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Structural Engineering Admission's Process Fall 2013


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Hello for everyone. I am an international student and I got the admission letter from the Berkeley Dean 2 weeks ago. I applied for PhD in SEMM (UCB). I put this info before but it's only to keep you posted. About UIUC I received an unofficial admission but the official admission will be sent on April according to my Faculty contact. Good luck for all!

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Evolution - I visited UCSD a couple weeks back, and I'm seriously considering going there.  They were a good reminder that US News Rankings aren't perfect, in that their facilities and program seemed really really impressive, I would have thought they were a Top 10 program easily.  Brand new building, interesting faculty, a lot of interesting research, particularly if you're into seismic stuff.


Also, they don't have mosquitoes.  That's really tempting all by itself.


At the moment, they're my first choice (out of two good programs).  But funding is really important, and if I end up somehow getting something more financially viable... well... money talks.  This may sound a bit obvious, but I only applied to places I wanted to attend.


Are you considering them yourself?  Where are you in this whole hectic application process?

Edited by JPeterman
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Haha yeah I visited them a couple weeks ago too. Open house? I was there. I agree with you regarding flaws in the U.S. News Rankings, but I think the main factor in UCSD's absence from top 10 rankings is that they have a "Structural Engineering" department, which doesn't get ranked in "Civil Engineering". I would definitely say they are in the top 10 for structures. Likewise, funding is really important to me. After the open house, I had a few extra days to kill in San Diego (my flight didn't leave till Saturday) so I tried meeting with a few profs on campus. I could only meet with 2 out of 3 that I wanted to see and both said that they just don't take many master's students because of how short the degree is. One prof (Shing) said he has only advised 2 master's students in the past and they both did research with him as undergrads. So they technically started and finished a 2.5-3 year research project with him. The other prof (Uang) said he has never worked with master's. The projects at UCSD are simply much larger so they require more time and, therefore, a PhD student. I'm just assuming I won't get a research position at SD and will just have to TA or be incredibly poor. I've been accepted to UW-Madison (my undergrad school) and have a strong possibility of a great research project with funding, so that's on my mind. I just feel like it's a cop-out if I stay at the same school without exploring, but I also have the option of not coming out of grad school $60K+ in debt. Still waiting on UIUC but I have little hope left there. What other schools are you looking at? If you're the one I'm thinking of, you also applied to North Carolina and Austin?

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I'm probably the one you're thinking of then.  Tallish-purple-shirt-talking-a-lot guy.  Texas (my undergrad school) rejected me last week.  Still haven't heard from anyone else.


I was speaking to a friend of mine who is at UCSD in structures right now.  He seems happy, but mentioned that the program is really theoretical, and said I should "only come there if I know I want to do earthquake stuff," or something to that effect.


I'm still waiting on Georgia Tech, NCSU, and Columbia.  Current plan is to bug them for status updates on Friday if I haven't heard by then.


Everything I saw of campus and San Diego was really really beautiful, by the way.  I forget that things can be so... green.

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I have seen a lot of rejections for Master in Structures at UCB. Has anybody received any acceptance until now?


For Master, there were 2 acceptances posted, one on Feb. 22, and another one on Feb. 27.


For Ph.D., there was an acceptance posted by a domestic student on Feb. 21, and Lebiatan who told us he got his acceptance too.

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I have seen a lot of rejections for Master in Structures at UCB. Has anybody received any acceptance until now?


Plus, when I called the responsible of graduate admissions last week, she told me they were still working on the case of International students. I let you the choice to see hope in here ;-)

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Plus, when I called the responsible of graduate admissions last week, she told me they were still working on the case of International students. I let you the choice to see hope in here ;-)

Oh man, I do not have to much hope at this point, but this waiting is still killing me.

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For UCB, they have an open house on Mar. 18th, and there were about 30+ students in the SEMM program then...they said they are expecting around 50 incoming students...


Just got the accpetance email from UIUC for Master, but w/o funding..

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For UCB, they have an open house on Mar. 18th, and there were about 30+ students in the SEMM program then...they said they are expecting around 50 incoming students...


Just got the accpetance email from UIUC for Master, but w/o funding..


Thanks for following this up.

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Still no word from UIUC for me...



For everyone accepted to MIT in the HPS program: Is anyone planning on attending the Open House?


I'm planning on going.

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Anybody is still waiting from CMU?


My POI told me it was not clear whether he would be able to make an offer or not. I guess it either means I am wait listed, or he is pending to get funds for the project he wants me to work on.

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