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Why do applications ask you to list other schools to which you're applying?

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What is the purpose of this? Will it affect the adcomm's decision?

For example, if I'm applying to a lower-ranked school (whatever that means) and list on my application that I'm also applying to Ivies, will they not accept me, thinking I won't accept their offer anyway?

I want to be honest, but I don't want to hurt my chances.


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I only have one school asking for this (Stanford, ek), and I've been wondering the same question. They might just be interested for varying reasons, but I'm a little worried that they might want to see it to assure that you're not a better fit somewhere else. Like, if your primary focus is one field, and they are a good fit, but another program is a better fit, they might reject you assuming you should go there... I think I'm being totally paranoid about this.

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I want to know as well. I feel like if they do actually take it into consideration (and I'm not saying they don't) that it's just cruel. School X can't possibly know that School Y (despite perhaps being a better fit and higher ranked) will accept me or that I wouldn't prefer School X because their funding is WAY better, closer to people I love, whatever. It makes me feel really powerless in my own decision-making and I think this is the part of the application that actually makes me the most neurotic. And most(/all?) of my schools are asking for it.

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Cornell's app asks if you have any dependents and their names and ages... this freaks me out too. Will I not be considered because I now have a child and therefore will be considered a liability? ACK!!

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Cornell's app asks if you have any dependents and their names and ages... this freaks me out too. Will I not be considered because I now have a child and therefore will be considered a liability? ACK!!

I saw that and had a brief litigious moment (and I don't even have children). They can't ask that! But they totally can. It can't possibly be an admissions factor.

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Cornell's app asks if you have any dependents and their names and ages... this freaks me out too. Will I not be considered because I now have a child and therefore will be considered a liability? ACK!!

Is it legal to do that? I know little to nothing about the law surrounding this, but that seems strange to me. I guess maybe they're just curious about it, or maybe it's for statistical purposes. I can't imagine it would keep you out.

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Is it legal to do that? I know little to nothing about the law surrounding this, but that seems strange to me. I guess maybe they're just curious about it, or maybe it's for statistical purposes. I can't imagine it would keep you out.

As I noted above: yes. This isn't technically a job application process.

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  • 3 months later...

I left that section blank in my application. One prof I spoke to, told me to apply to other schools, too, but that was never the plan. And if I got accepted into another school, even if it's Yale or Princeton or Columbia, I wouldn't have gone.

So I left that section out. I always wondered whether it would count for or against me. Yes, they can't see who they are competing with and the Chair might remember me mentioning that this wasn't about doing a PhD all over again, so they should (in my opinion) deduce from that blank section that I really don't want to go anywhere else. Of course they could punish me for putting all my hopes in one choice, but it shouldn't be a deciding factor in the application.

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I know that in professional programs (law and policy, specifically) schools use it to figure out a recruitment strategy and to negotiate funding.


I think in PhD programs it serves the same role.  When my Profs of Interest at various schools called to inform me of my admittances they specifically said things along the lines of, "I know you're probably getting options from elsewhere, but we're trying to put together a fellowship package to match our competitors".  This leads me to believe that it doesn't so much impact your chance of admissions, but lets the committee know who they are competing with to get you on their campus.  


So, I applied to a lot of programs known to offer luxurious funding packages.  The less resource-rich schools to which I applied are now offering me more money because they still want to beat out the programs with greater resources.  In sum, listing the other programs to which you are applying helps you with funding (given that the adcoms at various schools expect you'll be accepted not only by them, but other top programs).




Hope this helps!

Edited by ProspectStu8735
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I had no clue why this question was asked and since it was always optional, I always left it blank. I mean yeah, on the positive end it might mean more funding and incentives if a school sees that you might be getting offers from lots of other great programs... but on the negative, they might assume that you'll pass on their program automatically if they have a hunch you'll get into a more prestigious program.

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I had no clue why this question was asked and since it was always optional, I always left it blank. I mean yeah, on the positive end it might mean more funding and incentives if a school sees that you might be getting offers from lots of other great programs... but on the negative, they might assume that you'll pass on their program automatically if they have a hunch you'll get into a more prestigious program.


Oh thank god I am not the only one who left it blank.


And congrats on all your acceptances! Do you know which one you'll choose?

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A professor once told me to fill that part out because it made colleges compete over you! For example, if you apply to all, or most, of the Ivies you will be most likely accepted into the program of your choice. Not to mention, the school will probably also fund your studies.

Your research interests also state a lot about you. If that school is highly interested in becoming the first one to pursue investigations about "X" subject, they will fight over having you!

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A professor once told me to fill that part out because it made colleges compete over you! For example, if you apply to all, or most, of the Ivies you will be most likely accepted into the program of your choice. Not to mention, the school will probably also fund your studies.


Ivies will fund all incoming students at the same level (as I stated above). I've heard of very few exceptions to this, mostly having to do with students coming off of the waitlist.

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This is all great, but school's can't actually check whether you applied to the programmes you listed. You could say that you applied to Harvard, Yale and Stanford in all three apps, when in fact you only applied to one. How will they know?

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