The quantitative scores, however, are certainly higher than mine--maybe a cause for concern?

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I was thinking the same thing. One of the Emory interviews is also sub 160; that was a bit surprising. Perhaps it should make us all more hopeful as more results begin to come out. The quantitative scores, however, are certainly higher than mine--maybe a cause for concern?

Just curious -- how do you know the GRE scores for accepted applicants? They haven't listed it on the results search.

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Also, does anyone know if Emory releases all their invites at the same time? Or is possible that not all subfields have sent out their final invites yet? Grasping at straws, I know. Le sigh.

Edited by Sihara
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While I am very excited for the people who were invited to interview with Emory, I also kind of want to sit in a dark room and drink whisky forever. 


Does anyone know if interview invites correspond to rejections for everyone else? And if so, will this be reflected on the application website? I just need to see it in black and white.

Last year a good friend had an interview at Emory (NT) and didn't end up getting a slot. She became an alternate (waitlist) and was eventually rejected. If you haven't heard anything soonish I would expect you will be eventually denied. 




Not to build any false hope, but I have a friend (I promise s/he exists) who didn't get an interview at Emory, but was still placed on a waitlist, and was eventually accepted in April with full funding. I know this is rare, but this was just last year.

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Not to build any false hope, but I have a friend (I promise s/he exists) who didn't get an interview at Emory, but was still placed on a waitlist, and was eventually accepted in April with full funding. I know this is rare, but this was just last year.

I know of someone that happened to as well. However, I saw they invited 5 people in HB this year. If they did the same for all specialties, then the chances that someone not invited will get in off the waitlist are basically nil. Duke is a different story. I know people here currently who didn't get an invite and ended up in the program. 

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I know of someone that happened to as well. However, I saw they invited 5 people in HB this year. If they did the same for all specialties, then the chances that someone not invited will get in off the waitlist are basically nil. Duke is a different story. I know people here currently who didn't get an invite and ended up in the program. 

can you explain this logic?

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For anyone wondering, I have confirmed that all Duke NT interview requests have gone out.


Is there a way to know if this includes all other areas as well? e.g. has Xn Theological Studies been decided?

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you put rejected from Emory in your profile, did you receive a rejection letter or are you just assuming rejection?


Just assuming. 

can you explain this logic?

Well, I'm guessing they don't have 5 slots available. It's hard to imagine them accepting more than 2 or 3 people in a year. So, that would leave 2 or 3 people who got interviewed but didn't get an initial offer. I'm guessing that the waitlist will be populated with those people first (assuming they didnt have a terrible interview or something), leaving maybe 1 or 2 waitlist spots for the non-invited. The odds of them working their way down to someone not invited seems slim. That's just a guess, though. 

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any news from notre dame yet?  and your gre score talk is really freaking me out.  i got a 161 verbal; 150 quant; and 4 (a 4, the horror) on the gre.  when i took it in 2001 i got 740 analytical, 640 verbal and 610 math and got into master's programs at notre dame, harvard, boston u, emory, and loyola chicago.  ph.d. is a whole other ball game i guess.

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any news from notre dame yet?  and your gre score talk is really freaking me out.  i got a 161 verbal; 150 quant; and 4 (a 4, the horror) on the gre.  when i took it in 2001 i got 740 analytical, 640 verbal and 610 math and got into master's programs at notre dame, harvard, boston u, emory, and loyola chicago.  ph.d. is a whole other ball game i guess.


Don't worry, GREs aren't everything. I've seen people get interviews with lower scores than people who didn't. It's the whole package. Despair should always be saved for April 15th. :D

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Not to build any false hope, but I have a friend (I promise s/he exists) who didn't get an interview at Emory, but was still placed on a waitlist, and was eventually accepted in April with full funding. I know this is rare, but this was just last year.


coffeekid, I notice that your doing your MTS at Vanderbilt. Do you know if they're planning on accepting applications in HACTOR next year? I wanted to apply this year, but they said they were doing some restructuring. 

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coffeekid, I notice that your doing your MTS at Vanderbilt. Do you know if they're planning on accepting applications in HACTOR next year? I wanted to apply this year, but they said they were doing some restructuring. 


I heard the same thing regarding some restructuring in HACTOR, but nothing definitive. I'm friends with the last HACTOR student they accepted, two years and a half years ago (2010) I believe. I emailed him just now to see if he has any news about his departments. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

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